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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. There are a lot of educators who would LOVE to do the things we're talking about - but it would cost them their jobs. Teachers and principals aren't parents, and they shouldn't be expected to "parent" these kids. Frankly, the school shoudln't have to be the one handing out discipline in the first place. The problem with being a parent is that it's the most important job in the world, but the only qualification is the ability to fuck. I don't have kids though, so it's easy for me to talk out of my ass about parenting - not that having a kid suddenly makes a person an expert. I love when people try to pull that argument...
  2. isn't that also a felony?
  3. how much do radar dectors run these days? the ticket I got at the end of last month was 79 in a 60, and only cost me $107...
  4. hahaha - i wouldn't say "PITA," but "challenging" is accurate. She keeps life interesting, and puts me in check when I need to be. I used to date a girl who would pretty much roll with whatever I wanted. It was fun in the bedroom, but in day-to-day conversation, it got annoying as fuck. Some times I want to actually have a conversation with some resistance. Let's DEBATE something rather than just telling each other how right we are. In fact, I might have even settled for that, but she would just say, "I agree" without adding any reasons why... it's kinda like effing a porn star - it sounds awesome, but when you live with it, it's not.
  5. I'm good at proving my wife wrong - trust me, that's not the way for me to gain her "support" on this. If anything she'll resent me (and the gun) more for trying to argue with her rather than just leaving it alone. foolish pride? probably, but I know which battles to choose, and this isn't one of them when she's already conceding 1 firearm. no offense taken. I grew up in Broadview Heights after my parents moved us OUT of Parma just in time for me to start school in BVH. My wife went to private school because she's from Parma Hts. Our neighborhood itself is nice and safe, but we're 2 blocks from Brookpark Rd, and near some cheap apartments. As of this morning, the (closed) driving range nets are down, so there's no physical barrier between our neighborhood and Brookpark Rd. anymore. I'm very aware that our little 8 block piece of suburbia is surrounded by less safe real estate... I've seen a different episode of the same show. People who were convinced their dog woudl go nuts were shocked when it basically just wanted attention. food distracted them every time. But to Chevy's original point, 2 armed robbers broke into a house on my in-law's street in an even nicer neighborhood than ours. They had followed the dad home from the liquor store he owns and assumed he had a large sum of cash on him. Held the family hostage for several hours, before someone in the house was able to dial 911 and leave the phone off teh hook so the dispatcher could overhear. My wife is bull-headed enough that she's convinced that wouldn't happen to us because I don't own a liquor store and don't carry a lot of cash. I replied, "what if they'd just broken into the wrong house?" she's convinced it wouldn't happen. if she weren't so hot, i'd smack 'er.
  6. shocker - the guy with a ZX14 agrees that certain vehicles should be allowed to "speed." I'm not saying it's a practical theory to implement, but I think it's (arguably) a logical conclusion. and to some extent, we already do this btw - ever seen the speed limit signs that say "65/55 for vehicles with a GVW over X tons, and non-com buses" ? isn't that an acknowledgment that a vehicle's ability to stop in X distance is really what should determine it's individual speed limit? I think it is.
  7. I really don't know my liter bikes, because i've never shopped for one, but are those the original forks? I am sure the 600/750 didn't get inverted forks and radial-mounted calipers until 2004. Did the 1000's have them in 2002?
  8. I have a rather enlightening (most would say "crazy") theory about speeding... speed limits are basically "public protection" laws; or so they claim - we all know they're just revenue generators. But to that point, most speed limits were set in the 1960's or 1970's when cars weighed a ton and braked like boats. due to safety improvements, the weights probably aren't much lower now than they were then, but improved tire technology, ABS, and even the greater adoption of disk brakes means that cars are STOPPING in shorter distances than ever before. I don't htink it's illogical to conclude that speed limits could (and should) be raised to reflect the advancements in automotive technology. to take it one step further, I'd even to so far as to say that vehicles could be certified to achieve X mph (tires already are). So if you're in a vette, you can do 120 safely. If yo're in a mini-van, only 80 (i'm betting a 2010 van stops in a shorter distance than an 80's firebird. seriously). I acknowledge the inherent difficulties in enforcing such a system, but I think it's worth looking into. We're not far from the day that law enforcement can scan our plates like a bar-code from 300 yards out; I'm sure they could figure out when someone's exceeding the maximum safe speed for their particular vehicle. /conspiracy theory rant...
  9. The wife just doesn't see the need for a having a gun in our house. Until recently, she had more range time than I did - but she's totally happy to leave the gun at the range. she thinks a home invasion would never happen in our neighborhood, and if it did, our dog would alert us of the intruder and likely scare him away. I'm less optimistic (did I mention she's pretty liberal?) about the odds of a home invasion, and I laugh at the notion that Henry is going to react to a home invader, let alone do anything resembling protecting us from one. Our dog is energetic, but "ferocious," he is not.
