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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. somebody taser this asshole. Then we can piss him off double while we argue about it.
  2. I'm glad the school is at least attempting to be cooperative. Given the bully's disability, they may be in a tough spot themselves. I'll echo the opinions of others and simply say that the school deserves an opportunity to deal with this on their terms, but if they are not providing a safe environment for your son, then he is certainly entitled to defend himself by fighting back. At that young of an age, it would take some extraordinary circumstances to have any disciplinary action be a problem down the road. I got pulled into the principal's office in 4th grade for defending myself. (Bad may actually have had Mr. Carpas as well) I was told "it's school policy not to fight back." My dad showed up to a meeting w/ my parents and the bully's, and politely told the principal, "well, it's family policy that we do fight back." I was asked to step out of the office, but I overheard my dad ask the principal (who was a boxer for many years) "Nick, how many times would you stand there and get pushed or punched before you fought back?" His only response to my dad was that his personal policy had no bearing on school policy. The other kid's parents were actually pretty nice about it and didn't go all, "not MY angel!" The kid was still a dick to me for 3 or 4 years after that though...
  3. For those with kids, is physical force your first means of gaining compliance, or your last? I trust my parents a hell of a lot more than the police, and yet it seems like many of you are claiming you trust the police to strike first rather than exhausting other options. It all sounds good in theory when it's not you the cops are after, but it might be some day. Not everyone the police encounter, interrogate, or arrest is guilty. How many here have been arrested and still think the cops should be looser with the taser (or fists, night sticks, batons, pepper spray, etc.?
  4. How do each of you get what you want without a taser? I just think the police almost always have other options.
  5. Alcoholic named Sean. I love this show. Damnit... Intervention. Stupid auto correct.
  6. The owners are obviously idiots. Dog ownership takes a lot of time that many people become overwhelmed with and just neglect the dog(s). They're probably barking because they are bored or need water or something. Tired dogs sleep instead of barking ...unless there's a squirrel.
  7. redkow97

    Water Bricks

    Is water drinkable after its exposed to that kind of radiation? I mean, what's the point?
  8. There is a difference between pulling a suspects arms out to cuff him (relatively painless. Not a punishment) and using a taser on them, which inflicts quite a bit of pain (punishment before any due process). I am not anti-law enforcement, I just don't think they should be resorting to inflicting pain on suspects without exhausting their alternatives. The police have a hard job, and I sympathIze with their plight, but that is the job. It requires patience and a cool head. I would not be a good LEO. I know this, and avoided that profession. Their job is to remove their emotions from the equation and take the suspect into custody with the least danger and damage possible, to themselves, the public AND the suspect. Using a taser on the suspect may indeed be necessary at times, but not as often as it appears police are using it. A taser isn't a short-cut to eliminate hard work. Police exhisted without Tasers for hundreds of years. I don't believe they're suddenly more efficient now that they carry them.
  9. I just don't think the cops should be using physical force to gain compliance in any situation where the suspect isn't putting others at risk of harm. Making the leap from arresting to punishing should be left to the courts, and only after a conviction.
  10. How shitty were your old brake lines that you could accidentally lock the front at suburban speeds??? Was there gravel or road salt involved? I have lifted the rear wheel a few times at 100+, but never locked the front wheel.
  11. So you're cool with being tased by any "authority figure" if you choose not to comply, just because it's non-lethal force? Come on...
  12. The sv is better at the track, and the ex is more street/tour friendly. Both good bikes with cheap stock suspensions to keep costs low.
  13. So why even have trials for criminals caught in the act? Just have the cops carry out the appropriate sentence during pursuit or at the scene. <eye roll>
  14. I agree that this is super shitty parenting, but officers can radio for backup. Parents can't. There was no need to taser this kid. He's not a danger to anyone laying on the floor refusing to be cuffed. This acceptance that police should be allowed to taser anyone who doesn't comply is bullshit. Can the mother taser the little shit if he does t listen to her? Can the sergeant taser the patrolmen if they're disobeying orders? It's just shitty policy to allow this sort of garbage.
  15. +1 to whomever asked about brand. RS Taichi is the only brand I'm aware of that sizes as "large" and not by a number. I'm sure there are others, but as noted, the various brands are really only sized relative to themselves. I wore a 44 fieldsheer, but 42's fit me better in other brands. I believe my Taichi is a "large," but I wouldn't call myself a large guy. Asians apparently would though.
  16. well congratulations. Now you are not part of the voting population, and no politician will ever care what you think. If you're really that disheartened with the candidates, show up and submit an blank ballot. I would say the same to those in the "giant douche or turd sandwich" camp. Or better yet, vote for someone who you believe has zero chance of winning. Ron Paul will not win this election, but my hope is that he draws enough support that the Republican party pulls their heads out of their asses and realizes that they HAVE NO BASE, or have lost track of who it is. They will need Libertarian votes to beat Obama. In my most optimistic moments, I foresee a day that we'll actually have a legitimate 3(+) party system, but to get there, it appears that the Republican party is going to have to fracture. badly. I say bring it on. If McCain, Palin, Romney and Santorum are the best they have to offer, blowing the whole thing up and starting over sounds great to me.
  17. I know one of the NESBA control riders has done the TT at least once, and is raising money to go back this year. (might be the same guy Dubguy was talking about.) I've never met Brandon, but he's on the WERA board and NESBA board frequently. http://www.brandoncreturacing.com/ If people are interested, I know he has chronicled his past efforts and expenses to get himself to the TT. I may be way off base, but I think it makes more sense to find a sponsor across the pond who will help you buy a bike over there. Then you show up, ride it, and sell it when you're done. No shipping required.
  18. Not exactly the same scenario, for the reasons I stated above, but this will probably be the loose basis for his defense.
  19. I may just be spit-balling here, but I have always felt that ramp-gates on open trailers killed the gas mileage. Just something to consider when shopping an open trailer. A decent curved bike ramp will run you a few bucks, but I think they're better than ramp gates (for bikes anyway). If you're using it to tote around other stuff, then maybe not, but a big wire-mesh "wall" can't help economy.
  20. I'm not sure who is dumber; the guy who posted that, or anyone who thinks someone who posted that actually has millions of dollars to pay them. That said, I bet that is the defense's strategy. "your honor, my client was mad about his _________ ticket and posted this without thinking. He was never seriously soliciting anyone to assassinate police officers. The ridiculous bounties are direct evidence that he couldn't have been serious."
  21. So how many of us are planning to email him a link to that screen shot?
  22. How anemic is the 3.8? I have seen a ranger with a 3.0 pull a 6x10 enclosed with 2 bikes and both riders' crap. My wife's "cute ute" does just fine with 2 bikes on an open trailer, and it's only a 2.7 v6. I figure the bikes weigh 500 each (full of gas and rounding up) and the trailer is maybe 300 on its own. My car is rated for 2,000 towing. A 3.8 should be closer to 5,000, no? My 4.0 ranger could tow 6k if memory serves. With trailer brakes anyway.
  23. I assume he just stomped on the rear brake and locked it up. No experience with hard braking. I practice that once or twice a lap from ~130mph or so.
  24. The only "problem" I see is that 21 turns takes a full weekend to learn. You'll just be getting the hang of things when it's time to go home :-( I had that issue at calabogie. Nice problem to have.
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