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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. redkow97


    They had an APB out on Jax after the police found Unser and Genma's bodies. Then he gunned down Borosky in front of witnesses, wearing his cut. Same for Marks. Jax did not hide his own identity, nor disassociate the club. He'll be on the news, and his kids will know about that eventually. Combine that with killing grandma, and his kids will hate him even with nice pics of bobby...
  2. Just so the OP is aware, there are two HF 4x8 models, one with 12" 4-bolt wheels. The load capacity is 1050 lbs., if my memory is correct. The 13" wheel mod is a 5-bolt pattern, and the load capacity is 1450 lbs. (again, that is from memory.) If you remove the fenders, larger wheels will fit without issue. Building your own fenders to replace them wouldn't be hard... Finding larger wheels is much easier with the 5-bolt pattern. I have the 4-bolt.
  3. redkow97


    I think that's plausible, but being a mass murderer should have been enough to make his kids hate them...
  4. I worry about my bearings, but it has never actually been an issue. I try to keep it under or at 70 mph (indicated), but that is more for economy than anything else. Better bearings are cheap peace of mind. I should probably invest in a set, but like I said, staying under 70 mph keeps my gas mileage closer to 20 rather than closer to 15... What's the tow vehicle? A hitch-mount holder eliminates wheel bearing issues. My longest trip with the HF 12" wheel trailer has been to Indianapolis. Hubs didn't even feel warm when I checked them at the 200 mile mark, or when we arrived.
  5. redkow97


    <<<<<<SPOILERS TO FOLLOW>>>>> I thought the symbolism was a little over the top... I caught most of the things the analysis articles are pointing out (http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/2014/12/sons-of-anarchy-series-finale-jax-dies?mbid=social_fbshare), but I'm mad at myself for not grasping the most obvious: The two crows picking at roadkill to start the series, versus the two crows picking at the bread when Jax dies. Really the only aspect of the ending that I didn't anticipate to some degree was riding his dad's bike, and partnering up with Connor. I'm still not convinced that people's analysis of the homeless woman is completely spot-on. I get it, she's the reaper, but only sort of... Gemma saw her a bunch of times without dying. I think the homeless woman was more of a guilty conscience following Gemma. When a character confronts his or her guilty conscience, they do the right thing. (again, sort of...) Still not sure why Jax burned his dad's manuscript, or the photos of Bobby.
  6. I would agree with that for sure, but that's because flattrack is so cheap by comparison. We'll see who shows up to the 200, but I stand by my claim that the top 5 will all be names we recognize.
  7. it would be just about the polar opposite of the Harley... I've lost track of what Hob has in the garage these days, but if you're going to have multiple bikes, have bikes that do different things well.
  8. I don't think that's a fair comparison unless Joey Taylor lives in the same neighborhood.
  9. redkow97


