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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. fuelly disagrees. Hopefully the filters apply in the copied link, but I grabbed the 2.5 liter engine from the options box http://www.fuelly.com/car/subaru/impreza?engineconfig_id=17&bodytype_id=&submodel_id=
  2. I've heard him call into 1100. Not sure who was hosting. I actually find the people on 1100 to be more "republican" than I can identify with anymore. I really only listen to 1100 when WMMS and 92.3 are at commercial. Gohmann seems the most reasonable. People have fallen into the trap of using "conservative" and "republican" interchangeably. On the contrary, I think the notion that the government can't tell you who to marry or what to put in your body are two of the most conservative ideas in the public scope right now. Neither are at all "Republican." /rant
  3. I'm not sure I can commute in anything with a clutch anymore... Too much stop-and-go. Unless I am sure i'm stopping at the gym on the way home, and traffic will be thin before i leave, I think it's all automatics for me from here on out. plus then I don't have to worry about my wife's shaky history with driving manual transmission cars.
  4. what kind of economy will it really get w/ the AWD? Maybe 26 in real-world conditions?
  5. when did it become commonplace to refer to gangster as "gang bangers?" It feels like someone's clueless mother started saying that without realizing that a gang-bang is something else, and everyone just laughed at her and started saying it to keep the joke going.
  6. Councilman. He has a couple of OVI convictions but is not shy about being in the spotlight. I've actually heard him on the radio claiming that gang members are afraid of him. They 'know he drives a silver BMW' and they vacate the area when they see him coming. Uh huh.
  7. or "it's not a motorcycle, so it's really good at making noise without the byproduct of blazing speed." Wife got a raise. I'll run it by her
  8. No, no, no - you're forgetting that Zack Reed is a hypocrite, so it's okay for him to drive drunk and call other people terrorists <eyeroll> All joking aside, if you're willing to leave Mr. Reed's history in the past, you can disagree with his views, but the man legitimately wants to make the neighborhoods safer, and he tries to do something about it. I don't often agree with him, but his heart is generally in the right place. Generally.
  9. Be mindful, but don't get too paranoid. I am continually shocked by the number of establishments that don't have security cameras, and the lack of quality images, or insufficient number of angles when there is footage. The FBI probably has access to channels I'm not aware of through local law enforcement, but unless you're on some kind of terror watch-list, I really don't think any state-level agencies have the ability to pool resources and "hack" into systems remotely to pull data. Hell, most of the surveillance footage I review isn't even accessible via the internet - it's a local network, but hard-wired closed-circuit setup. Even places that do have networked cameras aren't always recording. Many places record over their data within a few days, unless there is a break-in that they want to report. So maybe you ARE on camera a lot, but 99.99% of the time, it's not going to be viewed by anyone, and the recording won't be preserved for more than a few days; 30 days at the absolute most. There will be exceptions for people who take security seriously, but doing so is expensive.
  10. I have. He'll poo-poo it because it's not fuel injected and doesn't make him chub up a little when he looks at it in the garage.
  11. This is what Brian needs to buy. It will handle well enough, carry a passenger comfortably, be dead-nuts reliable, and won't break the bank.
  12. Whether you realize it or not, the AMA is still actively a part of MotoAmerica. I had to buy an AMA membership (i bought a 1 yr race license) to get a pit credential for the Indianapolis MotoAmerica round. Because it's a competition license, I think I paid $50 for the year, and I opted out of roadside assistance. OMRL is still planning to have the PIRC round be an AMA sanctioned national supermoto event next year, so I figured "why not?" Plus now I can crew for anyone in teh MotoAmerica paddock if I want to. "relevant?" Maybe not, but they got me to join for the first time, so it will continue to exist.
  13. Sort of true. They still have to catch the right person on the bike. Reasonable doubt and all that. I have 2 people with M endorsements under my roof.
  14. You could get a more "standard" bike like a Honda Nighthawk style bike. Then it's not forward controls, but it's still comfortable, and roomy for a passenger. That will still corner respectably.
  15. I have exchanged emails with the president of the kart club. They have an "exclusive lease" with the track. I actually kind of anticipated that from the way the website reads. That's the bad news. The good news is the guy has been nothing but nice to me and wants to meet about setting up some bike events. I presume we would be renting the time from teh kart club, which is just money they're NOT spending on the lease. The only catch would be we have to provide any funding for additional insurance to cover bikes. I can look into that. More good news: They are completing an extension to the track. If you plug the address into google maps, you can see the section they've added. The only thing I don't like is that it's only ONE right turn! We would have to run it both directions, or be really bored... Stay tuned.
  16. The internet says the Explorer will pull an "estimated" 165 http://www.topspeed.com/trucks/truck-reviews/ford/2016-ford-police-interceptor-utility-ar167500.html I would be surprised if it hit a legitimate 150 though. Honestly, I am surprised they'll surpass 130, but i would believe it. That link has the 2016 updates. My favorite is that the traction and stability control "know" when you're intentionally trying to execute a "J-turn" and the electronic nannies won't interfere. That's pretty awesome.
  17. obviously you can, but the bike has to be in neutral for that to happen. It's not uncommon for me to turn the bike off while holding the clutch, and then hunt for neutral without a running engine between my knees. I don't use the kill switch or kick-stand, but I understand why people do. There's something to be said for kjnowing that your kickstand kill switch is in working order, and I have no problem with people keeping both hands on the bars until the bike is on the side-stand. I just choose to turn the key with my right hand - like I would on a car.
  18. He's not using his right hand for any of those signals.
  19. Also, i believe these were real-world test times, not magazine numbers where they adjust for wind and all that crap... With that in mind, the comparison is still pretty dire for the cop cars. published 0-60 times for my Suzuki are 3.5x. Let's assume that's with a perfect launch by a pro rider. I'd still like to think I'd be under 5 seconds... Not too far ahead of the easy-to-launch AWD automatic the cops have, but then the gap is only going to get wider as I click through 3rd and 4th gears.
  20. Good quick read on the Ford "Police Interceptor" (they hate when people call it a Taurus!) http://www.tactical-life.com/news/ford-interceptor-fastest-acceleration-2014/ It also lists acceleration numbers for the Charger, and something with a 6.0 V8. I would have to assume that's a Chevy offering, but it might be an SUV... Regardless, they were bragging about the Ford Police Interceptor pulling 60 mph in 5.8 seconds, and 0-100 in 14.2. The "utility interceptor" (Explorer) gets to 60 in 6.55 and takes almost 2 more seconds to reach 100 than the Taurus-based car. Both models are AWD. What's more interesting, and I think would be really neat to see in the context of this forum, is that the article also claims the Taurus-based police vehicle laps Grattan faster than any other police vehicle from any other manufacturer - but they don't post a time for that I'm really curious to see how the Taurus would stack up against bikes on a race track. I presume they have qualified drivers for the sake of their testing - the manufacturers want to beat each other, and be able to brag...
  21. The MSF will tell you that it's unsafe to take either hand off the bars to turn the key.
  22. redkow97


    So irritating... They'll probably sell to some other low-life who knows they're stolen, but for $50 each, they won't care.
  23. For $4k, that's not what I'd buy...
  24. Pro tip: Don't be in the group.
  25. The Chargers and the Taurus SHO are definitely quicker than the Crown Vic (although the police interceptors were geared for decent acceleration), but I don't think they'd hold a candle to any reasonably sporty motorcycle - at least not under acceleration. They might keep pace with a 650 on the top-end, but from 0-100+, the bike should destroy any police vehicle. running from the cops is incredibly stupid though. It can quickly escalate to a felony of the third degree. Not worth it.
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