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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. so now the question becomes: New or Used? a used .22 is going to have a billion rounds through it. I'm thinking new is smarter...
  2. I'm not looking to go fully automatic; at least not for a while. semi auto with a 50 rd banana clip should do just fine.
  3. see, now that's useful info. if the joy of a .22 is being able to use ammo quickly, then the automatic seems like ti's worth the extra coin.
  4. you buy the ammo, and i'm in.
  5. I'm not married to a .22, but the cost of ammo makes it appealing. should i completely write off lever and bolt action models? If so, why? I almost like the idea of having to manually eject the cartridges. Kind of like driving a traditional 5 speed instead of an automatic, or a 'flappy paddle' manual. Is the general consensus that a single-shot will be annoying?
  6. 1. Primary use will be plinking around at the range, gaining some skill shooting. 2. no idea on max range. SpeedyTriple said there's an outdoor range in Garrettsville that I would probably go to most often; especially if the other local ranges are as small as I assume they are. 3. I don't PLAN on game hunting, but in a doomsday situation, small game. 4. realistically? 4-6 times a year. 5. 100 - 200(?) that's one of the reasons i'm asking. I feel like I'll go through ammo a lot quicker with a semi-auto. Not a huge deal with a .22 though. 6. buy. 7. I'd like to stay around $200, but I can stretch $300 if there's a compelling reason. 8. No idea what scopes cost, but because I can add that later, I'll say $100 cheap ammo is good ammo. Like the other thread I started a few months back, I'm weighing my options because the wife only wants ONE gun in the house. I'm leaning toward semi-auto .22, because 99% of its use will be at the range, but the other 1% could possibly be home defense (yes, I fully understand the drawbacks of a .22 for home defense). that Rossi with multiple barrels would already be mine, but I am getting really hung-up on the inconvenience of a single-shot break-action rifle...
  7. I am also finding that NEW bolt-action rifles are the same price as comparable caliber USED rifles.
  8. well what are the primary differences in: - cost - reliability - accuracy(?) - durability - rate of fire
  9. :notinlovewithtone:I don't know a ton about bikes, but I know even less about firearms. if you don't want to contribute anything useful in the firearms section, no one is forcing you to read it. (i started typing this before IP replied)
  10. advantages and disadvantages?
  11. I can't stop saying, "Is this rape?" "I don't know! Are we raping?"
  12. welcome. careful chopping that exhaust. Might melt some plastic or bubble some paint on the tail section if it's breathing closer to the body. At least something to consider.
  13. I found this thread via search to avoid a duplicate thread, so apologies if this is a zombie. I just watched hot tub time maching over the new year's weekend with the wife, and another couple. We were hung over, full of IHOP, and in the mood to do NOTHING. So a stupid movie sounded about perfect. Except our wives never got up and went to take naps or go shopping - they actually ENJOYED the movie. I expected it to be funny, but when it was over, I actually said, "that was surprisingly good." From a plot perspective, it IS an incredibly stupid movie, but it doesn't take itself too seriously, and I think that they had a key element that most other potty-humor comedies lack: characters. The 3 main characters are very easy to relate to. You might not like them a whole lot at the beginning of the movie, but you come to understand why they're assholes, or whiny bitches, or doormats - and then they redeem themselves. I might actually buy it.
  14. What's the total cost of renting the truck? I actually really think buying a shitty Astro or Ford E150 was a great idea. It'll probably cost the same as renting a vehicle, except you can SELL IT when you get back... http://cleveland.craigslist.org/cto/2130779444.html ($1200/obo). Offer $1000 and sell it quickly for $800 when you get back. You're there and back for less than the cost of a 2-bike trailer...
  15. because staying on topic is for pussies.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvxYHHRPkwI bike indicates 186. actual speed is 169 according to the GPS. 169 is impressive from a stock bike though. I'm surprised. regardless, the discrepancy is there.
  17. No, you didn't. If it indicated 152, you were probably doing more like 145. I believe it is possible for a modern 600cc bike to hit 157mph in stock form, but it requires absolutely ideal conditions, and completely maxing out the bike. if the bike were indicating 165, I'd believe you hit 152.
  18. I'm less concerned about privacy than the fact that the automated systems have no ability to exercise discretion, and ignore the principle of innocent until proven guilty. I've heard of red light cameras nailing people for being in a funeral procession, or clearing the intersection when you've been waiting to turn left. Are cops always going to remember to shut these off when they're directing traffic for sporting events down town and wave people through red lights? Who says it's even me driving my car? etc. If I want to stay 'private,' I wouldn't register a vehicle to begin with, and I'd ride the bus. Driving isn't a fundamental right...
  19. I've got a legit grievance for some of you: THINK before making a thread title that is either ambiguous, misleading, or too short. "who wants to ride tonight?" in the daily ride section is the worst thread title ever. If it's in Cincy, and from 3 days ago, but the most recent post was from today, I probably don't need to look at it. FESTIVUS ISN'T OVER UNTIL YOU PIN ME!
  20. an '04 would probably have a prayer of topping out at 157 brand new, but at 6 years old, I'd be surprised. Maybe with some of the standard mods (exhaust and tune). It's possible, but that's at the absolute top of the range for 600's without major work. They'll indicate in the 160's for sure, but the odds of them actually reaching that speed are slim. I wouldn't be shocked if it ended up being an R1.
  21. 365 & 1/4 I'm counting to 1/1/2012 - I don't know much about the whole Mayan calendar end of the world nonsense, because it's nonsense. ReconRat's post sort of clears things up. I never really bothered to check whether it was the end of 2012 or the beginning. we're 9 days from 2011 + 365 more to 2012. 374 days. Even so, I could quit my job today and live on credit card debt for a couple years no problem.
  22. We're like 374 days out - when do you think people will realize they've got nothing to lose? If someone truly believes that the world is going to end in 2012, they should already be living pretty recklessly. if they're waiting for some sign of natural disaster, then they're not 'believers,' just willing converts
  23. I'll probably riding instead. There always seem to be some kind of smokin' trackday deal that is easy to book pretty last-minute due to the Indy GP. I know I should go see the big show while it lasts in Indy, but (call me crazy) I can't bring myself to spectate when riding is the LESS expensive option for once!
  24. I wish I could credit the comedian who said this, but I can't remember... "a friend will help you move. A BEST friend will help you move ...a body."
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