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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. If you actually like the girl, then you're going to have to impose consequences without being the bad guy. Start planning dates with firm deadlines. If the movie is at 9:15, and you haven't left the house by 9:00, you're going to have to bite your tongue hard and play nice. "sorry babe, but we're not going to be able to make the movie. I'm just gonna head home" (or skip right to the sex). same w/ dinner - start going places that require a reservation, and when she's running late, tell her you've missed the reservation and will have to hit up applebees - then when she complains about waiting at applebees, if you're feeling ballsy, you can make some remark about how they're still an hour and 40 minutes quicker at getting ready than she is - just be prepared to duck if you go that route; and don't plan on getting lucky.
  2. Ohio is the bastard-child of NESBA's schedule. the way their regions are divided, we're in the "midwest" region, but the "mid-atlantic" tracks are closer; at least BeaveRun is. If you PM'd NESBA Brian (BuckyBadger), I haven't even seen him on the NESBA board lately. Busy guy in the off-season so he can take 4 day weekends during riding season. As far as what we call it, I couldn't care any less if it's an "ohio-riders" trackday, or an STT day where we all meet up and camp. In a perfect world, I'd pay a pretty penny to ride the day or two before the AMA teams start practice at Mid-Ohio. Week of July 4th I think. Ride a day or two, then watch the AMA practice, qualifying, and races. We'd either have a fucking awesome time, or all hate each other after 4 days
  3. does hellforleather.com EVER write a positive article? I haven't seen many. Oh fucking no! a low-level Kawasaki assembly employee or parts stocker made a reasonable mistake, and the company is taking FULL responsibility ON ITS OWN, and refunding 100% of customers' purchase price to correct the issue BEFORE any engines fail or any consumers are hurt! Unconscionable. How dare they.
  4. actually they lived in Broadview Hts. All the cool kids did. duh.
  5. PS - I'd like to point out that she's competing against a disproportionate number of Asians here, so she needs all the help she can get. The only thing remotely Asian about Christina is that her dad was (is) HUGELY into baseball.
  6. People on this site probably aren't aware that I majored in music for about a year before dropping it as a major and concentrating on English and drinking, but I was heavily into orchestra and band from middle school through college. I was decent, but along the way I've met some people who are truly amazing. One of them is my band director's daughter (and a friend of mine), Christina Roytz, who graduated a year after me. Even if you hate classical music, 10 seconds of Christina's audition video should be enough to let you appreciate how talented she is. You can vote her into the YouTube Symphony Orchestra (to perform in Australia) by doing the following: You can vote once every 24 hours. http://www.youtube.com/symphony 1. Follow the link 2. Click on the "Vote Now" red button on the right side of your screen! 3. Go to "Orchestral Audition" 4. Find the cello section in the symphony (to the immediate right of the conductor)! Click on it!! 5. Find my Christina's video (10:08 duration) and vote on it! (the picture is easy to spot...look for a cellist on a camel) ~Voting is open for seven days, from Dec. 10 - Dec. 17 ~
  7. bump and request for cross-posting. Hammy would make a great christmas present, and I'm happy to keep her fed, sheltered, and entertained until then. She was a sweetheart this morning when I woke up. While my dog jumped around expecting breakfast, she hung out with me while I brushed my teeth and put in contact.
  8. your definition of "technical" sounds like my definition of "unnecessarily dangerous." I'm not going to tell anyone that street riding isn't fun, but having to account for unpredictable road conditions means you're either taking large risks, or backing off to a degree. That's not to say that you can ride at 100% on the track; you still have to leave room for error, but the potential for such an error is much lower. I'd sell my street bike and go track-only in a heartbeat if i got a decent offer for hte street bike.
  9. I just don't think anyone who can't break a 1:12 at Nelson Ledges is entitled to do much complaining about the surface. As such, i'm at least 3 or 4 seconds away from opening my mouth! (for reference, the experts break the 1:08 mark) But i'd be up for any track within an 8 hour drive. I think the following are realistic options: - Nelson Ledges ($120/day) - Putnam park ($155/day) - Mid-Ohio ($195/day) - BeaveRun ($165/day) - Gingerman ($100/day??? maybe more now that it's bigger) - Grattan ($150???/day) - Summit Point (Main is $185/day - Jefferson is small, and $135/day i think. Shenandoah is somewhere in between. tight, technical track, but bigger than JC) - New Jersey ($205/day? for lightning OR thunderbolt - i prefer t-bolt) - Blackhawk Farms ($185/day??) all of those would be within 8 hours or so of Cleveland. The top 5 are considerably closer than the rest.
  10. maybe it's just because i'm too stubborn to pay movers that I'd insist upon one, but moving appliances and large furniture items sucks. just a suggestion.
  11. that's pretty cool. Reminds me of Josh Herrin's place. if the living space above the garage is going to be a long-term dwelling for anyone, I'd seriously suggest a (parcel?) elevator. Something big enough to fit appliances, etc. at the very least, have a plan to rig a pulley system up on to the exterior "deck" on top of the RV garage. Just living in a walk-up for a couple years, unloading groceries and stuff gets old really fast when stairs are involved. I'm sure there are safety and building codes for elevators designed to move people, but a parcel elevator probably has no such restrictions. Thus your groceries take a ride while you take the stairs. it's cheap, and totally worth it.
  12. redkow97


