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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I don't trust people much any more either. I sold a commercial quality desk on CL just last weekend and had the same discussion with the father of the guy that bought it. He said, "remember when you used to be able to trust people until they gave you a reason not to? Now its the other way around - you can't trust anyone until the prove they can be trusted. Terrible, isn't it?" I had to agree. Sad state of affairs these days.
  2. Sad. Sad that there are people like those four shitbags ready to prey on good people. Situations like that are tough to avoid. You can't always perform every transaction "in a public place" for obvious reasons. Even if you did, they know you have the cash when you leave and could easily dust you in the parking lot, or worse - follow you home. I've sold lots of stuff on CL, and never had a problem. Situational awareness is a big help. So's a 1911 on my hip.
  3. I'd be happy to. Provided that you remember that the congress (or state house) controls the purse, not the president (or governor).
  4. Oooohh....yay! They made the playoffs. So did half the other teams in the NBA. What's so special about that?
  5. Schwarzenegger can call himself anything he likes (as far as party affiliation goes). The fact of the matter is he hasn't governed as a conservative - fiscally OR socially - and I doubt that a democrat would have done any different. If you want to believe that the spending policies that have gone on during his term were the least bit conservative, go for it. You'd be wrong (again) but that doesn't seem to matter much to you. BTW, whats with all the typing out of you? Run outta cartoons?
  6. I've been saying that a lot today. Feels good.
  7. Patience. He's gone. They're just holding off so THEY can say he's leaving. Ego's like Gilbert's HATE it when they get scooped.
  8. I'm two out of three at this point. Too bad I have to wait till July to get the third one right.
  9. And that "best record" in the sport gets you what, exactly? Oh, wait, I know. It gets you on the couch watching someone else win a championship. THAT's something to shoot for.
  10. Wait...this "cast of cast-offs" was supposed to be EXACTLY what that team needed to "go all the way" this year. Everyone was singing the praises of the "great trade" Danny Ferry made to get Jameson. Shaq was supposed to be the big man they needed to "get a ring for the 'king' of the NBA". The final analysis? They built a team that "matched up better" to Orlando "on paper", but they didn't even get to play them. Lebron James is a punk ass bitch - a poor winner as well as a poor loser - who should have went to college and matured as a player and a man, Mike Brown couldn't coach his way out of a wet paper bag, and all of Gilbert's money wont buy a championship. This is how Cleveland professional sports has worked for the last 45 years. Get used to it, ladies.
  11. Guess you didnt watch them play Orlando last year.
  12. I was right. One down, two to go. Think Brown will make it to the end of the day?
  13. Nope, I don't work for IIHS. I don't believe motorcycles should be outlawed - I've probably owned, ridden and raced more bikes than you've sat your ass on. Certainly speed will kill you more quickly than going slow - unless you get run over by a bus. When discussing nonsensical babble, I'm confident that your "correct time and place for speeding" will be part of the discussion. Its really not my problem if you can't understand a simple concept of right and wrong, legal and illegal, correct and incorrect. Just don't tell anyone. You'll be ok.
  14. Well, at least you have that going for you.
  15. First, there aren't varying degrees of "correctness". Its either correct, or incorrect. Exceeding the speed limit is incorrect, not to mention illegal regardless of the time of day. On a track you aren't exceeding the speed limit because there isn't one. Dumb ass.
  16. The Cav's are probably done. LeBron is probably gone. Nothing left but to fire Brown. Typical for Cleveland sports teams.
  17. There's a "correct time and place" for speeding? Where, exactly, is it and what time is best? Your statements make you look like a dumb ass - although not quite as much of a dumb ass as the OP.
  18. Todd#43

    wtf cavs!!

    Which makes no fucking difference whatsoever when it comes to winning championships. Obviously. Anything can happen from here on out, so I'll wait to say "I told you so" until its finally over and done with.
  19. Todd#43

    wtf cavs!!

    Hmmmm.... Some of you fuckers that were extolling the virtues of the "new, improved" Cav's here:http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=45158 seem to have changed your tune a bit. Interesting.
  20. I'm pretty sure that 95% of good photo's are all about being at the right place at the right time. Nice work
  21. Did the Nordeschleife twice. Once in an Audi S4 and once in a Porsche Carrera SC4. Fun times, fun times.
  22. Its entirely possible for the triples to be twisted out of alignment. You can also bend a top or bottom triple with a little bit of effort. Christ, even hitting a big enough bump can knock everything out of whack. Alignment isnt a big deal unless something is bent. You've got to loosen the steering stem, loosen pinch bolts for the forks (on the triples) and remove the front axle. Use a straight edge to line everything back up and tighten everything you loosened. Install the front axle last, and you should be good to go. If you can't correct it that way you've bent something and it'll either need to be straightened by a professional or replaced. Hope that helps.
  23. Follow me.... Fewer motorcycle fatalities is because of fewer motorcycle riders. Fewer motorcycle riders is because of the shiddy economy. Shiddy economy is Bush's fault. Therefore: Fewer motorcycle fatalities is Bush's fault.
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