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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. In my mind, this is the secondary principle behind our Second Amendment rights. #1 is the ability (albeit an illusion at this point) to fight a tyrannical government, #2 is the ability to defend yourself and your property when the police powers cannot, or will not. My wife doesn't like firearms. I want to ask her, "what would you do if this were happening 3 blocks from our house?" There are thousands of shop owners and residents in these neighborhoods who also thought it would never happen to them. I think the difference between liberals and conservatives here is that the liberals are sad that things like this happen. Conservatives are angry. (but that might just be me projecting the difference of opinion my wife and I would likely have!)
  2. exactly. I've done 2 seasons on my 600RR w/o crashing it. (knock on wood)
  3. I agree in some situations. I've waffled on a shotgun for a while now too. Money's tight at home (new roof goes on next week), so no purchase yet. But regardless, I agree that a long barrel is probably fine if you're planning to truly defend yourself and your spouse. But as soon as you plan to protect children, pets, property, etc. (i.e. move from a defensive position by leaving your bedroom), the shorter barrel becomes a LOT more practical and necessary. Cut a broom stick to the length of the gun you intend to purchase, and see how it is navigating through your home. I think that would sell most people on an 18" barrel pretty quickly. Now in my case, I can't foresee myself pursuing anyone. If they enter my home armed, I am blasting anyoen who opens my bedroom door, but I'm not going to try to stop them from taking my TV. I wouldn't fault others for wanting the option to protect property as well.
  4. more people are being diagnosed, and there are more people TO diagnose. Medical technology has made it possible to detect more types of cancer, and in some cases (think breast cancer) awareness is up, and the cost of testing has come down. We've also gone from 6 billion to 7 billion people in the last 10 years. I doubt there is a significant increase in the occurrence of cancer that can be attributed to technology, but it's a good "scary headline" for the 6:00 news to talk about cell phones, body scanners, etc. causing cancer. Maybe the scanners DO increase the odds of getting cancer, but these TSA agents are using them for hours a day. Even someone who flies frequently is only going to get a few minutes of exposure to them each year. You know what else causes cancer? Saccharine. It's a sugar substitute, used in sugar-free gum. They finally took it off the list of carcinogens maybe 10 years ago, because; while it did cause cancer in lab rats, they were being injected with such ridiculously high doses that there was absolutely NO comparable risk to humans. I would wager that the TSA scanners are no different. The people working them should be pissed and concerned. The rest of us probably have little to worry about.
  5. haha - i don't think i need to see that. but duly noted. I will probably collect mostly cans, because that's what people consume at work. I'm not actively going to go out and search for scrap (yet).
  6. true. there's no reason not to just do the mod that rearranges the oil intake to the back of the pan... If you spend that much time on one wheel, it's well worth the time.
  7. need to be cleaned? wouldn't leaving a little water in the cans artificially make them weigh more?
  8. when it comes to cans, do they need to be crushed? Labels need to be removed from soup cans and the like?
  9. so how do I know what type of metal everything is? I'm not going to check each can with a magnet... Do i have to sort myself, or will they do it for me? I knew copper would be most expensive (guys at my summer job in college used to steal from the scrap bin. One guy said it bought him a bed-liner for his truck).
  10. But Fox news said so! ;-) I think he's got a point though. Whether it's "left" governing, or a general stalemate in Congress, the perception is that the country has gone (further?) down hill under Obama. Even his supporters are disappointed if you believe the polls. The general sentiment is that this isn't the change they voted for. So at best, Obama "supporters" think he's not doing enough, and at worst, they think he lied during his campaign. It will be an interesting 2012 campaign.
  11. people are routinely garbage-picking in my neighborhood, so I'm thinking there has to be SOME money in this. I'm not expecting more than $20 every couple months, but the effort needed to collect and store scrap metal is minimal enough that it's drinking money. Anyone done it? my trailer is rated for 1195 lbs, so obviously that limits out much I can make each trip, but I figure it's worth a try.
