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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. A hamburger walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "i'm sorry - we don't serve food here."
  2. that's freakin sweet! I hope they publicize it enough that some people actually watch!
  3. lol - i remember watching "midnight express" on TV when I was like 12 or 13. I stopped stealing shit from the convenient store immediately, and that was my reaction to the TV edited version:eek:
  4. right, and those broads are "big boned." Admit it; you're a skinny little bitch! Anyone who goes whaling needs to remember this: don't get any ladies mad. If they sit on you and kill you, you're dead, and they're on probation.
  5. redkow97

    Shaun White

    i generally hate 'sports' with judges doing the scoring - i shouldn't need a panel of people to tell me who won. Shaun White made sure I didn't. (and just to avoid debate, I'm not disrespecting the athletic talent it takes to snowboard, skateboard, figure skate, or even box - i just don't like there to be ANY debate as to who won. The rules should decide such things, not the judges.)
  6. Hayes is a lucky SOB... hot wife? check wait, she rides too? check holy fuck, she's the only woman to ever qualify for a World Supersport grid? check ...oh, and I heard he also had fun in the jet
  7. I ride with NESBA more often than not, and will be hitting BeaveRun, Nelson, and Mid-O consistently this summer. BeaveRun - $135 w/ fasttrax (7/4 and 8/28?) or $165 with NESBA (at least one weekend a month) Nelson is $120 for saturdays with Fasttrax. You can do friday afternoon for $60, but I don't want to take the afternoon off to get there. DO NOT FEAR NELSON. there are certainly safety issues to gripe about. Some are avoidable, and some are less of a concern at a beginner pace, so you owe it to yourself to at least give the track a try. The surface looks like shit, but it's not that bad if you stay on the race line. Lots of people haul ass there. Mid-O is a track that I don't have a lot of experience with, but it's $195/day. I'll be there 6/28 and 6/29 for sure. PM me if you want to BS about anything trackday related, or compare schedules, etc.
  8. It's nice to see a member who realizes that "a lot" is two words, and does not mean that same thing as "allot." I'm in Parma if you need any help, tools, etc. Brian definitely knows his shit better than i do, but for stuff like safety wiring, I'm competent
  9. redkow97

    ZZZ Trade

    so let's play devil's advocate here: regardless of where LeBron goes next year (let's assume the Knicks), I still like our roster a LOT. I am assuming everyone with expiring contracts at least entertains the notion of coming back though. LeBron does a TON for the team, but (especially in the East), I don't see many teams that can match the Cavs even without LeBron. They would not have the most talented starting 5, but our rotation would demolish other teams' rotations.
  10. Anyone know Nugent's stance on hot-button social issues?
  11. I have never seen ANY trackday's Beginner or Novice group require anything more than running water+water wetter instead of antifreeze. (and even that's kind of rare) the rest is just taping over lights, and removing mirrors. Most also make an exception for mirrors with integrated signals, but they'll ask you to tape the mirrors as well. I consider "basic" safety wiring to include: - oil plug - oil cap - oil filter - radiator cap And it's never a bad idea to zip-tie your kick-stand, passenger pegs, center stand, etc. in the "up" position.
  12. redkow97

