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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. breaking 13 is an impressive pass on a F2. I love when people throw out quarter mile stats on their car or bike, but have never actually taken it to a drag strip. The magazine numbers are just what the vehicle is CAPABLE of doing - it says nothing about what YOU can do with the same vehicle. Good on you for getting your bike out there. I'm betting there are a lot of slower riders on faster bikes.
  2. this forum has no tolerance for reasonable HD owners with a sense of humor!
  3. Honestly, I'm more interested in putting some faces with names and getting in a relaxed ride than making it to QS&L. it's hot as balls out, so skipping the traffic at "bike night" and just meeting up for a short ride after works for me... - chris
  4. Is this a scenario where the coaches can't run practice during the summer, but he can give (non-faculty) alumni a list of drills and the alumni can 'coach' "optional" summer workouts?
  5. July 24. i'll be at a bachelor party... fuck. let's just start doing meet & greets at trackdays... ride saturday, drink & camp saturday night, ride home sunday. Perfect weekend.
  6. i might be persuaded to hit bike night tomorrow. I'm supposed to grab drinks with coworkers at 5:00, so I won't be riding to work, but if I duck out after 1 drink, getting to knockouts by 6:30 shouldnt' be a problem. honestly though, I'd rather just do a relaxed ride through the park though. QSL bike night is so stupid. The only thing worth seeing are the girls from the Crazy Horse.
  7. redkow97

    Gay People

    hilarious to see black people discriminating. I realize they're not a minority in Africa, but I still find it ironic.
  8. Actually, admitting that you KNEW you were wrong is the exact opposite of what you want to do. Ignorance of the law isn't a valid defense, but admitting that you knew you were breaking the law just builds the case against you. It's an admission of guilt. I think you're more likely to catch a break for stupidity than admitting you thought you could get away with something. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, but you never want to help an officer build their case against you. If you're tagged for speeding, you can claim you didn't know how fast you were going (not admitting guilt), or you can say, "I'm sorry if I was speeding," but don't throw out a number and acknowledge the degree of your guilt. Maybe the cop didn't clock you, and is waiting for you to say 85 when he was only estimating 75.
  9. actually, if Scruit is correct, I was arguing that that's not "reasonable suspicion." As for the argument "becoming difficult," does it? that's exactly how evidence gets suppressed. Evidence is obtained through incorrect means, and is thus not allowed to be used against the defendant(s).
  10. ^ that seems like a can of worms though. "i saw smoke coming out of the car, so I pulled over this group of gentlemen to verify that it wasn't marijuana smoke."
  11. then watch the Moto2 race in Indianapolis.
  12. eh, bump starting isn't THAT bad. I know it's a pretty big cruiser (1700?), but it's fuel injected, and I'm betting it was relatively warm after the ride home and only sitting for 40 minutes. did you at least give it a try?
  13. I'm sure it's capable of determining whether or not the registered owner has a an endorsement, but per my example, it's not necessarily the registered owner riding the bike. I'm by no means an expert on probable cause, but Cops can't pull someone over because they "could be" breaking the law - they have to cite some sort of behavior that shows you're breaking the law, or at least sheds some reasonable suspicion (like weaving suggests a driver has been drinking). But a cop can't just run your plate and say, "the registered owner of this vehicle is under 21 - we just want to check that you haven't been drinking." that's what the OP is claiming here. The cop knew the registered owner wasn't supposed to be carrying passengers, so he pulled him over? There's no illegal act if it's you or me on the bike.
  14. you've got 2 bikes under your screen name. One of them should tide you over for the next few months. And the lack of insurance is one less expense. otherwise, get your resume out to everyone who will take it. even a fast-food job is better than no job at all.
  15. I really don't think that's possible. all a plate tells them is who the bike is registered to. For them to assume that the person riding it is the registered owner is overly presumptive. Say you're 16 and your parents own your bike. neither of them have endorsements, but that doesn't mean you can't. My wife has an endorsement, but let's say she didn't - I could have my bike registered in her name, and that's not probable cause for them to pull me over. That said, they can easily find a reason to pull over just about anyone. "you didn't signal 500 feet from that intersection."
  16. redkow97

