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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. nice to see Taurus trying. I agree with the reviewer in that respect. The slow-motion shot of the recoil though... That's precisely what I dislike about carry guns, and this seems to be worse, not better. The trend toward polymer frames (in all handguns) is great for people who really care about weight, but I'd prefer more mass and less recoil. What surprises me most is that they're going to compete with their own "TCP," which is basically an LCP copy for less money. I suppose selling this with lights and a laser as standard equipment make it different enough, but that probably means it will be in the $400 range, and up against higher quality firearms.
  2. "hey brah - you don't need to put your knee in his back like that." ...and they needed to have a riot? That's what it is. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2917.03 Cite everyone who participated.
  3. I have another one due in September as well. Check your PM's re: civil suit. Not my thing, but if you have a solid case, an attorney would take it on a contingent fee basis.
  4. I actually have friends looking. Lauren's family is in Royalton, and you're well within their price range. i'll point them to it.
  5. I think i started a similar thread on this topic a couple of years ago, but I'm curious to hear what other people may have in their garage, or in their past. My dad keeps bringing up buying a "Sunday car," but won't do it until he has a garage to keep it in. I can't afford the car, but I can probably build him the garage - but he'll never do it until his car spends a winter on the driveway with the 'new' car taking up his parking spot. I like sleeper cars and resto-mods. Not sure my dad feels the same. For whatever reason, I keep coming back to a Super Beetle. Find engine from wrecked civic, shoehorn into Beetle chassis, turbo-charge, remove unnecessary weight, enjoy. Maybe add a cage and auto-cross it or something. Obviously that would require some suspension work too... IS there such a thing as a cheap car build? I would compromise on "loud and fast in a straight line" if the budget demands it. Fox body mustang is always an option, but that's not as "sleeper" as I'd prefer. I'm not sure what my dad would really want, other than an unrealistically expensive GT40, or a pristine Mach 1. Even those might disappoint. (Never meet your heroes.)
  6. I haven't kept up with any magazine capacity limit laws, because the largest mag I own is 25 rounds. But I like the 33 round mag option, because I would be highly tempted to buy the mech-tech carbine conversion kit at some point.
  7. Nice find with the 22 revolver. I like the Ruger single 10. Not sure why all 22 revolvers don't have 10 round cylinders.
  8. 2:00 carry is not comfortable for me at all. I am between 4:00 and 5:00
  9. Depends on what the agreement says.
  10. I have the PF9 that is great to carry. the G19 would be great to shoot (i hope) and 'okay' to carry.
  11. all of thee above Realistically, I want a 9mm that I can accurately and enjoyably shoot. I want it to be small enough to carry if I choose, but large enough that I can easily control it. G19 is "not quite full-sized," and fits my other requirements. I will manage to reconcile the price if it legitimately fits all my criteria. Plus then I can rationalize a G43 as a carry piece upgrade at some point.
  12. the Justices have no "interests," therefore there is no conflict. A quick appointment would actually erode any kind of argument that a particular candidate was 'campaigning' to be nominated. If we drag out the process for 10+ months, that will only bring forth activists who want the job. A reluctant acceptance is a much more desirable scenario. Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life explicitly so that they can do what's legally right, and not be concerned with re-election, or political repercussions from the President (or party) who appointed them.
  13. They're not replacing a "republican" justice - Justices are not officially affiliated with either party. They don't run for election, therefore there is no party to support them. It's fairly obvious that Scalia had Republican leanings, but that's his decision. This whole debate is stupid though. The President has an obligation to nominate a successor, and the Senate has an obligation to confirm any qualified candidate, regardless of what they think about his or her political leanings. Likewise, Justices have a sworn duty to uphold the Constitution, and not let their personal beliefs cloud or sway their judgment. That is what was always so infuriatingly brilliant about Justice Scalia. I could agree with his opinion, but completely disagree with his rationalization. At the same time, he was an excellent writer, and had the ability to make his own rationalization sound less absurd than many who supported his beliefs.
  14. Failure to yield is a criminal (traffic) citation. In a criminal offense, the victim is only entitled to actual damages. If his insurance covered medical bills, then he's due the deductible, and nothing else. It sounds like you're talking about recovering civil penalties, which would require a civil lawsuit.
  15. yeah, I dunno, after the 'guilt' of spending $400 on a gun wears off, I don't see myself regretting the extra $100... If anything, it's easier to re-sell a higher quality gun.
  16. Glad to hear from you, and even more happy to hear that things have started to turn around for you. The attorney in me needs to know more about this settlement, but DO NOT talk about it if you have any kind of confidentiality agreement. I would be interested to know if this was a criminal restitution order, or a civil judgment. The latter certainly seems appropriate in this case, but that's hard to say definitively without knowing all the facts.
  17. well now i'm second-guessing myself... I don't shoot 9mm often for two reasons: 1) the ammo isn't super cheap, and 2) I don't own a standard-sized 9mm that is enjoyable to shoot. I also don't yet own a 22 pistol. I'm thinking I should get the 22 pistol first, then pick up the 9mm. Then i have to decide if I really need a $500(ish) 9mm, or if a more 'entry' level gun is just as good for someone like me. I want something accurate, but I'm not going to competition shoot. The M&P 9 for sale here is a good price, but for $299 (or less) I could get the SD9 VE. That's $100 of ammo, range time, extra magazines, etc... I feel like I'm debating between a 1000RR and a VFR. What do I really need, and what am I going to be good enough to utilize?
  18. In the alternative, the M&P 9 for sale here has my interest as well, but I want something slightly smaller...
  19. I haven't seen any used. Was assuming gen 4 (new), but if the gen 3 is decent, I wouldn't write it off.
  20. Who is the resident glock guru? I'm being talked into a G19 and curious what I can expect to pay...
  21. What year Pathfinder? Or perhaps a better question might be, which generation? I will be buying used, and the generation changed between the 2012 and 2013 model years. Honestly, I would buy a 2012 if that generation is well-regarded, but I wouldn't want to buy any older than that...
  22. If you can honestly make it to the gym 5 days a week, that is awesome. I average between 2 and 3 ,and try to be active at least one day per weekend. I was a 5-6 day/week guy when i was single and living with my parents, and even throughout the time i lived with a roommate. But with a kid at home, I only have so many hours a day that she and I are both awake. I leave before she wakes up, and I get home at 7:00 on days i go to the gym. she's in bed at 8:00... As for diet, cutting out fast food, soda, and beer will do more (for guys) than most people would ever imagine. I find that my diet starts more at the grocery store than in the kitchen. I do not buy ice cream, soda, or chips (tortilla chips excepted). I do buy a lot of hummus and vegetables to dip in it. Popcorn and nuts are also good snacks. Nuts tend to be fatty, but un-processed fatty foods are still better for you than something processed (my opinion. no medical basis to back that up). I take the same stance on cheeses. if it's in block form, it's okay - if it comes in a can or a squeezable tube, it's not. ...now i'm going to get some Taco Bell
  23. If you just want a plan, I could type that up for you in 20 minutes... There is no real "secret" to weight lifting form. If you aren't using inappropriately heavy weight, you shouldn't hurt yourself.
  24. If you're not buying in, why pay $90/month? I could belong to a really nice gym with my own locker, sauna, etc. for $90/month. Shit, you might even get a massage once a month for that price...
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