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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Get in the habit of putting it out of reach now. My cousin John is a police officer. His sister is also married to a police officer (Corey). There were handguns in their house long before there were kids. Corey was always very good about being in the habit of keeping his pistols well out of reach of his son and daughter. Uncle John wasn't in the same habit. So one day they're sitting around, BSing, and my little cousin Maddie (4 years old at the time) comes into the living room and says, "Uncle John, you forgot to put your gun up high." The 4 yr old knew the drill. The 29 yr old police officer fucked up. Luckily Maddie had been taught well enough that she knew not to handle the gun, and tell an adult. But her 2 year old brother probably wasn't old enough to understand quite so well.
  2. Big +1. The only thing I trust other drivers to do is fuck up... once I know I'm not going to hit whatever's in front of me, I shift my attention to the people behind me. I never took the MSF course, but I know they teach you to always have an escape route. I'm by no means "blaming" the rider here. Clearly he wasn't at fault - but I'd rather not get hit than be right...
  3. hahahaha - i'm sure they could find a laundry list of charges. Criminal mischief (whatever that means), failure to control a motor vehicle (although it appears that it took off and landed on private property. hmmm..), reckless endangerment, improper display of plates, driving w/o insurance, reckless operation, etc. Again, any traffic offense could be argued against the point that none of it really appeared to happen on public roads, but if properly motivated, there could be a significant list of charges; as well as civil claims from the building owner, and the parking lot owner. do we know where this took place? Seemed like a pretty run-down city to be that empty during daylight hours (not that a Clevelander should make such an observation...).
  4. I still think putting an alarm on something you can pick up and move is wasted money. $300 would buy you a very nice tank/tail bag, a big honkin' chain, and a good pad-lock. Park near lamp-posts. That's the only way you're really keeping anything that you can pick up from being taken. Actually, if you got a long enough chain, and 2 locks, you could secure the chain around the base of a fire hydrant, and probably not piss off any cops or meter maids. there always seems to be room to park a bike in front of the last car before the hydrant too...
  5. I was concerned about that too, but it didn't have all that far to go. estimate 10 feet of sidewalk on each side (generous, I think), and then 12 feet per lane on the road. you're talking 44 feet. Let's round to 50 feet. even at 15mph, the bike's moving forward at 22 feet per second. so it only needs 2.x seconds of hang-time to clear the sidewalk and street. If it's doing more than 15mph, it needs even less time.
  6. that would have been awesome with a shittier bike... Based on the decent ramp construction, I would assume they planned this for a fair amount of time. You would have thought a throttle-lock, or any reasonable means of making the bike hit the ramp at more than 15mph would have been thought out as well. basically what I'm saying is "I could've done that way better."
  7. question - are you looking for a locking device/alarm to prevent the bike from being stolen when you leave it parked in public, or are you looking for a means of securing it at your residence, but don't have a garage?
  8. My friend's cousin used to own part of the Clevelander. We drank there a lot before we were old enough to drink anywhere else Another friend of mine had his birthday party upstairs at the Clevelander, and it's a great space if you ever need to host a party or even. Their pizza, chicken fingers, and subs were also ridiculously amazing. I mean, i was beyond wasted when they started serving them, but sober(ish) people said it was good too
  9. i ended up not having time anyway. weird that there doesn't seem to be anythign (public) down that way though. Lots of gun clubs and a few dealers I found searching online though.
  10. out of stock a lot of places I'm trying to sell the wife... fingers crossed.
  11. I once saw some import with a bumper sticker that said, "it burns rice, AND American cars." I think that was on a blown S2000 or something though; not a civic. I chuckled.
  12. I went to the guy's house and licked the bike - it's mine. Ultra-super-dibs ...times infinity.
  13. if somebody really wanted "dibs," they should have given the seller a $100 deposit to hold it for X days. PayPal. it's a simple option contract.
  14. In college, I lived with 5 other guys, 2 of whom were VERY into being total nerds. They embraced it far too much. anyway, we had "nerd accessories" all over the damn house, and a D20 was one of the items I became quite familiar with. We'd leave it on the bar and roll it to decide who had to clean up after a party, or do dishes when there was a dispute over who they belonged to, or whatever. One hung-over morning, we were having such a debate about who had to clean up, and I lost; but it was totally worth it to coin the phrase, "I am rolling a 4 on the D20 of sweetness." Conversely, everyone in the house started saying, "this party is a solid 18 on the D20 of sweetness!" or, "that chick was about a 10 on the D20 of hotness," etc. I can't believe that didn't catch on in popular culture...
  15. where do you guys work? I want in. I swear I can be productive and efficient when properly motivated...
  16. only for criminal offenses. In a civil case, there is no such thing as "guilty;" only "liable" or "negligent." If you're traveling faster than the posted speed limit, you are "negligent per-se." The speed limit is what defines reasonable behavior. Exceeding it by any amount, for any reason is automatically negligent.
  17. yeah, i went back and read page 1. sorry. You said it would be raffled off in post #6 or 7... I clicked the referral link a few times for good measure to make up for my stupidity. Also found a 10/22 stock I might buy
  18. who is this "we" that gets a prize?
  19. plus there's that whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing. They can hold you liable for a civil penalty with only "more likely than not" evidence. I think it's safe to say that it's "more likely than not" that the owner was driving the vehicle photographed, but it's certainly not "beyond a reasonable doubt."
  20. I'm going to be in Mansfield on kind of a random errand on Sunday morning - anyone know if there is an (indoor) range in the area where I can put some 22 caliber holes in some cardboard? I'm going to be waiting to meet someone at the Lucas Rd. exit off 71, and I anticipate them being late... Trying to find a fun way to kill time.
  21. I don't see anything wrong with being a functional alcoholic To me, that term has always been a bit of an oxymoron... he's got work recording children's books. Great. Not collecting welfare, not begging on the street, (theoretically) paying taxes; and all while stimulating the economy by buying mass quantities of booze. 'Merica, FUCK YEAH!
  22. check out where the cameras are actually located too - the camera company stands to make a tidy sum from this. They're not dummies. The city may have final say as to where the cameras are located, but the camera company is always going to push for 3/4 of the way down a hill. big brother and capitalism; a match made in heaven?
  23. regardless of the specific legalities, I think having the bolt locked open during transport should motivate anyone who stopped me to cut me some slack. Ammo in backpack, rifle across the back of the tail (in its range bag). I've been thinking of constructing a ghetto-rigged sissy bar for touring purposes anyway...
  24. I believe you are correct - but I think you're more likely to find a pissed-off person in a wheel chair than a cop "patrolling" a parking lot. if you were in a wheel chair and needed to use the spot, would you call the cops and wait 20-60 minutes for the cop to come write a ticket and probably NOT tow/move the bike; or would you just knock it over with the lift and claim you didn't see it there?
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