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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. should have taken her plate number and called the cops. that's attempted murder, brotha!
  2. There is always more traction on the asphalt than in the grass. Even if you think you're going to blow a turn, look where you want to go, and lean in. 90% of the time, you'll make it.
  3. Were we at the track on the same day last year? I honestly don't remember. (Totally forgot you had my wiring jig until you just said something now btw.) I am going to just do a shitty job of bleeding the rear brake when I replace the rear MC (came in the mail yesterday). I don't want it overly sensitive anyway. For the fronts, I might drop you a line though. Just easier with a second set of hands, and I've never done it before, so guidance would certainly help. I have fluid ready and waiting.
  4. if they don't yet, they will work with you to create one. I know some guy on the WERA board was sending them measurements, and got a pin for an F2 in the mail.
  5. any idea how much (or rather, how little) it weighs?
  6. That "plastic" is usually asphalt. Not sure what klucky's use, but they do seem to slide more than grind. I am well aware that pucks aren't there to be destroyed, but I still prefer a thicker set. I'm a thin guy. The knees of my leathers tend to twist a bit on my leg, which can lead to dragging the leather on the front of my shin, rather than dragging the puck. Leather repair costs a lot more than replacing chicken hawk pucks a bit more often. As with most things, YMMV.
  7. ^ i will concede that you can change throttle cables faster, but who gets around the track faster?:bitchfight:
  8. My sister is (as of last weekend) a "champion" level Irish dancer. (think of it as the equivalent of an expert race license) Through her dance school, I have met several Hibernians. Never joined, because frankly I can drink, hang out, and be Irish without belonging to a club. Nice people for the most part, but I have encountered some wacky ones who had boarder-line racist views. I am fine with joking about racism, but these people (and it was only a handful) legitimately felt that the Italian girl and the black girl shouldn't be going to world level competition in Ireland. Of course THEIR Irish daughters should be going instead. So it's probably 90% parent politics and 10% racially motivated, but I've seen it from a (very) few Hibernians.
  9. Without seeing the bike, I vote "cup style" canyon dancer. I don't care how wide the bars are, you shouldn't be compressing the suspension so much that the bars bend! You can make your own chock out of a bed-width sheet of plywood and some 2x4 scraps. For that long of a trip, it's worth it.
  10. I just buy whatever is cheapest. It's a "part" you intend to destroy by dragging it on the ground... Unless the life is significantly longer, there's no point in spending $44 per set. If you search around, I have found $25 sets. Buy 2 to rationalize shipping. Nothing bad to say about the klucky pucks, but I currently run chicken hawks, which are quite thick, and (in my mind) keep me from dragging leathers better.
  11. I wonder if you could get a bulk discount on pit-bull trailer restraint pins. It would make your life a TON easier if the initial cost isn't oppressive. Might actually be cheaper than a pair of condor chocks. A lot of the pins work with multiple bikes (i.e. 03-08 honda 600's all take the same pins)
  12. I believe in UFO's in the sense that I believe there are sometimes objects in the sky that people are unable to identify. I doubt alien lifeforms are piloting them though. But I am sure aliens exist. The number of galaxies are virtually infinite. It would be terribly naive for us to think that we are the only intelligent life in that much space. I'm with Stephen Hawking on aliens though. To paraphrase, "any alien race that has the technology to reach our planet has the technology to destroy us at their whim. They would be the Pilgrims, and we would be the Native Americans. That didn't work out so well for them." ...although they do have casinos and minority scholarships
  13. the only problem i'm having now is where I am going to mount it. I looked up the stock mounting location, and it's between the headlights. I obviously don't have headlights, so i have to find a suitable way to hook it up. Right n ow i'm leaning toward tape and zip ties...
  14. no damage to the wires, but I was a LOT more careful putting it back together the second time after I thought that was the problem. My power commander is in the bike's tool box, so wiring runs from the tool box on the right side, back around the tank where it gets power from the battery, and then around to the left side of the bike where it plugs into... something... Anyway, the metal bracket that actually allows the seat to hold the rider's weight was sort of pinching that wire against the gas tank. All i had to do was make sure the wiring stayed wider, near the sub-frame, because the tank itself curves downward and creates more room. the only thing the bike needs to be track ready is: - 'new' rear master cylinder (old one was leaking. $9.95 on ebay. should arrive tuesday) - repair the bodywork - replace tires. Then pray it's all straight, and I should probably swap out the brake fluid and bleed the front brakes. so close, yet so far away.
  15. Middleburgh. Right around the corner from me, actually. Do you not have stands? removing and reinstalling wheels gets easier every time you do it. I actually surprised myself by how quickly I got it done last time, and then I realized, "oh... it was easier because I'm not wearing leathers"
  16. if the other brands really are significantly simpler, then that's indeed a selling point. I'm going to hang onto this bike for at least a couple more years. It has to last me until I pass the bar and land a "real" job. Call it a character flaw, but I resist the R6 koolaid. I have ridden one on a couple occasions and i felt like I was perched so high on top of the bike, it was odd. My next bike will probably be a GSXR 600, but like everything in racing, the right deal would probably change my mind.
  17. Hahaha. I am an idiot. Delete this thread. Bank angle sensor was mounted wrong. I taped over the arrow and had it sideways.
  18. it has to be the bank angle sensor cutting power to the fuel pump. I mounted the BAS after the first test, and before the problem started.
  19. upon further reading, it IS the fuel pump that's not cycling when i turn the key on. but i don't know why... other sites are saying to check the electrical connections. Sigh.
  20. Okay, i just got done with the throttle cable install chronicled in another thread. I fired the bike up, and it ran fine. idled, revved, and ran exactly as it should have. I shut the bike off and started putting some other stuff back together, and in the process, I noticed I was pinching the wires that run to the power commander. So I turned the key and cranked the engine to make sure that wasn't causing problems. Cranks, doesn't start... And what I think is more telling is I am not hearing the normal "hum" that occurs when you turn the bike on. I believe that's either the fuel pump or oil pump that primes the system for start. That is not happening. the oil light is now on, and i don't remember if it always is when you start it up, or if that's new. My first guess was that I connected a plug poorly, and it came loose after my initial test run, but having checked all the plugs, that's not it. thoughts? This is beyond frustrating, given that I just struggled for 2 days, finally finished the last job, and now have a new problem.
  21. everything is buttoned back up and working on top of that, my gauges work! I knew they were getting power and reading the fuel level and temp, but without throttle cables, I wasn't sure the tach was working. it is! That was far more work than I had anticipated, but like anything, I think it would be much easier the second time. I just hope there isn't a second time for several years. thanks for everyone's advice.
  22. going back together okay, but the throttle cables are binding right now. still messing with them to see what works... open to suggestions.
  23. GOT IT! you have to see the measures i resorted to... Pictures to follow.
  24. other than the 4 'boot' screws, is there anything else that holds the throttle bodies on? I am sure the screws have been adequately loosened, and this thing still won't budge. I'm damn near shaking the bike off the stands trying to pull on them, and i don't seem to be making any progress. Could i have overlooked some other bolt or something? my next resort is to get a ratchet strap and use that to pull upward on the damn throttle body...
  25. i gave up yesterday and went out to dinner. trying again today, but my hangover is impeding progress...
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