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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. same here. According to the control rider I worked with my first day, I was "a disaster." Most people are. I'm not "fast" now, but I'm a billion times better than I was my first day.
  2. ask the lawyers about that. i don't know product liability law at all, but there is a serious trend in property law (housing) that exculpatory clauses are invalid. Basically they court can potentially say, "well yes, Joe Squid signed a waiver saying that he knows these are take-offs and might not be as safe as new tires, but he didn't know any better, and the business owner should have. As a matter of public policy, this waiver is invalid."
  3. if people really think the world is ending in 2012, they sure aren't acting like it. Any reasonable belief that the world was coming to an end would result in almost instantaneous anarchy. What would you do with no long-term consequences? I sure as hell wouldn't worry about my credit score or savings account; hell, i probably wouldn't even pay that much attention to my wife! trackdays, hookers, and blow. for a year? sign me up.
  4. hmmm... the law student in me should have thought of that, but I wonder if there's case law on it. I can foresee a possible liability issue, but as long as they're not at the wear bar it might fly. Good point nonetheless.
  5. PS - you should carry my take-offs. realistically, as much as you love track riding and racing, you know 90% of your customers are going to be street riders or mad stuntas. track takeoffs might actually be a hot item for $100/pair or $60 for a rear. you'd have to buy them at about half that to make it worth your time, but hell, I always end up with random tires no one on here wants sitting in my garage.
  6. "conrad's" has posters in most of their waiting rooms to avoid arguments with customers over this. For liability reasons, a shop really should not put new tires on the front wheels unless the customer signs some kind of waiver acknowledging that the shop told them it's unsafe.
  7. chains are likely different than new tires. I shouldn't have muddied this thread with that. putting chains on the drive wheels seems to make sense, because they're designed for traction from a stop. But on ANY car, even front-wheel drive, the newest tires should always be on the rear. Don't take my word for it, take Michelin's: http://www.michelinman.com/tire-care/tire-basics/reartire-change/ and don't tell me any of you know more about tires than Michelin.
  8. what the hell is wrong with people?? you always, ALWAYS put the tires, chains, etc. with the most tread or traction on the REAR wheels. no matter how bald the front wheels are, you can at least turn them. You never have that option with the rear wheels. maybe not quite as applicable with snow chains, where the point is traction from a stop, but from a control perspective, new tires should always go on the rear rims (assuming you're replacing in pairs).
  9. killer i may take a weekend trip down when the weather gets nice just to drop in.
  10. China's going to have a bunch of problems when their 1 child rule makes it impossible to fill all their $.01/day manufacturing jobs in 50 years. That "FU money" will come back eventually - it's just a question of whether or not the US collapses before then, or China smogs itself into a lung cancer epidemic. /politics in ridiculous vehicle thread. I'd like to add the segway to that list. Sure they're cool, but they're totally pointless. Mall cops everywhere can now be even more overweight, but what else has it accomplished? I saw ONE person using one for a decent purpose - a professor at school walks with a cane, and gets around slowly, and with a great deal of pain (like a less cranky version of House). She navigates the halls with her segway, but can stand while lecturing, and can walk short distances when the segway is impractical.
  11. eBay is a binding contract, and she was in breach. Based on the fact that the seller had no time to resell them, I think he would have had a VERY convincing estoppel argument in small claims court - but that would have been a lot of trouble. (frustration of purpose of the contract, and bad faith would be other claims for the seller). "conning" her into paying for something had already purchased - that part i'm less sure of. The secondary agreement wasn't a contract. There was no consideration; only a promise. Both are required for a valid contract (although I'm struggling to see where the original eBay transaction had consideration either - clearly eBay's lawyers have that covered though). Unethical? eh... Getting what someone promised you isn't unethical in my book. Deceitful for sure, but he collected what she promised to pay. He didn't trick her into making her original winning bid, so she had every opportunity to avoid the situation; he didn't. She came to him. Were she to try to bring a fraud claim against him, in his place, I'd just say "fine - I'll file a counter-claim for the $600 you owe me to begin with. If you want your $20 back, I think we can settle that out of court. It'll be waiting for you at the corner of 'go fuck yourself,' and 'karma's a bitch, bitch.'" I wouldn't hesitate to use the same 'trick' to collect.
