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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. What's weirder about that for me is that the name being used is my former boss's late father... He runs a scholarship fund and memorial golf tournament each year. http://www.ramouting.com/ (the "ram" being Robert A. Mueller) Ben - respond back and egg them on a bit.
  2. Drew Carey's older standup is actually pretty funny. The TV show made him out to be kind of 'soft' as far as his comedy was concerned, and for the paycheck, I don't really blame him. His standup stuff was much better IMHO. YOu can point to a lot of sitcom 'stars' and say the same thing. Bob Saget comes to mind right away. Drew Carey's stuff on Bernie Kosar was great though. He would start the mic stand rocking back and forth and say, "hey look, it's Bernie scrambling."
  3. Park wherever you can find a spot, and feel lucky if you do. I went 4 or 5 years ago, and it's always packed as hell. My buddy Matt won the amateur stick-fighting competition in 2004(?). We went back The next year to watch him in the expert division. He was eliminated before we found parking :-p
  4. You don't get paid if your 1st amendment rights are violated. Not much anyway. The lawyer may take home a fair amount of money is "statutory damages", because otherwise it would be impossible for poor people to stand up for their rights, but the WBC doesn't "profit" when people silence them. All they do is exploit people's emotions to generate attention. Ignore them. The more people react, the more they win. As for why they would protest these funerals, or any other; it has nothing to do with the victims and everything to do with their irrational belief that all bad things are God's punishment for our society tolerating homosexuality. the protests are to raise awareness that (supposedly) all such tragedies would stop if we'd go back to stoning the gays <eye roll>
  5. No such thing. What's the point of being young any talented if you can't have an awesome time being young and talented? For the sake of Danny's financial future, I hope he finds a balance between work & play, but living in my glass house and all...
  6. I want to "unbuild" one. Buy it as cheap as possible, and then strip off everything not required by law, or convenience. Then throw number plates on it, and a cheap belly pan, and race it when it's not a hooligan commuter.
  7. The only issue I have with gold wings are that they cost more than a damn miata, and guess which travels better?
  8. Any education program that is advertised on tv/radio is going to be over saturated.
  9. All degrees are useless. Knowledge is useful. What you do with either is what determines their value.
  10. this girl DIED because officer tubby didn't feel like chasing her. Yes, she had broken the law, but until she's convicted, she has all the same rights as you and I. Perhaps she would have been convicted, and perhaps she would have been acquitted, but whatever her crime, I doubt the punishment would have been as harsh as the result here.
  11. I flatly disagree that the police are allowed to "beat" or taser a person into submission when they're not posing a threat of harm to anyone but themselves. Furthermore, I would contend that a taser poses a relatively high risk of heart issues that traditional "tackling" or baton striking would not. While I would not deem a baton strike necessary to catch and tackle a fleeing suspect, i think it's infinitely less likely that a person would die from a single baton blow to the knee than a single taser pulse to their central body mass. If the suspect is a physical threat to the officer, or any bystanders, all bets are off, but in a situation where someone is just running away, the cops should not be allowed to use a weapon just for the sake of being lazy and not pursuing them on foot. While I'm not surprised the members of this site have taken the attitude that this woman "got what she deserved when she broke the law," I am a bit surprised that you're all so willing to blindly trust police to make such weighty judgment calls with impunity. isn't that just another form of expanding government power?
  12. No one has mentioned "Faster" have they? "the wild one" was kind of a big deal in its day. Triumph certainly did better in the USA after that.
  13. If the suspect is putting officers or the public in danger by having his or her arm under them, then tase away. If not, using a taser is just a lack of patience or skill. The notion that the police should be tasing people just because they aren't complying in a non-threatening situation is absurd. It would open the door to rampant police misconduct and over-use of Tasers. Ever been told to "move along" when police are breaking up a fight? Should they be allowed to tase you if you stick around a little too long? What about if you talk back? Or how about if you say "fuck off pig?" How about if you're tagged for speeding, pull over, and bolt? The police should only be using Tasers when they're absolutely necessary. It's for their own good (fewer incidents like this) and ours.
