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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'm happy to take cheap firearms off your hands, but kids aren't THAT expensive. It's more money to get all the stuff they require than to actually maintain a household with a child. I don't know the specifics of your financial situation, but based on the house you sold, the vehicles you drive, and the stuff you're selling, I'm assuming you're financially "comfortable" in the sense that an extra $50/month in diapers and wipes isn't the type of thing that's going to cause major headaches. Borrow clothing. Unless you're the first of your friends and family to have children, there is no reason to buy (very many) baby clothes. Kids grow like weeds. Mine just went for her 2 yr appointment this morning and is finally back in the 99th percentile for height & weight... But my point is that kids wear most articles of clothing 2-3 times at most. It's not like borrowed stuff is worn out. We have an automatic order w/ Amazon that sends a box of diapers every 30(?) days and wipes every 50(?) days. We went that route after a good-faith attempt at cloth diapers (which are expensive as hell, btw). Screw the environment - your sanity is worth more. With 2, you're right to be concerned about space :-) We have a second on the way, and i can't believe how much crap the first one has already accumulated. And if i can offer a little advice, just stay calm and roll with things. You and your wife are going to be under stress, and a lot more likely to argue with each other rather than blaming the babies. Also, i deal with some of the worst parents on the planet fairly routinely... You've got this. Oh, and congratulations.
  2. Guess that means I will be crawling under my deck...
  3. A nice clean 100 wouldn't be more than $1000. A set up race bike should be $1300-$1500 mine was $475 and then I spent $300 converting it. Maybe a tad more. The body style changed in 2001, but the name didn't change from XR to CRF until 2003. You will want to search for "xr100" and "crf100" on CL, with and without a space before 100. the only mechanical differences are the exhaust and the stock jetting. I I don't remember which year they changed from points ignition, but if possible, you want a '98 or newer model. Fromt wheels from an '85 or newer xr80 are a direct swap.
  4. redkow97

    FS: Kahr CM9

    My PF9 has been totally reliable, but i've probably only got 300-400 rounds through it. Haven't even cleaned it... That said, it's not enjoyable to shoot. It's tolerable, and accurate for a compact DAO pistol. I've gotten better with mine by waiting until i have the trigger halfway through the (super long) pull to align my sights, then squeezing off the round. Common criticisms of the PF9: - "it's kel-tec junk" (i said common - not necessarily accurate) - "the trigger reset is too long." (not an issue I have had, but i have no basis for comparison) - "the trigger guard is too small. It pinches my finger." (again, not an issue i have had) - "the recoil is boarderline unacceptable." This is my biggest complaint - but it's a compact 9mm...
  5. I applaud any effort that puts safety before profit. That's admirable. It's much easier to over-sell the groups and pocket the cash than it is to acknowledge that not everyone is safe in Advanced, and turn away intermediate riders who want to purchase spots that may otherwise go un-sold. The other alternative is that TD organizers start running Beginner and 2 Intermediate groups, or just turning away the fastest riders as unsafe to ride with intermediate traffic. I don't think any of us think that's a good 'solution.'
  6. this is the 9, not the 9c, correct?
  7. It's in a lot of different boxes, and he's asking $1,000. Let me know if you want his contact info. I can't put together a bike that is this far disassembled.
  8. Okay, so you're into old 2-strokes. Are you active on teh WERA board? I was over there talking to a guy who has a basketcase RZ350 for sale. A friend of mine was looking for a 2-stroke race bike, but now the guy is PMing me
  9. The cold water faucet on an exterior wall froze for a bit. We have heating cords wrapping them in the basement - they just weren't on yet. But yes, the pipes go up over the foundation wall, and then up through the floor. It's as if the exterior wall of the house is 6" outside the foundation. I have insulation shoved up in the void between the foundation wall and the first floor decking. where I think the pipe froze is in the un-insulated gap between the cupboard base, and the actual floor decking. That's a 3" void with no insulation. I'm trying to combat that by opening up some space for warm air from the basement to get up in there, and leavin ghte cupboard door open over night. The corner insulation (or lack thereof) may be my issue. I don't know how old the windows are, but they seem to seal okay. I'll have to see how much cold air is coming in with an IR camera. I believe that's part of the energy audit. I'm just slightly confused because I was expecting the wall insulation to be the simple solution, and while I appreciate avoiding that mess, i don't want to just crank up the heat. I'll have to see how well the attic is insulated. I know whoever did it was sloppy. The baffles in our overhangs are covered. And I would guess the attic door isn't insulated either.
  10. I get it that people want to show up and ride with their friends, but is it really a big deal to ride in Intermediate? You may not be setting personal bests navigating through Intermediate traffic at and Advanced pace, but it shouldn't be hard to get through and past the pack if you're really that much quicker. I was having a fucking blast in Intermediate - felt like king of the world for about 3 sessions before someone slapped an "A" sticker on my bike and told me to rest up, because they were sending me out first in the next Advanced session, and then letting the whole A group track me down. Anyone who I kept behind me owed me a beer
  11. What kind of projects do you have going? I'm starting to like the simpler, older stuff myself. I'm casually looking for an air-cooled 125cc 2-stroke bike with a dirt chassis, or an air-cooled 200cc 4-stroke. Anything that is Formula 1 legal for OMRL, but also cheap to buy and maintain... I know whatever i end up with won't be as quick as a CRF 150R, but if it can be close for half as much money, I'll call that a win.
  12. Move in this past October. Our kitchen sink has frozen once, and (first-world problems) our walk-in closet (corner of the house) is FREEZING. I've been running small space heaters on outlet timers to keep my daughter's room comfortable, and to warm up my master bathroom and the walk-in closet. For reference, My house faces East. The closet is on the Northwest corner, and the bathroom is on the West side of the house, immediately next to the closet. Our bedroom is in front of the bathroom and closet. My biggest gripe right now is that the upper level of our house is quite cool, and the closet/bathroom are particularly cold. Both are above heated living space. Our bedroom is partially (mainly) above our garage, so I realize there's room to improve the insulation there, and it will never be perfect. My plan was to blow insulation into our walls. that plan changed when I opened up one of the walls in the closet and found faced insulation. I wasn't expecting that. I figured, at best, whatever was in there had settled dramatically. I opened up a 5"x6" square about 7' up the wall, and there is definitely faced insulation already installed, and not sagging down. So now what? Make sure i have enough in the attic is job #1 at this point. I'm going to have an energy audit to help me spot any air leaks. Then??? Can I add insulation to walls that are already insulated?? I'm at a loss here. Our electric bill went from $44, to $87 to $127 between November and January. Christmas lights may be a small part of that, but the space heaters are a BIG part of it. And FWIW, we use our gas fireplace to keep comfortable in our main living area. With the fan on high, it will heat the family room and kitchen easily. We always turn it off before bed though, so it's not heating the room below us over night... Any suggestions are appreciated.
  13. redkow97