    ZZZ Trade

    Danny Ferrie played with Z. They're close friends. I'm sure it was a hard decision for Ferrie. I consider myself a loyal guy, and I love Z as a player. If we don't get him back, I'll be the first in line to buy a Z jersey on clearance (fingers crossed) and give him a standing O when they announce him in the starting lineup for Dallas. As much as I don't want to see Z go, and hope we get him back, I really respect the fact that ownership and management of the Cavs have finally made it clear "we ARE going to win a championship no matter what it takes."
  13. In criminal terms, or in civil? It wouldn't be hard to argue assault and/or battery. A lot would depend on how the state jurisdiction defines each crime. but you can 'assault' someone at the tort level simply by approaching them in a manner you know is threatening. people have a right to feel safe and secure. I wouldnt' want to be the defense attorney trying to argue that the idiot acted "reasonably." He reached for the torch, and "knew or should have known" that the carrier (and police) would assume he's trying to take it.
  14. what a moron... There's just about ONE rule when you're at such an event: don't touch the person/people doing the torch relay. Considering how much of a target these events are for terrorism, the guy's lucky they didn't tackle him a lot harder.
  15. If only things were as simple as Nugent makes them sound. the right to defend yourself shouldn't be politicized into the obligation to defend yourself. I'm with Ted - I want to be allowed to carry a firearm, and value the right to use deadly force to prevent myself from being attacked; but the people in the examples he gives won't necessarily agree. The victims he highlights weren't carrying weapons - that doesn't mean they would automatically have the foresight to do so IF they'd been allowed. Still, I agree that the CHOICE should be theirs.
  16. not as "short" as it used to be, if they finish the revisions to the back straight and penultimate turn.
  17. all-in-two format would be KILLER. I think this is like 2 days after my finals are over too Nice way to kick off my 3 months of freedom!
  18. I think they'll change the ferry rules for the weekend and take more bikes. They pack cars in TIGHT on the ferry though. Between Kelley's Island and Put in Bay, i've seen roughly 5 motorcycles on the ferry. EVERY time, I was worried that it was going to tip over. you could easily fit 100 bikes on the ferry, but I'd just be way paranoid about them pulling the domino routine... Between that danger, and hte fact that there is NOWHERE to ride on the island, having the bikes there seems dumb as shit. Now if you ride to teh ferry, park, and get drunk all weekend, that could be fun.
  19. Oh i realize we've had it easy thus far. I'm just poking fun at how much people (over)react to snow in the southern half of the state. I get the same kind of shit from our Phoenix office when I bitch about it being 100 degrees in July.
  20. people in Columbus have snow blowers? Some of you Columbus and Cincinnati residents make it sound like they don't even sell snow shovels south of 76
  21. Be wary about the age of cheap rubber. Frankly, STG's Michelin prices have always been really good, and if someone is selling for less, I'm a little suspicious... I can't definitively say that dealer X is selling an older tire, but STG has always been up-front about the age of the tires they're trying to move for cheap. the Power Races they were (are?) clearing out are admittedly older, but when someone asked Monte for the date code (on the WERA board maybe?), he wasn't shy about posting it. I also trust STG to store tires properly. Dealers or gear stores, not so much...
  22. The police on the island were firm, but fair when i encountered them. I didn't see anyone have much trouble, because the officers seemed willing to give you one last chance at not being a retard. as drunky was getting into his golf cart with an open container: "Sir, I think it would be best if you emptied that beer on the ground, and called a cab. Does one of you need the number of the island taxi?" while we were playing cornhole in the street: "Hey guys - can I ask you to put the boards on the driveway and toss ACROSS the street? the streets here are so narrow that we can't have the boards in the street, or fire trucks can't fit through." While vomiting in public: "I think it's time for you to head home - are you with someone who can get you there? I can't let you go back into the bar to get them. Can you call them?" While skinny-dipping at 3:30 AM: (over the patrol car PA system) "folks, we are going to turn off this spotlight for 30 seconds. If you are not dressed and walking towards your rooms, we WILL turn it back on and arrest you naked." But yeah, the cruiser crowd might still have some trouble if they're insistent.
  23. ^ Moose - i might take you up on that. I embrace the church's teachings, I just don't believe in some of the more literal references in the Bible; namely that Jesus was the 'son' of God. I think the gospels employ the same techniques Jesus himself used in teaching: parables. Exaggerate Jesus's life to the point that it shows a clear message on the proper way to live. The miracles give him credibility, etc. In 600 AD, I understand the need. In 2010, I wish the church would be more open to the idea of acknowledging that the message is paramount to the story.
  24. we did PIB for my friend's bachelor party last summer. Holy shit, it was ridiculous. Like spring break in college, except the average age is 31 instead of 21. I puked, i rallied, I almost died. there are charges on my card from bars I don't remember being at. we were there on a pretty 'average' weekend, and waited in line several hours to board the ferry back to the main land on Sunday. it WILL be a nightmare to get a bike over and back... I don't know why you'd want one there anyway. it's a $3 cab ride (per person) to anywhere on the island, and I spent 36 straight hours in no condition to be riding. I'd consider riding to the ferry, but I'd walk on and park my bike in the lot for the weekend. Nobody wants to steal an EX500. I'll bring a cable lock fi anyone wants to chain their bike to mine as a weight
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