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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. spending 25% of your income on rent can be pretty dangerous, depending on how much you make... For someone pulling in $60k/year on salary, 25% is probably a pretty safe move. For someone making half that, with an waged job that may or may not give them 40 hours a week consistently, 25% is too much to spend on an apartment. I'd also be seriously concerned that you have a ring payment accruing interest. Get rid of your debts BEFORE you move out, because you're sure as hell aren't going to get rid of them after you're paying rent on top of your existing expenses. I owned my bike and paid off my truck before moving out of my parents house (after college). I was literally throwing $600+ a month at my car loan, so I was very confident that my half of the $650/month rent would easily be covered. It was still tighter than I would have liked. If you're still sure you can afford to move out, rent the cheapest place that is in a safe neighborhood. Some times $100 a month more is worth it to be in a better area, or even just to have higher income-level neighbors. good luck.
  2. decent? http://www.opticsplanet.net/leapers-5th-gen-classic-bug-buster-ts-4x32-mil-dot-compact-rifle-scope-with-picatinny.html
  3. what should that run me? I'm seeing cheap scopes online for as low as $12... seems like it would be worth it to get something a little better than that...
  4. I bought a second 10-round (ruger) mag to have another reliable low-capacity mag around. Over-priced at Dick's, but Cabela's shipping would have made the price even, so having it today is worth the extra couple bucks. I'll pick up a couple 25 or 30 round mags when it warms up, or i have more cash sitting around. For now though, it's nice to just have a second 10-round for someone else to load while I shoot. I'm already shopping scopes, which are surprisingly reasonable for the distances a .22 can actually hit. But the scope mounts are like $25. WTF? for a couple metal brackets? bogus... anyone got a used scope they want to get rid of for cheap?
  5. Truth. I don't hate the buckeyes, but I hate some of their fans. I met a girl from fucking Illinois who was obsessed with the buckeyes "because her parents went to Ohio State." you know what? My parents did a lot of shit I don't agree with. I met said fan at Dayton, where we were both enrolled. She had the balls to say she'd root against UD if they ever played OSU (they have in basketball; obviously not football - although OSU's early non-conference schedule may as well be against teams like Dayton ) I resisted the urge to punch her in the face - but not by much.
  6. Eff the Steelers. The Jets played like shit in the first half, and Rex Ryan knew it; he said as much before heading into the locker room. The Steelers get every close call and lucky bounce I have EVER seen. It's unbelievable. That said, they played better than the Jets last night. Go Packers.
  7. just got back from the range about an hour ago. Put at least 200 rounds through my 10 22, and I'm pretty pleased with how accurate I was at 75 feet (max range at Stonewall). Their ammo restrictions prevented us from shooting my friend's AR-15, so we were just handing my rifle back and forth. The only thing I wish I'd done differently is buy an additional factory magazine so one of us could have been loading while the other was shooting, and I was an idiot and forgot to buy gun oil and a cleaning snake before we left. <facepalm> I'm thinking the Dick's at parmatown should have the cleaning supplies, and another magazine, and will pick them up before the end of the weekend
  8. My uncle, cousin, and cousin-in-law were there as well. nice pictures. I just got back from the range, so this is like porn to me right now...
  9. My feeling on guns in schools is that the parents of the students should have some say. And the only thing I mean by that is make it STATE legislation. If Nebraska wants to allow it; then great! Anyone who doesn't like it had better start looking for places to live outside of Nebraska. Vote with your feet. It's a fundamental tenant of Federalism, damnit. On a smaller scale, I wouldn't have a problem with 'segregated' schools; one where the teachers carry, and the students know it, and another across town that's gun-free. The parents can decide which one they want their kids to attend. I'm not sure if that's constitutional, but my suspicion is that it would sort itself out relatively quickly. Academic performance in one school or the other would become noticeably better, and parents would start sending their kids to the school that provides the better education regardless of whether or not the teachers were armed. I can't say for certain which one it would be, but I can make an educated guess... There. Social experiment over.
  10. Nothing you can't find online yourself, but I found a decent collection all in one place. sticky in the firearms section? http://sniperrifle.org/printable-rifle-and-gun-targets/printable-paper-targets-for-rifles-and-guns/
  11. really? I prefer to have more than 11 seconds of fun at a time, but I don't think people who enjoy drag racing are outright morons unless they insist upon bashing every other kind of motor sport. Do whatever you enjoy - just understand that when you take a bike that does what I enjoy very well, and stretch it so it no longer does what I enjoy well at all; i'm going to cringe a little. I would expect the same reaction from a drag racer if I said I wanted to put a more restrictive exhaust on (limiting power) purely for aesthetics. It negates what they like, so they wince a bit. Doesn't mean they hate me.