  14. Fitting a tire that's larger than factory recommendations is going to cost you more, add unsprung weight, and possible rub, or cause handling issues. There are plenty of good options in 160 width. (on a side note to Ryan, look into whether or not you might be exposing yourself to liability by mounting larger than stock tires)
  15. A taser should never be used to subdue a suspect or achieve compliance with an order. Tasers are supposed to be a less lethal means of defending an officer from a potentially threatening situation, like a person running toward them wielding a knife, or a 300 lbs suspect charging a 130 lbs officer. This lady had been cuffed, and presumably patted down for weapons she was running away, and as far as I can tell, not putting anyone in danger. They should have chased her instead of being lazy and using the taser.
  16. I will promise to keep you posted about the KTM days if you don't mind adding the MotoSeries events. http://www.motoseries.com/trackday_cal.htm Not a lot out your way, but Putnam would be a reasonable distance for you, and I see BeaveRun is already on the calendar.
  17. I may have remembered it from a dyno run in RRW.
  18. Thanks for posting. "KTM-Brian" said they may still announce some dates, but he couldn't disclose any more. With that said, talk to any of the Chicago area (former) NESBA riders. I know many will plan a trip or two to mid-Ohio and would probably have a spot on their trailer for you.
  19. Holy crap. I need to send this to my buddy Marc. He was building a 240, but took a new job and may have sold that car. Either way, I want to know what's done to that one. Is there any kind of market for the Nissan 2.5 I-4? I probably wouldn't want to mess with my Altima and give up gas mileage, but never say never :-)
  20. How much you guys wanna bet that the next thread he starts is "shop dog cycles now carries heated gloves and jackets"
  21. Frankly I find both bikes damn impressive, and ultimately equal for most mortals. The 'busa is due for an update, but was less than four tenths slower in the quarter mile. In 99% of riders' hands, that is negligible. Ricky Gadsen can get the ZX-14 under 10 seconds in stock trim, but he's a (damn good) professional drag racer. Road Racing World took the ZX-14 to the track, and their rider (AMA superbike rider Chris Ulrich) couldn't break the 10 second barrier. Neither will the vast majority of average joes. 10.11 should be plenty fast anyway. (and whoever posted about a 190hp limit, I believe Kawasaki touts the new 14 as 203hp. I told that to my dad at the bike show, and some skeptical passer by overheard and nearly shit his pants. "my car only has 175hp!" mine too. And the bike weighs 1/6 of a car.)
  22. I cruised eBay and saw a $1400 ohlins shock for this bike listed at $850 too... Jinu, if you buy this, I might consider your current ride as a parts bike :-D
  23. Nice deal. I can't imagine it won't go quickly on the WERA classifieds if other means don't pan out. I wish I was in a position to snatch this up and sell my Honda.
  24. The city of Parma has informed me that the 1/2 inch raise in the sidewalk in front of my house, and the deterioration of my driveway apron means I have to pay thousands of dollars to have both replaced. Having read the parma codified ordinances, by the letter of the law, I am likely in violation of a couple vague sections, namely: "(e) All driveway aprons shall be kept in a proper state of repair, free of holes, surface deterioration or cracks which cause sections to become loose or otherwise hazardous. All repairs or replacements of driveway aprons shall be of concrete." But I am willing to argue that the surface deterioration and cracks in my driveway are not causing sections to become loose or otherwise hazardous. Anyway, I have to pay $50 to contest the claim, and I want to go in with more ammunition than just pictures of my driveway, and arguments that I don't violate the code. I'm thinking that pictures of other violations throughout the city that are going un-addressed would help my cause. Specifically, I want to photograph the driveways of Parma city officials, and show that THEY are not in compliance either. Without an old-fashion phone book, what's the best way to get this inspector's home address? I'd like to snap some pics of the mayor's driveway, the city engineer, etc. I already have home addresses for about half of city counsel.
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