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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. He can't be yelling that from the car as they pull up? The camera angle is pretty narrow. The officers saw the suspect long before the camera shows them. Even if it is only 2-3 seconds to say it 3 times, why should it need to be said more than once? It's not an ambiguous instruction. Now all that said, I am not making any judgment about whether or not the officer acted properly or improperly. I was surprised by how quickly the incident occurred, and 2 frames per second is extremely low resolution to base an opinion on. I feel for the kid's family, and for the officers. They're stuck hating themselves while they justify their actions.
  2. I support their right to protest, but I have no idea what action they want taken, and I think the protestors made a lot more enemies than friends this afternoon. Inconveniencing the people you're trying to persuade to join you is not great tact...
  3. The Cleveland "protest" was just a bunch of whining. If you have a message and a goal, that is a protest. Blocking traffic is just "look at me! I'm not happy!" bullshit. I understand that people are upset. They have every right to feel that way. I understand that people want law enforcement to reevaluate their rules for use of deadly force to prevent future deaths of suspects ...but how does blocking traffic and inconveniencing everyone BUT the police achieve any progress toward that goal? I think these protests alienated more people than they won over.
  4. Ambitious entrepreneur. Would you prefer he be on public assistance? ;-) This will blow over quickly. The Cleveland PD has learned from Ferguson. LOTS of transparency and diplomacy on their Facebook page.
  5. I'll watch attentively, but I hate myself a little bit for it. Attention is what the "protestors" want. They're no better than the Westboro Baltist a-holes... Your message is lost when the delivery is criminal.
  6. my current favorite is Hannibal Burress.
  7. I have a front 19" knobby tire that you can have. It's not in great shape, but it's not bald either. You want it? it's in my garage, and I no longer have my 19" rim that it was on (stole the hub for my 16" wheel, and never put it back together)
  8. this is the most badass $1000 car I could find. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/cto/4758395326.html
  9. I didn't read that far. $1k is going to be a rough vehicle... Frankly I think you'll end up putting $1500 into anything that costs less than $1000 pretty much immediately. if you're lucky, you'll find an old Japanese sedan with 260k on the clock for a grand-ish.
  10. dirt or street tires? JB was browsing a 50 on CL yesterday that was sold before he talked to the guy
  11. it has the 24 valve DOHC v-6 btw. I think it makes 205 or so horsepower, and it's quick for what it is...
  12. my grandma's 2003 Mercury Sable is still in my dad's driveway. Was literally driven by a little old lady. has under 70k miles if my memory is correct. Small rust spot behind passenger rear wheel. Otherwise, the only issue I am aware of was the mouse nest I found when I replaced the battery for Gram last year. I think my dad was asking $4k
  13. Most bikes are heavier than most people think. Publishing dry weights has conditioned us to believe that sport bikes are 400 lbs or less, and that's really rarely the case... I would bet most street bikes with a full tank of gas start at 450 and go up from there. I know my bike is probably 550.
  14. Building shelving in my crawl space this weekend to better store and organize my water supplies, along with some Spam and canned goods. Also going to stock up on propane cylinders for my heater, and I think another 5 gallon gas can (and some syphoning hoses) would be a prudent move. In the winter, I do my best to keep my car's tank full. That's a few days' worth of generator power in a pinch.
  15. This isn't Rodney King though. I don't understand people who WANT it to be that... There was video evidence of police brutality against Rodney King. Not only is comparable evidence nonexistent in the Michael Brown scenario, but it would appear that the evidence that does exist corroborates the officer's story. If I lived in Ferguson, I'd be boarding up my windows...
  16. I definitely wasn't implying I had a problem with the thread, and I certainly have no reason to ask for it to be deleted! This clarifies things. I just hadn't heard the term "muscle bike" before. When I hear "muscle car," I think American V8 from the 60's. When I hear "muscle bike," I initially thought "V-max," but I don't think the term is exclusive to one engine-configuration or manufacturer. By the same token, 1970's ideas of a "large" engine were different than the modern perspective.
  17. Did I miss an "official" definition of "muscle bike?" I have my own thoughts on what that might be, but I'm wondering what the OP meant when this thread began.
  18. do you have snow tires? I wouldn't be so quick to give up FWD economy for the handful of days a year where AWD is really needed. It's always helpful, I just don't like the mileage sacrifice.
  19. I can't get into details, but an 18 yr old male from Puerto Rico informed me that he collects $831 a month in social security benefits. His mother is about 33, and his custodial great-grandparents are deceased. Would he be collecting his former custodians' benefits? Being a US territory, are Puerto Ricans all eligible for social security? I've assumed for quite some time that SS won't be around to pay out to me, so I admit I'm woefully under-informed on that topic, but WTF??? Why is this kid getting $831 every month? He has to stay enrolled in school to get it, but he's 18 and in the 9th or 10th grade... Do criminal convictions affect social security eligibility?
  20. I'm paraphrasing, but my favorite quote was "for the straight guy who lingers in gay bars just waiting to be hit on so he can get into a fully substantiated and justifiable fistfight." a close second is the part about closing 17 un-used tabs after an hour of jerking off. hahaha
  21. Not true. The first-gen MR2 video an d the Saturn L300(?) are pretty mundane. Still informative, but more 'legitimate' automotive journalism than comedy.
  22. I've been watching a lot of "Regular Car Reviews," and I can't help but hear "Two Brothers" the way that guy says it.
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