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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Bought the 10/22 this morning. Probably paid a few bucks more than necessary by going to dick's but less than I was seeing online. So far the only think I don't like about it is that the key to the bolt lock is "made in china."
  2. Scheduling is a nightmare for me, which is why i kind of do my own thing with trackdays rather than trying to coordinate w/ the entire forum - but assuming I can make it, I can fit your bike on my trailer. Would just take a little advanced planning to situate it for 2 bikes, and still have enough room for all our crap. Unless we're not camping at the track, in which case there will be lots of room. I haven't looked at the Moto Series schedule yet, but I'll probably try to ride w/ them a few times this summer, and BeaveRun is always a good time.
  3. if they could actually guarantee I'd ride as well as Bayliss, $2600 would be a bargain. That's like 14 trackdays worth of entry fees.
  4. why do you say that? I'm not so liberal as to assume, "it would be the wild west! people would be shooting each other in the streets!" But i'm also not so naive to think that everyone is cool-headed and capable of making intelligent decisions in a stressful situation. I'm not even 100% sure how I would react - everyone else is absolutely a huge variable.
  5. I think you have to take any "theory" to the extreme to examine the results. Let's assume that every person over 18 is carrying a gun. Mass shooting situations like this would either: a) end quicker with fewer casualties b) occur more often, because Joe Hothead would get angry and have a gun at his fingertips to open fire or c) both of the above; in which case my primary concern is cross-fire, and not being able to tell if it's 1 nut job shooting up the place, or 20... Honestly, that is the only thing that prevents me from supporting blatant open carry for the masses. I'm confident that I won't lose my shit and open fire on anyone, but if someone else did, and 4 of us return fire, the risk of accidentally wounding each other, or me mistaking someone else as an accomplice is sobering.
  6. I'm breathing smoke as I type this, but it's the 'ranting and raving' section, so i suppose that's to be expected. Just got a note back from our career services department (at school) that I have to modify my resume and remove my "professional summary," because it's "more appropriate for a cover letter." well no shit. Yesterday you told me that I was not permitted to submit a cover letter, so I added the "professional summary" to put my work experience in context. Now I'm told that it has to be removed? what the fuck? Now all i'm submitting to this company is a bunch of bullet-points that say where I went to undergrad, what I've done in law school, and and what jobs I've held between the two. How in the hell can they even HOPE to make an educated decision about who to interview based on a list??? If they wanted to make this whole application process purely mathematical and just interview the 4 or 5 people with the highest class rank, that would have been fine - but that's not how it's going down. Instead I spent a bunch of time revising a resume that will now most likely be thrown in the trash. teh bullet points of my work and school experience aren't impressive. My cover letter would have been. This is the most retarded hiring/application process ever. I may as well just withdraw my resume, because there's no point in submitting it.
  7. I'll see your $10 and throw down $5k of my own; another $5k if you legitimately find enough people to get us half the cash. but I will need a place to crash in AZ
  8. why, exactly, are we to believe the assertions of some web site about the superiority of this aircraft over the F22 and/or F35 JSF? I'm not saying it is, or it isn't, but the explanations I read were based on visual observations, and a whole lot of speculation and assumptions... Yes, part of my skepticism is rooted in my American bias and a long-fostered disbelief that anyone could possibly out do America; but even without that bias, I didn't read any compelling PROOF of anything...
  9. the electric bike did pretty damn well. "Experts" on RC8's and 848's were turning comparable times. Clearly the bike makes significantly more power than the RC8, and a boatload more than the middle-weight Duc, but an electric bike turning that quick of a lap is damn impressive. Now the question is can someone OTHER than Chip turn those times on an electric bike, or we crediting the bike for the rider's superiority?
  10. how so? Care to elaborate? I thought it was pretty cool. that's the only time i've ever said that about a stretched bike.
  11. i'm 99% sold on the ruger. My uncle basically told me, "everyone should have a Ruger 10/22 in their gun safe."
