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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. if i die doing something retarded, i fully expect all of you to make fun of me mercilessly. I'd appreciate it if you don't do so in front of my wife or my mom, but my brothers and my dad would probably agree with you. I get angry more often than I get really "upset" by things. As Arnold puts it in Terminator III, "anger is more useful than despair."
  2. pretty cool. I didn't notice until they were putting it back together that the tub is just SITTING on the chassis. No bolts at all. a friend of mine had an old CJ-7 that was missing 3 out of 4 body mounts up front. Off-road, the body flexed so much that the radiator (connected to the grill) contacted the engine fan. that didn't end so well.
  3. I'd like to propose an official OR rule that you're not allowed to bitch about the track surface at Nelson until you're breaking 1:12 there... We all know it's not a great track, but people are able to lap in the 1:07's there year after year. This guy Ryan (who was decently, but not lightnight fast) used to have "suck it up, Sally" written on his triple clamp. I thought that was one of the funniest things I ever saw. The bikes are fast and capable. It's the lumpy fleshy thing on top that slows it down.
  4. i can't wait til 2 years from now when no one remembers these broads and the blonde is in Playboy.
  5. "attempted" anything is a finicky charge. unless the kid actually moved the bike off the property where it was parked, he'd likely get off on some technicality. I don't know the specifics of that particular law, but dumber shit happens every day. putting on gloves and throwing a leg over a bike isn't attempted theft. IF they had been arrested, what would they have been charged with? admitting that you meant to commit a crime isn't a crime. At best it's conspiracy to commit grand theft auto.
  6. yes. true, but he only had to move over maybe five or six feet; it's not like he needed to tip the bike over for a 90 degree turn.
  7. Winner. I wonder if they're not slow intentionally. I've only gone to Houndogs a handful of times (friends lived on Lane for a year), but if you're drinking, the shitty service is no big deal. a small group of friends demolished 3 pretty big pizzas and probably 10 pitchers on a weekday afternoon. I had no complaints.
  8. I've preferred the term "dot her eyes" ever since I read i hope they serve beer in hell.
  9. i don't understand people who are dumb enough to fall for this stuff... My wife's (former) coworker came into work crying one day because her mother that lost like $6k to some scammer. I don't remember exactly how, but it was painfully stupid. Then again, her coworker is at least 36 and still has $60k in student loans from getting her bachelor's degree... The family doesn't appear to be great with money.
  10. does being at the 'rally' automatically make you a supporter? these crowd estimates are silly. The fact is, a considerable number of people showed up to listen, at least half of them clapped, and I'm sure a lot left disappointed by the (lack of) message. Just because 100,000 people were or weren't there doesn't mean that they're all supporters. I wouldn't have minded going to hear what Beck had to say ...but I was at BeaveRun instead.
  11. i can't believe they don't want to know what OTHER bikes I own as well. I picked V-rod muscle. what did everyone else choose?
  12. ^ that or draw a dildo in her hand or something. Maybe make the ball look like a bear trap.
  13. would have hurt a LOT more if the watermelon hadn't smashed.
  14. i have to admit, I read the thread title, and my first thought was, "on purpose?" congratulations to you and your lady.
  15. i hope these things aren't expensive to create, because they're going to be vandalized like you wouldn't believe. you have to physically chip-away a speed bump. a $6 bucket of paint and 3 seconds to dump it is all it will take to eliminate these stupid things.
  16. or me street bike. the EX500's swan song maybe?
  17. so it's at a track, and they still require you to have a license? that's kind of backward... methinks they'd get a little pissy if I were to show up with full leathers and race bodywork expecting to turn anything faster than a 1:40 out there. This seems like a fun time for street riders, but could be very frustrating for people used to "regular" trackdays.
  18. except these religious zealots are a lot less shy about killing American soldiers than most. I support the RIGHT to burn any religious text you want, but I think it's a petty and antagonistic move that will ultimately get soldiers killed. Who is really proving the larger point there?
  19. somebody had a decent little integra for sale for $1400, didn't they?
  20. I think that any time there's a conflict between treating animals ethically and making a profit, the animals get screwed. I believe the same situations are tolerated far less often with humans. It's not that I think it's ok when a mother leaves her child in a dumpster; I wouldn't dream of minimizing the cruelty that entails, but I think it's shitty for people to be selfish a-holes in any situation, and it happens a lot more often with puppies than infants.
  21. if the HD guy is serious about winning, he'll make a big surge close to the end of the month. I suggest everyone set a calendar reminder for themselves to do the same
  22. I could not care less about this. Frankly, loud exhausts on any vehicle are annoying. there is no need for any rider to have an obnoxiously loud pipe on his or her bike. It's not like modern sportbikes are down on power from the factory. I understand that less restrictive exhaust can free up a few more horsepower, but how many people; especially those on sportbikes, are really using all 100-160 hp their bike already puts to the wheel? complete non-issue as far as i'm concerned. If anything, I'm happy it'll cut down on the HD "fags."
  23. The difference there is that human adults should be responsible enough to use contraception. I'm not aware of any such option for dogs. Breeding children isn't big business; at least not that I'm aware of. Breeding puppies is.
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