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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Even novices can't hide during practice ????
  2. Riding to work takes a lot of planning when you wear a suit daily, but it's nice when I can do it. Otherwise it's all talk radio and racking up miles on the Toyota...
  3. Yeah, that pic is making me nervous. I thought I was living dangerously having my snowblower up on the kitchen table for a belt change and cable adjustments...
  4. I have a "T-Rex" front stand... It's pretty solid, and I have no complaints about it for use with sporbikes, or even my Katana, but I don't think I'd use it on a Goldwing. If I had Pit-Bull stands, I wouldn't hesitate.
  5. Yeah, I wouldn't trust a cheap stand on that one... Ratchet straps over a home-made support I'm addition to a typical steering stem stand would probably work. I used to hang my bike from my sister's swing set before I had a front stand.
  6. The yamaha does sound ideal, but they're not exactly cheap. $4500 or more... Was hoping to build something comparable for $1500 or less
  7. But will it tolerate that for 40 straight minutes?
  8. I'd work for Bowman. Show up on time, don't be an asshole or an idiot, and my guess is you move up the ladder.
  9. My biggest hang up on both the bikes listed is that I need to be able to rationalize a street bike as a viable commuting option. For me that means 40 miles of 70+ mph each way. Realistically I only commute 5-10 days a year, but I need that to be an option so that I can rationalize the insurance and bike cost to my wife. I'd also enjoy being able to ride the bike to PIRC and hit up the kart track.
  10. I'd let go of the Katana for under $2,000 ;-) Not exactly a traditional "starter bike" though. Find a street-legal enduro style bike and I'll trade your new rider the 750 for the enduro mid summer.
  11. I understand that concern, but I would hope that you're keeping the bike in the boost even at mid-corner. I only looked at their dyno graphs on my phone, so it was pretty much impossible to read their numbers. I'll have to see when the power really spikes. It might be a big issue, and it might be nothing.
  12. I don't recall that, but it wouldn't matter anyway. The WR is way beyond my budget. I need to find something older and more beat up, then see if I can do a straight-up trade for the Katana. I actually really like the Katana, but it's not a light bike by any means...
  13. as far as cruisers go, this is one I like. Test rode one at a demo event. It will get out of its own way for sure
  14. I'm not trying to overthink it, I'm doing some mental masturbation about what would be cool as hell if money were no object. Turbo'd WR250x seems to be the closest thing I've found to fitting my requirements.
  15. Email them to me. I will host them and post them. Want to see this.
  16. that has the potential to be some of the most fun of the day, but it's such a long drive that we usually pack up and bounce right away. Practice should feel the same way, in theory, but morning practice is always nerve-racking for me for some reason. I never feel right on the bike first thing in the morning. By the end of the day, I'm up to speed, and ready to just go out and have fun.
  17. the "X" model is listed at 280 lbs. on a dealer's site. Unfortunately said dealer is in CA, but that probably means it's even lighter than 280 without the emissions crap.
  18. that's a lot of lost stuff (and money) for 15 lbs. I'd be better off not topping off the tank. Still, it looks like the closest thing to what I consider ideal. I would see about running a much smaller battery and not relying on electric start. If the fuel pump has enough power to prime the engine, bump-starting a fuel-injected 250 single should not be difficult...
  19. I can confirm Gavin is in fact 12 now, but yeah, he was still beating us when he was 11... If there are enough kids, I would be shocked if Kent didn't schedule them their own class, in addition to all the other classes they're eligible for. I don't think we've ever mentioned it on the forum, but you can also turn as many laps as you like after the race schedule ends for the day. We have the track until pretty late, and tend to finish up early. Most people are tired and pack up. Some of us will mess around by trading bikes or turning laps in the other direction. (karts and bikes are NEVER on track at the same time)
  20. With different gearing, this might actually be ideal. How much weigh can it lose?
  21. I did a total of 2 or fewer :58's as a novice. If there were in fact 2, both of them were in the endurance race on the last day of the season. My fast lap for this season was a :56.7 or so. I have every intention of doing an entire race with all :55 and :56 second laps by the end of the 2015 season. Maybe Devon and Gavin will break deeper into the :54's than they did this year, but I'm certainly going to try to keep pace with their progress, if not their lap times.
  22. anything under a minute is definitely expert pace. I wasn't so sure about that last year, but that's where I started in my first expert season, and I dropped 2 seconds... I also dug back through old lap times and Kent was winning expert races (in stock XR) with :58's a few years ago. "expert" status isn't as scary as it seems. One, it's just a word. I hardly consider myself an "expert" except by classification, and two racing against the Bull makes everyone faster. You can beat up on Ben to the point you'll feel bad about it and he will come into the pits and tell you how awesome it is that you're trying so hard to put a pass on him.
  23. Just run a drain tube that exits behind the rear wheel. Shouldn't be an issue with even moderate headwind.
  24. Ben! I was wondering where you were at the banquet. You've gotta come catch Todd this year.
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