  12. yeah, but then the Star Boyeeeezzz couldn't claim ignorance
  13. You will decide when you register. You can register in B or I to start, but you'll need a valid expert race license to register in Advanced. If you can do 1:10's at BeaveRun consistently, you're good in "I" Once you choose a group though, only NESBA can move you - so you can't register for B this time, and then decide you want to go in I next time around.
  14. Yes, but he's shooting himself in the foot (pun intended) with a polarizing issue like this one. I think you can argue about military spending and appeal to people's logic. You can have the IDENTICAL argument regarding guns and schools, but no matter how logical and valid your points are, voters get emotional over that kind of crap. This is bad timing. It makes me wonder how serious RP is about actually winning a nomination or election. He may be more pragmatic than I give him credit for though. If he's sure he can't win; then this campaign is his only chance to make a nation-wide impact. I hope that's not the case, but I fear it is.
  15. You and me gotta talk. I'll register in "instructional" if I have to My bike should be capable of :16's, so I've gotta be doing something wrong. Although the previous owner was a bit heavier, so the harshness of my suspension might have something to do with me being a giant pansy at Nelson, but let's be honest, that's just something slow people say!
  16. Maybe his wife is teh one who flagged it.
  17. I agree, but I think this is a poor battle for Ron Paul to choose right now. I love that the guy sticks to his principles, but he's going to need support from more moderate Republicans to have even a PRAYER at a Republican nomination. Good policy, but bad campaigning, IMHO.
  18. what kind of tires, and what pace at Nelson? I hate seeing people spend money on equipment instead of seat time unless they really need the better rubber. Track riding is expensive enough without buying more tire than you can use.
  19. Then just change the locks and leave his stuff outside. The cost of locks are much less than damage to the house, or getting lawyers involved. If you want to give him a few days notice, that's your call. Be prepared to call the police when he tries to enter the house though.
  20. Get his dog spayed. Eviction is a decent route, but long and slow. Like possibly multiple years. Not kidding. The threat of legal action is usually more effective than actual legal action. Is this roommate's name on a lease? If not, just move his crap out and change the locks. I hate to see the puppies suffer because of a human's stupidity, but they are his problem; not yours. How much (if any) warning you give is up to you. Depending on the living arrangement, he may have some legal rights. How has he been paying? (generally if someone is paying ever 30 days, you have to give them 30 days notice to end the lease, even if nothing is in writing)
  21. 1) A lack of communication is an ethical violation. "Communication" is one of the explicitly named duties of a practicing attorney. Contact the Ohio Bar Association and lodge a complaint. If others have, or do in the future, the record of complaints will not bode well for the attorney. 2) You don't want to sue an attorney unless it is a malpractice suit. Even then, the attorney can handled a lot of things on their own for cheap/free, while you pay $200/hour. Who is really "winning" there? 3) Publishing any kind of ad or letter is probably a bad idea. It makes you look childish and spiteful, and if things do get to litigation, that will make you look like an ass instead of a victim. Truth is an absolute defense to defamation/slander, so if you insist on publishing something, make sure it is 100% accurate, AND you can prove it. Not to defend the attorney, but they're busy people - while you and your wife were calling 15 times and sending 30 emails, the attorney probably had 50 cases just like yours, with 50 other people calling and emailing. If there was no movement to report, I'm not surprised there was no communication. And as you pointed out, the attorney didn't make much money off you; so do you find it that shocking that you weren't the top priority? Lodge a complaint w/ the Ohio Bar Association, and call it a day.
  22. Even without fire, burnouts can dig into asphalt pretty easily. Someone celebrated a win in the paddock at summit, and they left I nice deep trench from their burnout. $15k for supplies, transport of equipment, and labor sounds about right to me.
  23. quite aware, but good looking out.
  24. My exgf's dad graduated from Franklin while we were dating. Very unique and accommodating "real-world" program. They asked the graduates to stand when appropriate, and asked: "how many of you became parents while you were enrolled at Franklin?" "how many of you became grandparents while you were enrolled at Franklin?" "how many of you got married?" etc. It was shockingly even for every question they asked, including, "how many of you are getting your 2nd degree from Franklin?"
  25. haha - did you at least count slowly?
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