    Cleveland IMS

    I got in for the price of parking, so I can't complain. I mainly sat on stuff I would actually look to buy (used) though. They didn't have a WR250x that I could find, so I sat on the dualsport model. I sat on a Grom. I sat on a KX100 and CRF125 to see what replaced the CRF100. what I found most informative was actually the Hyosung display. They pay contingency (for novice and expert) on their 250's and 650 twin. $375 for a win, $250 for second, and $150 for third. They seemed really high on promoting the bikes as capable machinery. That said, the model I was looking at was an air-cooled 250 single... Not going to win anything with that. They have a liquid-cooled, fuel-injected 250 twin set to come out in 2017. it has steel brake lines and inverted forks from the factory. THAT might actually be capable of winning some races.
  14. I joined relatively early, but i didn't post very often for the first couple of years. Like twice a year
  15. redkow97

    Cleveland IMS

    How many people are with you? If I can talk the wife into it, we only occupy half the bedrooms in our house...
  16. Re: tracks Toledo is about as close to Grattan and Gingerman as you can get without living outside Ohio.
  17. redkow97

    Cleveland IMS

    my dad and I are bringing my crumb grabber first thing on Saturday. Hopefully she's well behaved... We'll be out by noon. The Tiny Tank gets hangry.
  18. looks to be in great shape. What kind of mileage? I assume it's the 2.5, based on the lack of "Sport" and "Saraha" badging? As much as people seem to want to throw money at their jeeps, I think they're best in stock trim for most people. Bigger wheels and tires really compromise their use as an everyday vehicle, and I have seen stock TJ's (with all season tires no less) do some pretty amazing stuff. Investing in a winch gets you out of almost any jam, and doesn't destroy the usefulness of the vehicle for day-to-day use. /$.02 nice find.
  19. I'm not that familiar with the area, but I have relatives out that way. My grandpa lived within the Toledo city limits for several decades. My aunts and uncles moved to the more rural areas. Bowling Green only exists because of the university. My uncle teaches there. My mom's other sister lives in Swanton. I could ask my cousins where they would recommend. 2/4 of them are still in that area, and are in their late 20's. I doubt you care what my other cousin thinks - unless you're looking to hang out with 16 yr old girls ...don't answer that on the internet.
  20. So if she needs money, why did she take a bike in trade??
  21. i see the appeal, i guess, but I'm looking at Miatas to fill the same void.
  22. To add onto that, I'm not 100% clear on your current condition, Travis. I'm gathering that your injuries are pretty serious, and I saw your comment about never being able to work again, but what does that really mean? I'm not going to pretend that your future is going to be all rainbows and puppies, but there's reason to be hopeful about the future of medical science, and an improved quality of life. Shit, even just voice-control technology is changing the game for people with spinal injuries. Again, i'm not trying to be nosy by asking, and it's absolutely easy for me to armchair quarterback this situation into something rosier than you're feeling, but I've always been of the opinion that there is no such thing as "false hope." All hope is either real, or lost.
  23. It really depends on how badly you've injured yourself, and how seriously you take the rehab. I haven't had a diagnosed knee injury, but 2 of my friends tore their ACL in the same weekend - one playing volleyball in college, and the other slipping on ice in a parking lot. They had almost identical injuries, and surgery on the same day. One was back up and running (literally) within 6 months, and the other was lazy and it took 18 months before he was really "right." Rehab is no joke. Do the icing. Do the flexibility exercises. Religiously.
  24. redkow97

    Cleveland IMS

    Take her to a DC strip club. they have pasties and zero touching. A large group of my friends got caught in a rain storm in DC, and we ducked under the awning of a strip club. bouncers said get in, or get out - so all 12 of us went in. What we didn't realize at the time was that now that's what our wives and girlfriends think a strip club is like.
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