  12. I've been led to believe that a 250 in India is like an F650 truck in the states; they exist, but they're hard to find, and considered HUGE due to the scarcity of fuel stations in some parts of the country. Are we sure this isn't a troll?
  13. if anybody wants an '82 maxim for cheap, my former coworker has one that I'm betting he'd sell. From what I've seen of it, it's not in bad shape, and totally stock. He's graduating from law school in a few days, and has to take teh bar in February. he was literally JUST telling me how all the review courses and forms are "$500 here, $300 there; another $200 for whatever filing fee with the Ohio Bar Association..." I would bet $600 or so takes his Maxim 650 in ride-it-home condition.
  14. I don't think he meant the cops themselves are garbage; just that they don't do an effective job at preventing property from being stolen. I think they'd agree. Cops have a list of job duties longer than your arm. Guess where preventing motorcycle theft falls when they prioritize those duties... Even then, the police are not responsible for preventing theft or protecting you from bad guys. Their duty is to investigate and solve crimes, not prevent them. It's a legal necessity, or every time a crime was committed, the victim could sue the cops for failing to prevent it.
  15. If people want to see her "making of the audition video" video, there was a scene she cut out because the herd of sheep in the background had their bells clanging all over. the camel and outdoor scenes were really just to get her past the first round - it's like getting on TV w/ American Idol; you either have to be truly talented, or have a great gimmick to get in front of the 3 main judges. 90% of the people who audition are dismissed by producers. being talented AND having a gimmick just makes you that much more memorable.
  16. several sites are telling me that VIN is invalid, including one specifically for "decoding" Honda motorcycle VINs. did you mis-type it?
  17. the school isn't even IN brecksville; we just let their residents attend ;-) "broadview heights" is just one too many syllables for slow people. LAST DAY TO VOTE.
  18. bumping it up, and hopefully giving this thread a happy ending. hammy went to the Mutt Hutt today for day care, and is scheduled to meet a potential family this weekend. They're going to take her for a few days and make sure she gets along with their other dog, and hopefully keep her.
  19. what's the VIN? that never leaves either.
  20. what pisses me off most about these movies is how much shit they get wrong, and just write it off as "custom." I only watched the trailer once, and didn't pay super close attention, but it looked to me like Paul whatever his name is and Vin Diesel were shifting gears ...in the Dodge Charger SRT8. A manual isn't an option. I know i'm asking for realism in a make-believe environment, but to me it's just a matter of doing it right. If you put a motorcycle in a movie, make sure the twins sound like twins, and the I4's sound like I4's. if you're putting a 425hp hemi in a mercedes chassis, give it a transmission that exists... the masses may not give a shit, but enthusiasts do.
  21. the article says a "2009-2010 sport-style motorcycle." So the police are confident in saying that the bike was less than 2 years old, but not what make or model? Just goes to show that 99% of the population can't tell a new bike from a 7 year old bike.
  22. I disagree with 90% of President Obama's policies, but I bet he'd be cool enough to hang out with. Given the chance, I bet he'd laugh at some intern jokes and knock back a few beers. Regular guy with an irregular job. If I don't like the way you lay carpet, or fix motorcycles, or program computers, that doesn't mean I think you're a douche.
  23. No way someone that stupid has good enough credit to own a bike that was purchased 2 years ago. I'm betting the bank owns that ride. I value it at $2900 max.
  24. Geoff May's is up for sale on the NESBA board. 70,000 miles - asking price is $96k I think. But his is like a fucking rockstar tour-bus. I'm not even sure it's a true "toy hauler," or if they keep the bikes in a separate, smaller trailer. You can find the small ones (2 bikes, 4 people) for $15k in decent shape.
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