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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. do any of you Moto Series staff types happen to know whose address is listed on the "About us" page of their website? http://www.motoseries.com/aboutus.htm I ask because it's 2 miles from my house.
  2. Bump. although now that I look at the fact that I have it down to $100, i'm half tempted to just keep it as a spare set... But I need new tires, and am pretty broke, so...
  3. He jumped the shark on water skis. There was a motorcycle jump on happy days, (Fonzie has to lay 'er down into a bunch of cardboard boxes), but it was not over a shark.
  4. "motorcycle racing makes heroin addiction feel like a mild craving for something salty." (I stole it from someone's signature on the WERA board. I doubt they came up with it either.) "it all goes together the same way it came apart ...unless it came apart at redline." "when in doubt, throttle out. You can't lose the front if you're picking it up off the ground." "you couldn't find the race line if I painted it on the track!" - Buck Miller, former AMA racer and former NESBA control rider (responding to a guy who kept pestering him about being moved up to "I" group. Trust me, the guy had asked enough times that he deserved the response.)
  5. I bet those businesses would love it if you just taped the card over their signs instead
  6. I just shake my head at those stupid signs anymore. If there are other people around, I'll audibly say, "no guns allowed? why didn't they just put up a sign that says 'no criminals allowed' instead?" I'm sure I annoy more people than I entertain, but it makes me laugh
  7. Hoping for more, but probably about that myself.
  8. The bench racing is already getting me amped up for this season. Who wants to hang out and wrench on my bike the week of 3/11? That's "spring break," so I work M/W/Th, but am otherwise off school. Once the bike is running, I just have to find a part time job for the summer...
  9. Not sure about other counties, but cuyahoga was cheaper this year. Down to $16 per dog instead of $20 or so last year.
  10. I stopped by the Moto Series booth Friday afternoon and said hello to Todd. If I ever put my bike back together, I'll be out to race and hang out this year.
  11. I believe speedytriple carries an LC9. I know he has one, just not 100% sure that is his carry weapon.
  12. Jalexys Carlyelia I'll come up with others. The first is a felon. The second is a prostitute that was a witness. I have a list of terrible names in the back of my notebook at work.
  13. FYI, the ac issue sounds like a stuck blend door. Yours is stuck so that the ac will run, but the physical ducting isn't closing the heat duct, and flipping over to let the ac through. I had that issue with my ranger. Very labor-intensive, but a simple fix. Have to take apart the whole dash to get to the issue though. At least on a ranger. Honda might not be as bad.
  14. So should it also be unconstitutional to follow a person for 4 weeks? Doesn't the technology just save us from paying cops to follow cars 24 hours a day?
  15. Law isn't so complicated that you can't figure out most things on your own; you just have to know where to look, and it's good to have someone you can sue for malpractice if a mistake is made.
  16. which is why i said the 2012 is less ridiculous. I would really like to do a "full" north central season as well, but time (and more importantly funds) are at a premium.
  17. Maybe that's what makes it "custom?"
  18. Does moto series have an expert/novice distinction?
  19. very few people race a "full" season with WERA, or MotoSeries... There's simply too much travel, and/or too many dates. Plus I think it's more fun to spend my money on 3 races in 1 weekend, rather than 1 race over 3 separate weekends (makes your travel more worth it) MotoSeries makes things much easier, but WERA's regions are wacky (although less so for 2012) for people in Ohio. We're kind of half way between two of their regions. If you ran every race at the 5 tracks closest to Ohio, you'd be doing half your races in one region, and half in another. If you actually want to vie for a championship run, you have to concentrate on ONE region. For me, that would mean learning Grattan, and pretty much ignoring Summit Main. That said, as I noted, it's pretty rare that very many people actually attend EVERY race in their region. If you just show up at every round, and then don't crash out, you've got a decent chance at being in the top 10 for points at the end of the season. In C superstock/superbike, I finished between 5th and 11th, depending who else was on the grid that day (Steve being gone helped me get the 5th ). That's with a starting grid of 14-17 riders. I figure if I attended every race in my region, my worst finishes would be around 10th, and my best might land me on the podium if one of the faster novices crashes out. I got pretty close to a podium this season in B superbike, but again, that's more because it was a light grid (9 riders) than because I was kicking ass. Up to this point, I've chosen having fun over trying to rack up championship points. That may change after law school, the bar, and a 'real' job.
  20. I thought you were going to have a pic of the arc of the covenant that's inside one of the crates they damage fighting in the warehouse.
  21. I could be wrong, but I believe that changed when they created the "elite" membership package, and dropped the regular membership from $75 to $25. I'd check their website (which is probably still out of date...) but I think you buy for the 2011 or 2012 season now; not for a calendar year.
  22. "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar." Strictly speaking, NESBA doesn't have to offer any kind of refund on the membership. It's still valid; you just have to travel more to use it. That said, if you ask them for a prorated refund, instead of demanding one, they're not unreasonable people. I know they've already said that Mid-West members won't be charged any fees to sell their credits. Good luck.
  23. The turn pike raised the limit to 70, and this year saw fewer fatal accidents than ever before. It could happen.
  24. A friend of mine asked if I wanted to go. If I can make it, I will consider going for the 200. Otherwise they're just borrowing my trailer.
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