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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Sparky - you're on a 650, so I assume that's a 160 rear - As such, your options will be slightly less expansive than those looking for a 180 or 190. If you're a michelin guy, go with the 'regular' pilot powers. I used those on my F2 well into "I" group with NESBA, and there are plenty of STT coaches who ride them in Advanced; especially the rear, to save cash. As others have said, DO NOT ride the track on a plugged tire. It sucks to shell out money for a new tire, but it sucks more to have tire failure be the reason you crash. As I implied above, "middle-ground" tires aren't easy to find in 160 rear sizes; at least they weren't when I had my F2... You're likely going to be choosing between sport oriented street tires, or DOT race tires. There were no "trackday/street" tires in the 160 size a couple years ago. That MAY have changed since then though. There are 2 schools of thought with tire purchases: 1) "buy the stickiest tire you can afford - it might save your ass (and your bike) if you do something dumb." 2) "only buy a tire you're actually going to use to ~80% of it's potential. Relying on the tires to bail you out of trouble allows you to form bad riding habits, and as a track newb, you probably won't have the speed to keep DOT race tires hot enough to work well anyway." I fall into the second camp. I don't believe tires have ever CAUSED or even ALLOWED anyone to crash. Learning to feel feedback from tires is an important skill, and one I prefer to learn at a beginner/intermediate pace rather than buying super sticky rubber and masking the feedback until I'm at an even faster pace. It's also important to remember that spending $40-$60 to have your suspension properly set up can improve EVERY tire's ability to provide grip, and likely makes them wear slower and more evenly as well. So a one-time suspension setup can probably do more for you than spending $60 more on EVERY set of tires. it's the off-season, so PM me (or others here) if you have specific questions; and don't take any one person's advice as gospel (except for riding on the plugged tire - don't do that). Everyone's situation is different. Bike, budget, goals, etc. all determine what's best for you.
  2. redkow97

    Twa 800

    I was i middle school in 1996. What's the context here? I can get away with a 90 second video at work; but not 9 minutes...
  3. Gump's referring to a misrepresentation by omission. Again, you're going to need an actual contract for that to apply, or you can't prove he didn't tell you. It would also be a lot easier for you to get money back if you could show that the seller attempted to conceal the problem; otherwise he can just claim that the gasket in a can was a legitimate fix, or he didn't know about the problem in the first place.
  4. Ride wherever you can. I ride with Nesba if I have the choice. Nesba doesn't let you choose your group, which means the people in "I" and " actuLly belong there. I am a fast "I" rider with Nesba and mid pack "A" with STT or Fasttrax.
  5. Do you actually have a contract? If so, you might have a prayer. There is the "implied warranty of merchantability," which means that the item must be fit for it's intended use. In this case that would be plowing (arguably). But,as the name implies, it only applies to MERCHANT sellers. If the guy sells a lot of cars, you could threaten him with that. The threat alone might be enough to get your money back. Worth a try, but your "as is" sale should have contained language excluding ALL warranties implied or otherwise. Lesson for sellers there.
  6. I'm in law school, which just means that I know a lot about what I've learned lately, but i don't specialize in anything (yet). If it's a general business CONTRACTS question, I actually kicked that course's ass - I haven't taken a business law course. Bottom line is I can give you a "I think it's probably..." answer, but if you want real legal advice, you need to talk to a practicing attorney in that field. I may know what i'm talking about, but I don't have a license to lose if I'm wrong.
  7. STT has a more conservative novice program; for most people that is better for their first time on track. But after 1 or 2 trackday, STT's novice program is painfully restrictive; thus why their intermediate group is full of people who are slow, but think they're fast enough for Intermediate. NESBA's beginner group is a bit like being thrown into a shark tank. STT says "this is what you should do: this is the gas, and this is the brake..." NESBA says, "let's see what you can do. Don't crash showing us." BeaveRun is the best value in trackdays in the area. Putnam Park isn't far behind. They're not world-class layouts liek Mid-Ohio, but they're $155-$165/day instead of $195, and the track surface on both is decent (even in the rain).
