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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'll have to look up where Galion is... You're entitled to feel shitty. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. That said, happiness is, at least in part, a choice. I can assure you that there are people on this site who care what happens to you, and how your life progresses - but (speaking for myself, mainly) we don't always know how to act either. I would love for you to be able to vent about things, but I don't want to come across as nosy. I'd be happy to offer up 'help,' or just hang out if all you're looking for is a little piece of normal pre-crash human interaction, but it would feel like an imposition to invite myself to hang out with you. Most of us are going to be as uncomfortable reaching out to you as you are reaching out to us. So by all means, if there's something we can do, let's cut the foreplay and just get it set up :-)
  2. Those wranglers are crazy expensive for what they are. They retain value like no other vehicle in existence... I don't understand it at all.
  3. They do. I saw a couple of XR100's for rent, and someone on Facebook claimed they have Kayo 125's for rent.
  4. I won't be there tomorrow, but shoot me a PM any time.
  5. hahaha - you rich kids and your engine work.
  6. If you buy that Hawk, a carb clean on a twin isn't that hard, and all it would really need is new tires... If i thought i would actually have teh scratch to ride it more than once a year, I would be seriously interested. I'll help you track prep it if you will let me split some seat time in an endurance race
  7. I vote third-party for congress too. When there is no third-party candidate, I vote for whoever isn't the incumbent. The approval rating for congress is like 15%, but the reelection rate is 85%. Voters are morons.
  8. redkow97

    Cleveland IMS

    I'm not really comfortable in any such establishment, but the right amount of alcohol can get me there... Anyway, you should really give the shittier establishments a try. They will let a LOT of things slide that 'classier' joints won't. I'm not talking about any back-room shenanigans, I'm talking about just being a loud a-hole out front. We may have ended up at a trashy place after a softball game, and our manager may have taken the mic away from teh DJ and announced/commentated over 2 or 3 dances. It was hilarious.
  9. it's the OMRL banquet, and it's not at GP indoor this year. Whatever the electric kart place is, they moved it to there.
  10. Gary Johnson received the most votes of any Libertarian candidate in history in 2012. He was also third in the popular vote. People on the fence need to take notice.
  11. Those are cool bikes. That's actually the bike that got me interested in bikes. Guy on campus had one over summer (small campus. not many people), and paid $600 for it. I started researching performance numbers for this $600 bike he claimed was so fast. On paper, it's not that impressive, but the speed:horsepower ratio is off the charts compared to cars. I bought my EX500 about a year later.
  12. Yep, that's her. I wish I'd known this before I went down there.
  13. I agree that there is no reason to have multiple classes of the same displacement, but not that allowing fewer modifications is 'ruining' anything. Keeping things cheap allows more teams to be competitive. That makes it a rider's sport rather than a competition to see who can spend the most. true "spec" racing won't happen, because they want to include as many manufacturers as possible - but keeping the rules tight means that there are fewer engineering costs to being competitive. Put the pressure on Yamaha to build a better R1 (they did...) rather than having Graves spend god knows how much money making the last generation turd competitive.
  14. I don't believe I am. I'm looking at the failures of past and current racing series in the US, and looking for resolutions. Spec racing on (relatively) inexpensive bikes increases participation. The KTM 390's are a good example. Every one of those races was entertaining, and it's got kids learning real racecraft ...assuming they can afford to travel across the country all summer.
  15. Roughly 75% of eligible voters do not vote. Of the 25% who do, most are woefully uneducated about the candidates they vote for. I would guess that fewer than 5% of voters even consider third-party candidates, but that's a larger symptom of voters (in general) being woefully uneducated. My sincere belief is that 60%+ (of eligible and/or participating) voters would agree more with a third-party candidate than they do with a Democrat or Republican candidate. ...but people are stubborn and fearful. My friend's mother is a very intelligent person. I converse with her frequently enough on various issues that I feel I know where she stands. She should have voted for Jill Stein (Green Party) last election. If she had truly voted for the candidate with whom she agreed on the most and most serious issues, she wouldn't have voted for Obama. When I pointed that fact out to her, she acknowledged it, but then insisted that voting for Obama was better than wasting her vote on Jill Stein. She voted for someone she didn't believe in, but I'm the one wasting my vote? I think not.
  16. redkow97

    Cleveland IMS

    If you can find a progressive employee, I confirmed that they get in free (plus a free guest) by showing their badge at the entrance. they're photo ID's, so you can't just borrow someone's card.
  17. redkow97

    Cleveland IMS

    I don't think you're going to find that near the IMS. I just texted my dad about if there is any kind of discount code through progressive. I seem to recall that he could get himself and a guest in free one year, but that won't help you guys... standby.
  18. I think continuing dependency is eventually more painful and dangerous than ending it. A libertarian president would not be popular while in office, but I suspect history would smile on him.
  19. There are competing interests at play. MotoAmerica has 2 (stated) objectives: 1) Develop youth talent for road racing in America, and 2) put on a good show so that they can turn a profit for their investors. Those goals aren't always going to be perfectly congruent. (IMHO) Spec racing is the absolute best (most entertaining) product any race series can offer. It showcases rider skill (theoretically) over budget and equipment choice. On the down-side, it cuts out all but 1 manufacturer. But limiting the equipment also limits the riders. There are fundamental flaws in training young riders for Moto 3 by racing machines that have little in common with Moto 3 bikes. Any series sponsor is trying to sell STREET bikes, and that is what they will want raced. That is about as succinctly as I can summarize the quandary of road racing in America. It's a catch-22. Americans aren't as interested in international racing, because there aren't (m)any Americans racing at the world level - but to get more Americans racing at the world level, we need to develop talent in our domestic series, which is going to be supported (financially) by street-based bike manufacturers (if we're lucky). ...Then we need to start considering the scope of a national series in a country as large as America. The travel expenses are ridiculous for AMA/MotoAmerica, if you plan to run the whole series. I really think they need to regionalize, and only run 3 National rounds (including the season finale).
  20. There was one such tall black woman at the Compound this weekend, but she only raced the women's class. I only "met" her making small talk while we both watched other races. I didn't pay attention to what she was riding, but an XR would have blended in pretty well there. If there were 40 people racing, 30 of them had an XR100, or an XR100 with a 120 build.
  21. Unless something changes, I will vote for Gary Johnson again in 2016.
  22. https://www.garyjohnson2016.com/
  23. Let me guess, you'll do anything except vote third party?
  24. Stock 100 morning heat race (probably my best performance of the day) https://youtu.be/Pqq3XwgJvDM
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