  12. IMHO, Harley has eroded their credibility with a lot of motorcyclists by being too good at marketing. HD "technology" is largely archaic. They said "bullet-proof" or "classic." It's all in how you frame it. And that's not a slam against harley. Spending tons of cash on R&D would be a dumb (business) move when their existing bikes sell so well. If it ain't broken... And HD has learned to do the cruiser thing very well. I was reading a comparison of touring bikes (probably some mag i picked up on an airport), and the HD was rated better than the two large japanese tourers it was up against; even in handling. But even HD faithful have to admit that they're kind of a one (maybe two) trick pony. They build bikes that cruise, or tour. There's a huge portion of the market that they ignore, and essentially alienate. I have nothing AGAINST cruising, but given the choice, I'd rather be on a race track. Lord knows the money I saved by buying my Honda instead of an HD will pay for a LOT of trackdays
  13. loud pipes are a personal preference just like paint color. And, again, like paint color, "yellow" might work on one car, but not another. a loud Ducati is different than a loud EX500. A loud track bike is different than a loud touring bike. There's just a time and a place for any "style." Personally, I don't like excessively loud pipes, even on race/track bikes. Whatever brand it is that offers the 'shorty' exhaust for the GSX-R's will NEVER be put on any of my bikes. It's just annoyingly loud, even at the track. Similarly, my EX500 will probably never get a louder exhaust - when I ride it, it's usually commuting to work. I start the bike while my wife's still asleep, as is most of my neighborhood. Quiet is a nice feature at 7AM. If cruiser guys want to put ape-hanger bars on their ride, then they may as well put a ridiculous exhaust on it too. Clearly actual performance and ridability isn't a priority for them. Sure it annoys me, but it's not my bike.
  14. if someone's super cheap (and under 5'10" ~165lbs), I have an old 2-piece suit they could borrow in exchange for a few beers. I have a spare back protector somewhere too - i think Theresa(?) still has it from Gingerman.
  15. $25-$75 depending on the org. I believe NESBA and STT are both $50 is there a particular reason it needs to be a sanctioned "Ohio Riders" event? 90% of us post up in the "trackdays" section and just ask, "anyone headed to <track name> on <date>?" If more than 1 member is going to be there, call it an OR trackday... Find a track you like, and a date you want to go, and just post in that section. There will probably be a handful of us going anyway.
  16. redkow97

    "the Cape"

    I'll give it a try, but I've already heard things like, "worst TV show ever," and "I doubt it makes it past the third episode; if they even air the pilot a second time." the commercials haven't exactly made me that curious...
  17. thanks for the definitive answer on range, but at least one source disagrees w/ you on the trigger assembly. I read an article where the guy went to the Ruger factory and asked them why they changed from metal to composite materials. The composite trigger assembly is not only stronger (they performed the same test on both, and the metal broke, where the composite didn't), but also more consistent in the manufacturing process. Thus the composite helps the end-product be more consistent. You might like the trigger feel of the metal assembly better, but the composite trigger assembly means that you can take any 2 new 10/22's off the rack and have them feel basically identical. I think there's something to be said for that, but your point is still well taken. (edit - found the article http://www.gunblast.com/Ruger-1022.htm)
  18. I don't disagree, but for some reason I don't feel like lecturing the guy this morning. I will say that I have seen a LOT of people come back from track wrecks looking like this:
  19. I'm not going to bash on the OP for wanting a half-helmet. It's not a choice I would make, but half a helmet is better than no helmet. that said, it probably makes my endorsement of sportbiketrackgear.com null... I have gotten ridiculous deals on their Scorpion closeouts. they will get my business every time for the EXO 400/700/1000. For half helmets, I'd suggest trying things on at Iron Pony, and then looking online to see how the pricing compares. I'll pay a small premium to try stuff on in the store, but if it's unreasonable, eff it - buy online.
  20. you suck for listing this today. My brother literally just loaded the trailer taking his car and bike to Seattle YESTERDAY. He would've been all over this.
  21. I phrased the 800 yds. assertion poorly - my friend Dane wants to be able to shoot targets at 800 yds. That's the goal, not what he does now. That's why he wants a .270 He just did his marksmanship stuff for the air force, and he's an orthopedic surgical assistant, so I don't think he's had "typical" military training. I have no idea what distance the marksmanship test was at, or what rifle they use; only that one of our mutual friends said he was rated an "expert" and hit the target 45/50 shots.
  22. what's the max accurate range for a .22? a buddy of mine in the airforce is trying to sell me on a .270 bolt action rifle for $1300. He's a TAD more serious about target shooting than I'll ever be, and asked how far I can shoot the .22 He starts at 800 yard.
  23. I assume that's why they're considered better for long-range target shooting?
  24. I don't understand how someone could be so serious about tennis that they would write-off modeling as an alternative. She can clearly make a lot of money as a mediocre tennis player AND a mediocre model - why not just do that instead of destroying all interest in the latter to pursue the POSSIBILITY of being great at the former? This would be like me having dick reduction surgery to shave weight so I could pursue a professional racing career...
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