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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I might see you at Putnam in August. I mentioned to the directors that they're killing me by always scheduling Putnam the same weekends as BeaveRun. Those are basically the only two tracks I'm riding (with NESBA) this season, so I constantly have to choose. a variety of tracks is HUGELY helpful in improving your riding, so I almost don't have a choice for August. Might also try to get to Summit in September, but I have 3 weddings that month, and of course I'm IN the one the weekend after Summit. I'm tempting fate and risking being in a sling or a neck-brace for that wedding
  2. you lost me here: you refer to yourself as a "rice rocket rider?" really?
  3. I consider 1:10's "fast," but 1:14 is pretty decent. I'll have to get back to Nelson and see how far off I am.
  4. show up and ride. if you can pass the guy in front of you, you're faster than him. If you get passed, you're slower than that guy. Besides, fast guys can ride slow some days, so their "best" time isn't really any indication of how they're riding on any given weekend. I ride with a lot of guys who used to be faster than me. I've gotten quicker, but in some cases, they've also gotten slower. "the older I get, the greater (or faster) I used to be" applies for almost all sports.
  5. I think the newer hi points have improved in quality, but they're still inexpensive, so it's hard to shake the "cheap" reputation. they're the "kia" of firearms. I was going to say the "hyosung" of firearms, but I think that's too harsh! But just like bikes, people build brand loyalty and the people with really nice stuff tend to act a bit elitist. Ever talked to a Ducati owner about bikes? of course their $25k 1098 is better than your $13k R1! It was more expensive! Just like guns, the 'performance' is nearly 100% dependent upon the operator.
  6. all of the SATURDAY track days at Nelson are $125. I'm surprised they're not charging less for a Tuesday. what does 'affiliated with the MSF program' mean? I registered, but my seat got swiped. Doubt i could make it tomorrow anyway...
  7. hahahaha - somebody lied to you. But I hope you enjoy your stay - chris
  8. it'd be more fun to quit your job, sell your stuff, and travel the world causing other people problems.
  9. I don't recall if it was the same company (Carbon motors), but there was an article in Motor Trend last year, and again more recently, about a company who plans to make purpose-built police cars. that's it. no civilian vehicles. The theory is: - a purpose-built vehicle is better from the start. there are no consumer considerations built into the design. - it might cost a bit more to buy, but there's ZERO retrofitting of lights, radios, laptops, etc., so it's actually cheaper. - the company will be experts at what they do, because it's ALL they do. - the company BUYS BACK every vehicle after 100,000 miles (or something) and refurbishes the vehicle before selling it back to some other Police department. I actually think it's a pretty strong business model. And if they can package in 100% of parts and maintenance on the vehicles for a flat or 'subscription' fee, how could the PD say no? basically the cops would be leasing their vehicles from the manufacturer. I like it. If they lay off staff, they stop paying for the car(s) they no longer need, and save money. Owning a vehicle isn't a good investment when you beat on them as hard as cops do.
  10. Awesome weekend. essentially perfect weather, and lots of fast riding. Alan would have been the only one there to see it, but I managed to nearly kill myself Sunday afternoon. I was riding really well, and chasing some guys who are around the same pace as me. They were approaching slower traffic coming up on turn 1, and I thought, "fuck this - i'm getting by all of them on the brakes." I still think I could have made it, but I grabbed waaaaay too much brake and lifted the rear wheel at about 140mph. I had the presence of mind to ease up on the lever and set the rear down, but I went straight off turn 1 at god knows what speed. I rode it out in the grass and got back on the track between turns 2 and 3, after the corner worker radioed to the track marshal and made sure no one was going to ass-pack me... Other than that "oh-shit" moment, I had a great weekend Brian - there are some good pics of you on www.thesbimage.com in the 'highlights' album. Alan - it was nice meeting you. I'm sorry I never got down to talk and hang out a little more. I was exhausted, and spent a lot of Sunday packing up my tent, etc. between sessions. we'll have to coordinate more OR trackdays. The more members we have going to the track, the more opportunities for ride-sharing, planning group meals, etc.
  11. that's not it at all. If i bad-mouth your business and they send me to jail for it, where does that leave you? You're no better off than before. the principal of civil suits is to make the victim whole again. In the absence of the ability to undo the damage, a monetary reward is substituted. You don't think that's appropriate?
  12. and those would be questions for a jury. The OH supreme court is only able to rule on whether or not the law allows the suit. I think the system is actually working as intended here.
  13. brand new? eBay has them selling for $60 or more.
  14. I have a second generation iPiod shuffle (the squarish one) that I think is 1 GB. I opened it, and never really used it. literally, the ear buds have never been in my ears. I may have loaded the software, but that's it. it was a gift from a vendor at work, so i never really wanted it. is $40 reasonable?
  15. It sounds like they were suing for defamation. I can't say "ChevySoldier is a lying cheating crook who sells defective engine blocks" if it's untrue. the article quoted the lawyer as saying something about the comments being viewed by 5 Ohio residents, thus they were "published" in OH. You actually only need ONE person to hear/view a defamatory statement for it to be "published." I wouldn't call it an "open door," it's just saying that the internet doesn't remove you from liability if you make recklessly false statements.
  16. or you'll get a rain credit. Given that they're calling for thunderstorms, it's possible that they could call the day due to lightning. That would suck, but sometimes not as much as it sucks to ride in a monsoon.
  17. redkow97


    looks a lot like a CBR1000 front end...
  18. camping tonight and tomorrow at the track. and yeah, we're getting wet tomorrow. But it is what it is. Sunday looks better than Saturday.
  19. so wait, 1:14's at Nelson are supposedly attainable with 1 day of coaching? I must be a lot slower than I thought.
  20. I seem to recall looking at a TD org that would prove you wrong. They were advertising 'free timing' for all participants, and were planning to use the data to shuffle riders up or down a group. Someone on the NESBA forum suggested that NESBA do the same, and there was a lot of, "no! don't do that! insurance doesn't cover me at 'timed events!'" But there is at least one TD provider who does it; I just can't remember who... **edit - CCS offers free transponders at their trackdays. i realize they're a race org, but this isn't their races. And this isn't the group I was thinking of; just the first one I found when I searched. It appears that Streets of Willow rents transponders for $30 when you do one of their days as well.
  21. the youtube comments are pretty entertaining. My favorite was, "the NAACP must be pretty bored now that our predominantly white society elected a black president and all."
  22. Reminds me of the guy from "A Beautiful Mind," the way he started seeing codes and hidden messages everywhere. When you're obsessed with racism, you find it everywhere. ...except Russel Crow's character (and the guy it's based on) had documented mental issues. If only the NCAACP people had the same excuse. I'm disappointed in Hallmark for pulling the card when it was clearly NOT racist.
  23. I've been on about 10 'organized' bar crawls. I didn't know the shirt writing enhanced the experience, I just thought that was something girls did...
  24. welfare needs to be a means to transition someone into supporting themselves, not an indefinite paycheck for existing. People fall on hard times. I think they should receive AID, but not be supported completely by tax dollars. And I think once they're back on their feet, they should have to pay back at least some portion of the aid they received. And limit the total number of years a person can be on welfare throughout their lifetime. You can apply for extensions in extreme situations, but it would need to be an immediate review process to avoid injunctions and milking the system during the 'appeal' process.
  25. might want to consider putting a date in the thread title so people reading this next week know what's going on. seems to be a common problem on this site...
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