    buy "pumping iron." I can watch that wasted at 3AM and suddenly be more motivated than ever to go work out.
  13. redkow97

    New Addition

    psssshhh - 13 years? In fact, PICS OR BAN.
  14. post pictures and i'll spit something else. (yeah, i went there)
  15. this is, and always will be the best Transformers movie EVER. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaEWLuVJee0 I think i got my first boner ever when I saw this in the theatre. I was 4 years old.
  16. Eating alone isn't all bad. When I was on the road for my old job, I almost always ended up pulling 12-14 hour days with my boss. The guy just didn't have an "off" switch. Eating in the company of other people, while not actually having to converse with them was like a vacation. If you don't bring something to read though, it can be really awkward. an iPhone has changed my entire world in that regard. But there's nothign wrong with taking food back to the room; especially if the hotel has decent cable.
  17. my personal opinion is that we'd get more first-timers, or people who would otherwise not come by choosing the cheapest option; Nelson. Plus I have never gone there and not had a great time. The track surface looks sketchy, and the bathroom stalls are way too small - but my shower was hot, my beer was cold, and I always come home smiling. It's just a FUN place to ride, and hang out. Oh, and there's a shooting range pretty damn close too, so we could do that on Sunday if we rode on Saturday.
  18. Nelson is bumpy, but it's not that bad... Plus it makes every track thereafter feel world-class! It would take a KILLER deal to get me back at Gingerman, and I'm leery of doing any group days with STT after last year's experience. - the tolls to Gingerman are killer. It's cheaper for me to drive to Putnam even though it's further. - Gingerman has the seams. they aren't a big deal, but they're there... - the layout change at gingerman needs to be looked at for safety coming off the back straight. I'm not saying it's unsafe; i'm just saying i want to KNOW that it is before driving 4+ hours and spending a bunch of money to get that close to the pit wall... - STT over-booked the last Gingerman event we all did by at least 15-20 riders. They moved me to "A" because my bike was safety wired. Totally unimpressed. Grattan would be a new-to-me track, so I'm more inclined to take a risk there, but even then, I want some assurance that we won't run into the same situation we did at Gingerman last year.
  19. well congrats on your purchase. Any time you can spend money and still be happy about it is a good buy. I hope you're beating yourself up just a LITTLE there. I know Brian's plenty fast, but unless you're at Summit JC, or on some kind of karting track, I'd hope that's not true.
  20. redkow97

    New Addition

    nice job making a baby. named after which car? or
  21. I bet you can get Nelson for $100 per person if we guarantee 15 people on Saturday, and some of us stick around to race on Sunday. Todd is good people. I'd make my racing debut at Nelson if my schedule allows it.
  22. like most internet peeps, the WERA boys are probably all bark and no bite, but there are some STRONG feelings about trackday guys running white plates "without earning them." I'm not saying you should change them, but if you're not aware (and I've encountered MANY people who aren't), some people will label you a poser for running white plates.
  23. it's a sonata. the genesis has a V8 (option), and they are pretty nice. the 2-door is a poor excuse for a mustang GT though...
  24. i replaced the belt on my snowblower and dragged out the bag of salt I've had for 2 years and haven't used. need new tires on my new (to me) car though... Waiting ot see if my parents were serious when they said that would be their christmas present to the wife and me. ha. my skis are old as shit, but for as often as i go, they get the job done. I should probably take the 2 sets I have, but new skis, and then combine the best boot/binding combination I already have... all takes $$$ though.
  25. I think we have an easier time just picking a track and a date and having everyone register. If we get a discount, great - but that limits us to certain tracks, depending on the org. I'd like to get a group up to Nelson some time this year. $120 to ride Saturday, and then you can stay and watch Jbot et all race on Sunday.
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