  8. I think negative campaigns are a matter of convenience and practicality. What's easier; coming up with a solution to a problem, or simply pointing out that your opponent's proposed solution is flawed? In motorcycle terms, it's easy for me to point out the front-end chatter problems in the 2010 ZX10 - I can bash that bike all day long ...but I can't fix it. I can't convince you to buy an R1, but I can convince you NOT to buy a ZX10. makes sense, right? I don't recall hearing any ads that actually touted what a given candidate would DO if elected - But they successfully conveyed the message that electing the other guy would be a BAD call. shitty political scene to live in for sure...
  9. Actually the constitution doesn't guarantee the right to vote; in fact the electoral college was created explicitly to PREVENT the masses from deciding who governs. voting is something the government allows to create the appearance of giving a shit about what we think. the only constitutional stipulation on voting is that IF the gov't chooses to allow it, they have to enforce equal protection of voting 'rights.'
  10. I was browsing election returns last night (so I acknowledge that the numbers were incomplete), but I checked the Broadview Heights levies to see how they were fairing. total votes were around 6,000 I looked at some of the East Cleveland ballot issues, and the total votes were more like 200. One was something like 46-76. I'd like to see data on likelihood to vote and it's correlation with income level...
  11. I had no idea how under-paid I am for my level of education. fuck college - i should have worked at DHL...
  12. There are a billion things that people COULD do, but don't. I could walk around punching people in the face - that doesn't mean that everyone's hands should be cut off because a small percentage of the population (me) is acting like idiots.
  13. at the college level, I expect the professors to have blatantly biased opinions. I also expect that they acknowledge their bias and at least attempt to acknowledge their complete lack of neutrality. My constitutional law professor is probably the smartest man I've ever met. He's also one of the most liberal; as are most of my law professors. ...but they acknowledge it. Most literally allow for "equal time" if they go off on a liberal tirade.
  14. ^ that's a more stringent 'test' than the government puts on being allowed to vote. All you have to do is be a citizen and 18 years old. p.s. there's a constitutional right to bear (if not carry) arms. The constitution makes no promise of being allowed to vote.
  15. a disagreement doesn't have to turn into an argument.
  16. I'm a firm believer that regardless of what ideology you subscribe to, you have to test it with absolutes and extremes. that's why I was almost (ALMOST) happy when Obama got elected, and the Democrats had the congressional super-majority. As much as I flatly disagree with democratic economic policies, I figured the last 2 years would either a) be awesome and prove me wrong, or b) suck ass and prove the democrats wrong. the problem is I think it takes way more than 2 years to prove either. Not to change the subject, but this is why I was (am) so against the GM bailout. the free-market system works, but failure is part of it working!!! Interrupting the process eliminates the opportunity for a natural recovery. /rant (for now)
  17. we're an "equal opportunity" society, right? And we admit that we can't keep guns out of the hands of criminals, yes? Then the only realistic chance at "equality" is to allow everyone to carry a gun. "But people would be shooting each other in the streets!" Would you shoot anyone? - that's what I ask the people who make such claims. We already license people to drive cars who aren't safe - why should we be any more careful with guns? A car is just a giant bullet that's easier to aim. Maybe there WOULD be a huge rash of killings if the whole country were armed - but I bet the people left living would be a lot more polite to each other, and much more aware of their surroundings.
  18. I'm probably too cheap to buy and paint the body kit. But the idea of shoe-horning a V8 into a miata sounds fantastic. Probably technically beyond me, but biting off more than you can chew is fun.
  19. she proclaimed that she had a deep vagina? ...and dudes weren't constantly asking her to prove it?
  20. good luck I'd love to mess with an old bike, but I am afraid of anything without a front disk brake. So your bike makes the cut, but doing a fork conversion is an interesting idea... It would certainly free up some options.
  21. the particular scenario I was thinking of was people with kids wanting to buddy up. I love my dog because he's MY dog. People love their kids because they're THEIR kids. Either are a liability in a disaster situation. Any person or pet who isn't self-sufficient would just drag everyone else down... It begs choices that none of us would be happy to make.
  22. ^ Jon Stewart's rally? You can't tell me that Americans take politics more serious than comedy that would be legitimately disappointing. I wouldn't be surprised to hear Stewart/Colbert drew more people than Glen Beck.
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