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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. From a study released yesterday.... http://www.ohio.com/news/break_news/91824984.html Not sure I agree with the conclusions, but its something else you liberal fuckers can blame on Bush.
  2. Glad you're ok. You probably know it by now, but its not the deer you see that's the problem - its the three that you dont see that'll mess your shit up. Those fuckers travel in packs.
  3. I dont really give a shit what you prefer. You can STILL go fuck yourself.
  4. Finally, someone mentioned the master. Of course, you can't talk guitar players without mentioning this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1hijzkOrnk&feature=related
  5. If you think Randy Rhodes is the best guitar player ever, I'm not surprised that you "respect" Jrmiii. It's your "opinion" that Townshend "bought" his way out of a conviction. At any rate, it doesnt affect his musical abilities one bit. Quite frankly, I could give a shit what people do in their free time - drugs, sheep, little boys. These people aren't role models - they're fucking musicians. A "few" years ago? Christ, the guy's like 70 - what did you expect? By the way, a baseball stadium isn't exactly the best place for a concert. Of course, seeing who you count among the "best" I'm not surprised that you didn't get it.
  6. Petaphile? WTF? Do you mean pedophile? Anyway, welcome to 2003. Nice op-ed piece you posted - been taking lessons from Jrmiii or something? Doesn't seem like any of it stuck. Unless I had a stroke, I'm pretty sure they were the half time act at the Super Bowl last year.
  7. That was good' date=' but this is more my speed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_FZVD5lsAw&feature=related"
  8. I figure a guy making out with a koala would know the difference. Guess you're only into marsupials.
  9. Someone should tell him its a guitar - not a fucking drum. The sounds get really awesome when you hire a bass player and a dude to bang on the drums. Some people even add a vocalist. Crazy, huh?
  10. Actually, the rabbit doesn't "quack", it clucks.
  11. Let me guess - English isn't your "native" language. Try this - "I have cake. I'm going to eat it." "I had cake, but I ate it." Quit mixing metaphors and tenses.
  12. Bullshit. If I have cake, I'm going to eat it. Dumbest fucking expression ever.
  13. If your curious do it on someone else's dime - not mine. Every minute I waste working on something for a customer that's slow to pay costs me time that I could be using working on something for a customer that pays on time. Since time = money shitty paying customers cost me money. I've got a situation right now where a customer in Trinidad wants some custom parts built for a machine. My standard terms are 50% up front with the order, and the balance prior to shipping. They don't want to pay the deposit because "its against company policy". I've had to chase these guys down before to pay the balance on their account several times before I shipped them their parts. Its not worth the time to me - they can find someone else to build the parts for them. Bottom line is all business is not "good business". Certainly good cash flow is important to any business, but if you lose money just keeping the cash flowing there's no sense in being in the business. Actually, if you do things that way you wont be in business very long. Here's another news flash for ya - the customer ISN'T always right.
  14. Have anything to back that statement up? My personal, professional experience shows otherwise. People who seriously want work done have no problem paying a deposit. Those who arent sure they want the work done usually won't pay the deposit. They're also the ones that you have to hound to get paid. Its really not worth it. You can spend that kind of time working with people that pay.
  15. Then let the new shop down the road deal with the no-shows. Why do you want to deal with customers that take time and money OUT of your pocket? I'd like ALL of those "customers" deal with my competition.
  16. Seriously? Learn to pay attention to what the fuck I'm doing when I'm behind the wheel. Were you yammering on the cell phone, or sending a text when it happened?
  17. We used to take guys in for base runs on a "first come, first serve basis". Tuning jobs required a 50% deposit. It avoided the whole issue of "people not showing up".
  18. Yeah....on a good day you'll get about $0.07 per pound. Last time I checked scrap mixed steel was only going for about $125-$150 per TON. Find a guy that's got a little lathe in his garage. He'll take them off your hands.
  19. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Elyria's the ass.
  20. I guess I never realized Sheffield was that close to Elyria.
  21. Well, SOMEBODY up there is having a hard time walking today. You'd think it'd be kinda noticeable.
  22. Hey...any of you fuckers up there missing this? http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/Kids-find-what-appears-to-be-human-foot-
  23. That's very cool - congrats! BTW, Did you ever find the pics of that Paso you painted?
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