    Harley Rant

    or if i just passed a cop. I do the head-pat more on the highway than anywhere else.
  17. You're speaking in very general terms though. North Dakota's laws may read differently. I don't know if ND has adopted the model penal code, stuck with common law, or adopted the degrees approach (as have the majority of states). It sounds like they've ruled this an "accident," but the fact that she was admittedly breaking the law by crossing the double-yellow complicates things considerably. She WAS negligent. I can see how they could charge her if they wanted to, but because she's so old, there's little point. Criminal sentencing has 2 basic functions: - punish the criminal's bad act - deter or reform the offender The fact that this lady killed someone by accident eliminates the need for reformation or deterrence, so the only purpose that remains is to punish her. I think the prosecution will look at the time and money they could spend on punishing her, and decide it's better saved than spent. I'm sure she feels badly enough as it is. Besides, I agree with you that the victim's family will easily win a civil suit, so this lady is far from getting let off the hook. she's going to be broke as a joke in no time flat.
  18. the definition of manslaughter varies by state. I don't think the definition posted above is complete. I made a point of forgetting 90% of my crim law stuff after my final, but I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn that Manslaughter still has to be INTENTIONAL. she didn't INTEND to cross the center line, thus manslaughter isn't an appropriate charge. Now where these cops/prosecutors are being morons is where they say "there was no negligence." By definition, crossing the center line IS negligence per se. This is precisely the type of accident that the law is designed to prevent, and she should be charged appropriately. some states have a "criminally negligent homicide" provision (texting anyone?), and some jurisdictions don't. Either way, she's guilty of more than a $20 lane violation. The fact is, the family can still sue and win for wrongful death and collect a ton of money. That's what happened to OJ.
  19. a buddy of mine thought he'd found such a deal in high school. "1967 corvette hard-top." $600 showed up at the guy's house to look at the car, and the dude was selling JUST the top. I laughed at him for weeks for that. (although my friend's defense, there is a separate section of the classifieds for "auto parts," and this was listed in the "cars for sale" section)
  20. if you have it at Mid-Ohio, can I just stop by and take a look to compare it to the stuff on my bike? I'm tempted to pick this up as spare bodywork, but just avoiding crashes is cheaper...
  21. amen. the dogs and I spent most of the weekend outside. Shade was enough to keep us cool. I just made sure the dogs always had water in their bowl, and I kept a cold beer within reach. problem solved. I mean, we had the AC on, but honestly, even with the AC off, hanging out in my 'basement' (i have a split-level) drops the temperature noticeably.
  22. redkow97

    Father's Day

    my dad's on a golf trip with a few of his friends this weekend, so I'm stopping by Monday to drop off the fire pit my brothers and I bought him. Father's day was never a big thing in our house growing up, but I'm planning on buying him a new baseball glove and "Field of dreams" on DVD. Just put "let's have a catch" on the card. Pretty sure he'll like that. Wish I could do it every year.
  23. even if the blade didn't sever the head completely, i have to think it would snap the victim's neck and at least render the follow-up hacks painless... If you don't die of blood loss first.
  24. CAK is good unless it's bad. I know that's stupid to say, but if there IS a backup at CAK, there's no place for them to redirect the traffic. If you're behind old people, you're fucked. there is no other line to get in. 2 metal detectors total. The only other problem I've had is that my flights out of CAK seem to get canceled more often than flights out of CLE. They're just smaller (regional) flights usually. 95% of the time, I'm going to ATL on a 76 passenger CRJ 700 or 900 series. Delta cancels more flights than AirTran. GREAT LAKES BREWING CO. IS AT THE TOP OF THE ESCALATOR ON THE LEFT. this is especially important if your office is paying for "meals." I fly out of CAK maybe 6 times a year for work, so I'm there somewhat regularly. Security is worst early in the morning (like 5:30-7:00), but even then it's only a 30 minute wait...
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