  10. I believe you're understanding it right. a 600 in the "B" class is pretty common. The 2009 "B superstock" and "B superbike" EXPERT Champion won both classes on an R6. He also swept the "C" classes. http://www.witchkraftracing.com/ There are a lot more people riding 600's in "B" classes than there are riding 750's in "A" classes. But I certainly don't mean for that statement to take anything away from Brandon's accomplishments on the track this year. Just browsing his WERA profile, his results speak for themselves. I'm sure if you gave me a 750, he'd still lap me on a 600 congratulations are definitely in order. ...now go get your white plate so I have a prayer at a top 5 finish if I race next year
  11. i don't want to sound like a queer or nothin', but sign me up for that. Being in school, I no longer view house work as chores; rather, cutting the lawn, doing dishes, or grocery shopping are nice little breaks from an otherwise one-dimensional existence spent reading or over-thinking. the best part of my Saturday this past weekend was fixing my lawn mower (which, for the record, was achieved by drilling and safety wiring parts of the rear-wheel assembly so it would stop slipping out of place. ha.)
  12. tracking a car is too rich for my blood... Theoretically, an off-track excursion costs you less, but tires and gas cost you a lot more. I'd check the Nelson or BeaveRun web sites and see when they have a car group scheduled. Watch a couple of sessions, and then approach someone who looks fast, or just has a badass car - i mean, if you're looking for dramatic speed changes, the better drives will actually provide less exciting data by being smoother. The less skilled drivers will be doing the park/scream act, and with a big engine, really be more interesting results. by that logic, a bike would probably be a cooler graph than a car too...
  13. Oh trust me, it BOTHERS me too, but you can only sue for actual damages. It sound like the only "damage" is the loss of the deductible and maybe some small monetary award for 'future damages' due to an increase in your insurance rates. That's $1000 for deductible and ~$1000 for future damages maybe? I don't know how much per year your rates will go up or how long an accident stays on your record, but I'll estimate a $200 increase for 5 years. Not enough for a lawyer working on contingency to care about. Shitty, but true - same reason a concrete contractor won't pour the foundation for a dog house when the neighbor's trying to hire them to pour an entire driveway. The insurance company is the one losing the most money here, and thus they should be the ones eager to sue ...but they do this all the time, and they're being realistic about the odds of finding the proper party and the cost of winning.
  14. and here I was actually legitimately concerned that Casper had neighbor kids playing on his property and was worried about accidentally shooting one. ...I've been in the Firearms forum too much the last few days.
  15. yeah... I know I'll WANT an arsenal one day, but getting the first gun through the door is step one. I'm not above purchasing a pistol down the road and just not telling my wife... Pistols are easier to hide in the garage. The long gun has to come through the front door though I figure I'd cut down the shotgun barrel to 20" and just call that short enough. Then I know i'm good and legal, and maybe a tad more accurate if I want to shoot clays.
  16. what exactly would you be suing for? I am assuming insurance is picking up the tab on the bike, right? I'm just asking because I don't know what type of lawyer you talked to, or how you know (or don't know) them. I'm not an attorney, but I'm in law school, so I know plenty of attorneys and all of my professors provide interesting insight into the field of law they left when they started teaching. Playing devil's advocate against the attorney, I don't think your case would get thrown out, but I'm going to suggest the possibility that he's thinking, "hmmm, insurance is paying for the bike, and this guy walked away without serious injury - there's nowhere for me to make any money on this case even if I collect 60% of the awarded damages." Your insurance company is playing the game of odds here - they're betting it's going to cost less to pay you for the bike than it will cost to track down and sue the cab driver, or cab company. They're probably right. So I'll ask it again, what damages would you be suing for?
  17. is it ghetto (or difficult) to saw off your own shotgun barrel? 28" is about 8 more than I'd like... but it's all that i'm finding in combination with a 23" .22 barrel.
  18. 243 ammo is ~$1/round... assuming i can get a .22LR/12ga combo, what's a decent intermediate size round that won't break the bank? a third barrel will be an option down the road.
  19. this sounds just about perfect. .22 for plinking around, 12ga for home defense or shooting clays, and then something in between for when the zombies come (something legal to hunt with if i wanted, so 243 is probably out...)
  20. the single-shot thing kind of sucks, and the lightness of the gun means that a 12 gauge is going to kick like hell, no? but the versatility might just be worth it... the wife said one firearm; she didn't say anything about having 10 different barrels are these strictly designed as "youth" guns, or could I take one to the range without being mocked too mercilessly?
  21. ^ actually that looks like a nice way to go... what are the drawbacks? internet says it's a single-shot model. seems inconvenient, especially for home defense...
  22. thanks - and that makes more sense. If the round tumbles after entering the target, I can see how that, combined with additional mass would cause a lot more impact than a bullet that simply pierces. so now I want 3 guns instead of one should probably still stick with a shotgun as my first firearm, but a .22 will definitely be on the list. Tpoppa's revolver is still an option I'm considering... 9" barrel means I won't have many excuses for not being accurate though
  23. care to elaborate? My point was really to get some clarification about what people really meant by "stopping power." the notion that a bullet will knock someone over or somehow impede their forward progress for any reason beyond pain seems flatly wrong from a physics standpoint.
  24. put it on craigslist for $1200 and I bet you'll get $800 for it. that thing looks great for its age. I'd love to pick it up, but I barely ride the bikes I have...
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