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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    I've seen and heard of too many problems with the steel cased ammo. Wide variations in case size, chamber carrying lacquer residue causing cases to get stuck. Stuck cases getting the rim pulled of by the extractor, extractors damaged, etc. Personally, I wont shoot it. I'd rather spend the extra $80.00 to $100.00 on decent ammo for my AR. If cost is that big of a deal, buy a .22 LR conversion kit.
  2. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    Steel cased .223? No thanks.
  3. And yours was amazingly crafted as well.
  4. Far from the bottom? You must be a moron as well. Let me ask you this - do you sign your own paycheck, or are you dependent on some dumb ass to pay you? Don't care about what I have to say? Why bother to respond? Go suck a dick.
  5. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Do you actually READ what others post here, or do you just like to hear yourself ramble on? I said 52 posts ago that the only thing that would make them a better team than they have been in the past is to go deeper into the post season and WIN A FUCKING CHAMPIONSHIP. Fuck me. You guys really are dumb as toast.
  6. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    They may be a "better" team but their record doesn't show it. If their record doesn't show it, then it doesn't mean shit to say they're a better team. We've covered this already. Try to keep up.
  7. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Is there anything besides empty space in your skull? I'll type slow so that you can understand. The regular season GETS you to the playoffs. Once the playoffs start the only thing that matters is your SERIES record. They don't add your playoff wins to your regular season wins to see who moves on, you go back to zero. The same thing happens in the Championship Series. What your record was in the playoffs doesn't matter - you go back to 0-0. Why is this shit so hard for you to understand? What is your point? Is it that you're too lazy to type out Y-O-U-'-R-E?
  8. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Goddam, you really ARE a fucking moron. If the the Cav's would sweep the Lakers (or any other team) in the finals, their record would be 4-0 because everything that happened BEFORE the finals is a moot point. Each team starts out 0-0. So, yes it DOES work that way.
  9. Yeah, every time someone presents an opposing opinion, you gotta pipe up with "fear". People like you with your head stuck in the sand are part of the problem.
  10. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Let me pose a question to you three geniuses: Last year a team had 10 wins and 6 losses. This year that same team had 9 wins and 7 losses. Which team is better?
  11. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Yes, as a matter of fact I have played basketball before, but I dont see what that has to do with anything. I dont have to suck a cock to know its gay. So there you have it. Trade a guy you need to get a guy you hope helps out, and hope the guy you traded comes back. THAT makes plenty of sense Yeah, I understand how it works. Some "expert" prognosticates his opinion on who is the best team for that particular week for various reasons. It should be an indicator of who will win games and who will lose games. I do find it odd that you cite the experts that say the Cavs are now a better team (even though its not being shown by their performance and consequently their RECORD), but deride the guy that says they're not as good as they were last week. Talk about a lack of common sense.
  12. Of course there's a whole industry around buying cheap pharmaceuticals in Canada. Do you know why? Get back to me with that answer, and then we'll talk about failure.
  13. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Now there's "conditions" on the "new, improved" team. What if Z says "fuck you" and doesnt come back? Oh, and by the way, this just in: http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/powerRankings According to Fox's "expert" the Cav's arent the best team in the NBA anymore.
  14. He could have had it fixed in Canada, but he chose to have it fixed in the US because the method for fixing it was better. Why? The Newfie Hospital doesnt have the latest technology that the hospital in the US does. They don't have the technology because they cant AFFORD IT. Why can't they afford it? Because of Newfoundland's population, they get a small piece for the government health care pie than say Ontario. Why does the US Hospital have the doctors and technology that the Canadian hospital doesnt? Because for all its faults, we still have the best health care delivery system in the world. Advancement in technology and education are REWARDED here with the promise of financial gain. In Canada, no such promise exists.
  15. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    But wait...the one loss came with the "new, improved" team. Their record against Orlando with the "old" team is 2-0.
  16. I'm pretty sure the 01 600's were conventional forks. 1000's had inverted forks. They wont work unless you have the triples from the 1000 and even then you're going to have to see if the head bearings are the same. Actually the bearings are the same, so you could do it with an ENTIRE front end off an 01-02 GSX-R1000.
  17. Thats some funny shit. I'm SO glad I have the EZ Pass.
  18. If I had to guess, it could cause you more than just some anxiety. AIDS comes to mind, really.
  19. Let me guess. You're one of those bottom of the totem pole guys? In my time here that's the most ridiculous statement I've ever read.
  20. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    For all of the supposed "improvements" they've made over last year, their won/loss record isn't as good. If that's the case, how can they really be a "better" team?
  21. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    To be honest, I don't think I've watched an entire Cav's game in 5 or 6 years. The point of my posts (in this thread anyway) is to show that you can say whatever you want about how good this team is vs. that team, or how they "match up" on paper, but you still have to play the games - for obvious reasons. For all the talk about how much better they should be now against Orlando, they still got beat. See the point? And 10 days later, they lost. Bad. If they lose to Orlando in the playoffs, I'm sure that everyone will take great comfort in the fact that they "kicked Orlando's ass" on February 11th. More "on paper" shit from another "expert". The fact of the matter is that their record is not better than it was at the same time last year. To prove you are truly a better team you need to win more games and go further into the post season than you did the previous year. If you dont accomplish that, you're just a "different" team, and certainly not a "better" team.
  22. Brian.... Boy oh boy you can get wound up about this racing thing. Remember, she's talking about Fastrax. It used to be a great club, but it seems like now its full of wanna-be bad ass racers like Ms. Hunter. Ten years ago a guy (or girl) could cut his teeth at a small local series like FT, then move to WERA and do well. Seems like lately its not the case. FWIW, we won an endurance championship with them in 2005. We had three riders (me, Doug Duane, and Dale Mirgliotta) the amount of bitching that was done because we had "an AMA Pro" licensed rider was unbelievable. That bitching was only surpassed by the bitching over running Doug's 05 GSX-R1000 for one race (instead of my 2002 GSX-R1000). Point is that you can do it with three riders, one set of tires, a standard tank, and 30 gallons of fuel without much trouble. FT never used to have a class winner plus and overall winner, maybe that's changed - I dunno. Seriously "interviewing" riders for a series that doesnt pay any money back (beyond some bragging rights and giant trophies) is laughable. And you're right - her reputation precedes her.
  23. I don't care who ya are - that's some funny shit right there.
  24. That's how she is. She's too good for everyone around here. Anyway, from what I heard the motor for her "new" bike got left in an unheated space all winter. Too bad it didnt have antifreeze in it.
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