  12. Honda will be better looking (IMHO), and GSXR will be faster and easier to modify. End of story. If we're going to suggest busa's though, I had a picture on my old phone of a guy on a fully chromed and zeon'd hayabusa with custom paint ...in the parking lot of a "Pay Days" loans. I really wish I'd gotten a better picture.
  13. She still hasn't made any type of claim, or stated the basis for a suit. After discussing with a couple of classmates (gotta love facebook), my friend Nicki suggested "negligent infliction of emotional distress," which I agree is the most solid suit this lady has. Even then, it's very shakey. First, a claim for emotional distress usually (depends on jurisdiction) requires a physical manifestation of symptoms. So she can't just say, "i was embarrassed," she has to say, "i was so embarrassed that I worried all the time, and my hair started falling out," or she can't sleep anymore. Second, the difference between negligent infliction of emotional distress and intentional infliction of emotional distress is largely based on whether they knew she would come forward an identify herself. I think it's reasonable to assume that she would have stayed anonymous forever, and thus their actions were AT MOST, negligent. Even then, they have to reasonably foresee her "damages." I still say she walks away empty handed. The insurance company will most likely be cheap, but they do this kind of stuff ALL THE TIME - they will settle to save money, but not just for kicks and grins.
  14. The client has absolute control over whether or not they go to trial or settle. the lawyer can only advise. And I don't think there's any insurance company involved here. She's not making an injury claim. In fact, she's not making ANY claim, because she doesn't have one.
  15. be clear on who she's suing. If she's claiming the fountain is a hazard, she's suing the mall. If she's suing because the video is online, that's the security company - not the mall itself. the bottom line is that this lady wasn't damaged. Motion for summary judgment. "the plaintiff has failed to state a valid claim." case dismissed. No lawyer in their right mind would take her case for anything other than publicity.
  16. ^ truth, but I'm betting the security company has deeper pockets than the fountain lady. the American rule is that you pay your own attorney's fees even if you win, so fountain lady is going to have to lay out cash just to initiate the suit. The security company will have a legal department that's used to dealing with MUCH more serious shit than this. It will be an easy (and cheap) case by comparison. A friend of mine works in the legal department for Tenable Security. I'll see if he's got any insight.
  17. TJ @ rider's discount is absolutely awesome, but I don't have anything bad to say about Brian Van either. I would be shocked and amazed if STG was truly attempting a "bait and switch," as you suggest. You have every right to be upset, but I think they'll impress you with a chance to make it right. If you're not happy with the other options available, for $1k, you can get a pretty nice custom Spartan suit, and possibly even a custom Pilot suit. I'm not sure where the Pilots start, but $1k sounds about right.
  18. I read the title of this thread and thought, "man, I love my dog, but I don't know about having his ashes mixed with mine..."
  19. Watch "American Pickers" on the history channel. One of the guys is a bike/motorcycle nut. He finds old Harley parts all the time. I've only seen them buy a couple "complete" bikes, and the most valuable one had been restored once previously. It sill sold for obscene money.
  20. Yeah, I don't think he can convincingly argue that he thought he might have been ok to drive... That said, I've ridden a bike close to that drunk. No breathalizer, but lots of beers and splitting a bottle of CC with a buddy means I was well beyond .200 I don't know how i got started, but I got into 2nd gear and just blew every stop sign for the 6 blocks from my buddy's house to mine. It's 2 turns total (excluding driveways). Stalled the bike in my driveway, nearly dropped it, and puked through my parents' screen window 10 minutes later. I woke up to a note from my dad that said, "This is strike one. Three strikes and you're out." dumbest thing i've ever done on a bike, but sadly, not by that much...
  21. This lady's got my story beat, but I've actually WITNESSED the same (teenage or early 20's) girl get pulled over twice in as many hours. I was on the way home from columbus, and a GTI came flying by me early in the trip. I watched her get pulled over. 45 minutes or so later, she flew by me again, and I watched her get tagged a second time. I could hardly believe it. That's an expensive day...
  22. all depends on whether there's case law on it. I'm sure there is, but I'm too lazy to look it up. If it's a case of first impression in Ohio, my argument might work. But you're right on what the wording suggests - the argument would be based on whether or not the magazine constitutes "specially adapted." better just to not get caught.
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