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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'm going to try hitting up the local walmarts and Dick's. They tend to have better prices with worse selection - but for 22 ammo, who is picky?
  2. well that is why i am looking at the 22 handguns now... I am spending $25 on 100 rounds of 9mm for 30-45 minutes of range time.
  3. I just got quite a shock when i picked up 'cheap' 22LR and it cost me $54 when i was expecting $25... My previous policy was always to buy a brick when i stopped by the gun shop. $25? No big deal. Build the supply, and just shoot the oldest rounds first (or relegate the old ones to the bolt-action gun now...)
  4. (dated for when this thread is years old, and hopefully irrelevant) I get a lot of site and gun store emails for their specials, and they're trying to act like $50 for a brick off 500 rounds is a good deal. WTF??? I was paying $22/brick less than a year ago. You're telling me that 22LR has doubled in price? The BEST bulk deals i am finding are in the $.11/round range, and some are as much as $.20/round - that's 9mm territory!
  5. That's my plan as well. And I am obsessive about safety. No one ever had a ND by confirming the gun was empty too many times. I also have developed a habit of only handing people firearms with the slide locked back, or bolt open.
  6. Perhaps the fear is all in my head. I appreciate the vote of confidence regarding the striker-fired models, and I'll consider that in the future. But like you said, train train train. I am still in the "practice practice practice" stage.
  7. i've probably posted in this thread 10 or 15 pages back. I ran track and XC in high school. Excelled at the 800, but gave it up to be lazy after school with my friends. I did 2 tough mudders in 2013, and that was my most recent "training" program. I've gotten back into the gym 2-3 days a week, and I have a mountain bike that I borrowed from JB, but running has been off my list of training activities lately. I keep getting knee pain, and I'm too lazy/scared to have a doctor tell me something is torn... I can still jog a 5k, and I plan to do so more when the weather turns and my daughter is able to come along for the ride in the jogging stroller, but I don't think my body will tolerate longer distances anymore. The tough mudders were 10+ miles, and while I felt like i was in decent shape for those, I never really ran more than 6-8 miles preparing for it. Aside from 'regular' weight training, I primarily ran a 1.5 mile loop in the park. It was a good mix of flat and hills, and I would stop and do pullups and pushups to failure at the start of each lap. At the time, I was getting 8-12 pullups and 25+ pushups pretty consistently. That's essentially the perfect way to train for an obstacle race, because you're constantly trying to perform a strength task while out of breath, or run right after a strength task. I wish we had run more hills.
  8. Yeah, i've actually held (not fired) the S and the Pro next to each other. Both striker fired models have a better trigger than the 'standard' LC9, but for a carry firearm, I would choose it over either S model. I just don't want to risk a negligent discharge...
  9. hold PF9 or a CM9. Both are mildly larger than the LCP, and IMHO, much easier to handle because of that. For what the LCP and PF9 cost, I consider either practically disposable... Sell it if you really won't carry it, but otherwise, they're nice to have. If you liked the LCP design, but not the size, the LC9 is another one that may fit your hand better. The striker fired model is quite impressive for its size, although for a carry gun, I kind of prefer DAO and no safety. YMMV.
  10. 1) Parma is mainly old white people, and really not as trashy as people like to pretend. There is a lot of low rent housing, which, as one would expect, attracts low-rent people, but Parma's violent crime rate for a city its size is extremely low. 2) you would be shocked how many 'normal' people are addicted to opiates.
  11. you guys have no idea... I wish i could share some of the things I see at work.
  12. For whatever reason, there is no ford model with the 3.7. I guess they had the 3.5 in the fusion "sport" between 2010 and 2012. That might be the most fun.
  13. Great engine, but very average mileage. 16-22 on fuelly. Granted, that is only from the 2 owners smart enough to specify that they have the 3.7 engine. It defaults to the base 4 cylinder.
  14. It's the fusion chassis with the Taurus V6
  15. Wife was in a fender bender. The MKZ is our rental. It's quick compared to a corolla. Hits 60 between 6 and 7 seconds. The push-button controls are a little weird, but it has a nice ride and exhaust note. If it can tow a couple thousand lbs, I might consider buying one :-p
  16. again, semantics. I would agree that it's not a "loophole" in the sense that it's hardly a hypertechnical process... I think it would be more adequately described as a poorly written rule than a "loophole."
  17. you're both getting into semantics. Giving a gun as a gift circumvents the background check - whether that's done for devious reasons or altruistic reasons is a relevant consideration, but the result is the same: someone is receiving a brand new firearm without having gone through all the steps they would have if they'd bought it themselves. If the buyer (gifter) feels good about that and has no issue taking responsibility for the firearm they've given, then I don't see a problem with it, but it IS skirting the letter of the law, if not the intent of the law. But to be fair, I've only gone through the background check for 1 of the firearms i own...
  18. I'm considering buying Chipotle while people are panicking about e coli or whatever... I also think it's likely to split soonish.
  19. hand tattoos? clearly she's up to something nefarious. ;-)
  20. ordered my Alien Gear "cloak tuck" 2.0 IWB holster a few minutes ago. It should arrive shortly after my CCW class. They're notoriously slow to ship, but knowing that, I am not expecting it quickly. review to follow.
  21. IMHO, there's no reason to fear or skirt the rule... You're not planning anything nefarious, so just buy wherever you get the best deal. I like Point Blank for the most part. Pricing is a bit steep on range time, but their range is also much nicer and cleaner than most. It's even reasonably well lit. The staff is mildly 'on edge' about things, but I appreciate their diligence. (every time i would reload their rented gun, the range officer would walk up behind me for some reason...)
  22. Spare mags for the PF9 are $25 shipped all over eBay.
  23. Or you can get a PF9 for less than an LCP and have 7+1 from the get-go, along with cheaper 9mm ammo and the larger caliber.???? I really have nothing bad to say about the LCP, but I also really like my PF9. Still haven't had any FTF or FTE yet. Not one. I only have 300 or so rounds through it, but I'm pleased.
  24. any particular reason why? I have always been led to believe that it has been for sale for a decade now, they're just asking more than it's worth, OR their price is reasonable, but the new owners were going to get piped by the EPA due to all the tires, which make the otherwise reasonable asking price completely impractical. I don't know what the land market is like in Garrettsville, but they may be sitting on it to sell it for development at some point.
  25. We're talking about a matter of a few ounces here and there... A revolver would only have 5-6 rounds anyway. I don't see the harm in carrying 6 rather than 8, if the weight is that big of a concern. Or maybe that's the point - you think about what you're giving up and rationalize the 'extra' weight. Do they make extended magazines for the LCP? I feel like there is a way to add 1 or 2 rounds and there's a pinky grip on the extended mag. I know I can get 8 round mags for the PF9, but I like its size as it is.
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