    the whole plot is Hamlet, so it's not really meant to be a shocking ending... I still jumped during the scene in Nate's house. (trying to be nice with the spoilers) After watching the most recent episode, I re-watched the pilot. There's some jokes and foreshadowing that are blatantly obvious the second time around. After finding their gun warehouse torched, Clay hands Jax a gun and sarcastically says "just put two in the back of my head." Jax quips back, "it's tough being king." Clay responds with, "Yeah - you remember that." There are also some mild 'continuity' problems I noticed. In episode 1, they talk to Juice about hacking into a computer system, and they need Opie back on the crew to do the explosives, because Bobbie has to do an Elvis gig to pay his child support. I can't recall the last time anyone on the show had such specific and/or specialized roles. I definitely don't think of Juice as a hacker... It's also interesting to see how much younger many of them looked at the start of the series. Bobbie did not age well. Perhaps by design.
  10. I hear ya. I forget that not everyone who owns a motorcycle has a means of transporting it in a pinch. As an aside, I use the trailer for non-motorcycle activities just as often as I use it to transport bikes. It's really a worthwhile investment, IMHO. I moved fill-dirt to level out "buckeye swamp" in my back yard, couches, refrigerators, a 150 gallon aquarium, and a bunch of other stuff i'm sure I can't remember... It's all the benefits of a pickup truck, except better gas mileage, and more 'bed' space, because the wheels are set further apart.
  11. Think like a politician... This isn't worth their attention. It's a hard-sell to the legislature, and it's not going to generate funds or votes.
  12. Not completely accurate. I read he was "allowed to resign" rather than being terminated. semantics, but not insignificant. I agree with a lot of what Pauly said on the topic... People rely on the police to come tell their neighbor to turn down their music. The public demands that the police get into the piddly-shit disputes between neighbors, but then get upset when they take initiative to conform with the mold we've laid out for them. Then we criticize police officers for being any less than perfect. If they err on the side of backing off, we call them lazy and accuse them of being worthless. If they err on the side of force, then they're racist killers on a power trip. Trying to find that balance is virtually impossible. I think the ultimate issue is accountability, and an understanding that some screw-ups should and will cost police officers their job - but then there has to be a greater (likely financial) incentive to take on such a high-risk profession that could end at any moment. I don't want this to devolve into too much of a union rant, but we all know that the unions go out of their way to defend officers who too often don't deserve it. There is a culture of covering up the truth rather than confronting it, because the officers feel obligated to protect their own, and protect their jobs. The result is that rather than weeding out officers who either can't hack it or made a mistake that legitimately should have cost them their job are allowed to continue working the streets. They perpetuate the belief and the reality that cops aren't qualified to do their jobs. It really soils the reputation of the majority of other officers, and that's what the union ought to be focusing on...
  13. nice to see the mods are on top of this sort of thing ...except the guy quoted the offending post prior to your edit.
  14. Does it stop being a club race when pros enter and win? I am certain the top 5 will be people who make their living racing.
  15. or you could skip the headlights and just take it to the track like he suggested
  16. No amount of debate is going to change the decision that was made. I'm focusing on this now: http://abcnews.go.com/US/michael-browns-stepfather-apologizes-burn-outburst-ferguson/story?id=27331195 That story has been updated since I saw it reported on television last night. I think this is the proverbial "no-win" situation.
  17. Probable cause is a very low burden of proof. My mentor attorney used to joke that "you could indict a ham sandwich if you wanted." To answer your question directly, I admit that I have not read all the testimony, nor reviewed any more evidence than has been widely reported by major media outlets. With that said, I do think there was probable cause to indict Officer Wilson, but also probable cause to believe that he had a valid affirmative defense (self defense). Is it the grand jury's duty to indict any time there is probable cause? Or are they allowed to say, "yeah, there is probable cause, but there is also evidence that he'll escape conviction due to the circumstances" and choose not to indict on a case they anticipate the prosecution losing. Honestly, I am leaning toward the former... Don't BE the trial court. Let the trial court do its job. Who knows - maybe some evidence is suppressed, and there is an outcome the grand jury would not have anticipated. (whether or not that's a good thing is a different debate)
  18. I'm intrigued by this. Are you all viewing these as short-term investments? I would be more interested in shorter term and higher-risk than investing for retirement... I'd wager $100 on some of these $10 stocks for a year.
  19. the WERA guys claim there is a relatively simple F2 swap with different spacers. Regardless, I wouldn't be in a hurry to make this into an expensive project. It's a running bike for $700... Find the best tires available in 18" and just ride it... this is a perfect solution for anyone who wants a track bike that is comparable to their street ride, but doesn't want to risk a $7000 mistake with it.
  20. I went to some department store with my mother when I was 20 or 21. I agreed to go because I was afraid she would get hurt if I didn't. We got there before the doors were unlocked, and there was a line 200 yards long that spanned across the front of the building, then curled around a 'corner' down along one edge of the parking lot. Everyone was relatively orderly ...until the doors unlocked, and the line collapsed into a stampede of assholes. I've seen more common courtesy demonstrated in mosh pits. We did get one of the stupid leather jackets my mom was trying to snag for my brother, and probably some other stuff I just don't remember, but I learned a valuable lesson that morning: I don't want to be around people who need a deal that badly.
  21. does this have 17" tires front and rear? SV sizes?
  22. You'd be very correct. Could likely say the same about a 15 or 20 yr old bike. Check out some vintage races. And no one gets into an upgrade war buying the latest and greatest.
  23. Whoever said "all cops should have cameras" is going to get their wish. The one good thing that might come out of this incident is that the chief of police has said that all Cleveland officers will have body cameras by the end of January 2015.
  24. By whom? Who funded the flight(s)? I believe that there were a lot of Oberlin and Toledo students who drove in to play political activist for a few days, but why fly people from CO when there are millions of locals who would have been just as available for free?
  25. I am leaning toward a TCP. This is a great deal, but the bersa is just a tad larger. I have to pocket carry in a suit. Smaller is better.
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