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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    I'd say the two of you are the ones not making any points. Your claim that they are a "better team" is not proven by the evidence (and the only thing that matters) of their record. So now its a negative to be a Cleveland fan? Why is that? Oh yeah, I remember - its because they never win shit. I'm curious as to how you make the jump from me saying "they never win shit" to the statement that you don't think I'm a fan. Easy there Nostradamus. Everything you just stated is nothing more than a prediction and/or opinion on your part. None of it has been proven yet - that's why they play the games. I mean, if the Cav's are sooooo damn good, why dont we just end the season now and give them the Championship? I'm not really being negative. I'm only stating the facts. Based on history, no one was better than the Cav's last year at this point in time. However, as it turns out not one but TWO teams were better than Cleveland by the end of the year. It would be GREAT if the Cav's would win an NBA Championship. No doubt about it. However, I've been here before and I know what typically happens. I'll withhold my excitement until it actually happens.
  2. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    My ass isn't hurt. They may well be a "better" team than they were last year, but their record doesn't show that. If their record doesn't show it, it doesn't matter. If they get knocked out in the Eastern Conference Finals, are they still a better team than they were last year? No. If they get knocked out in the Second Round, are they still a better team than last year? No. Regardless of what the "professionals" say, the only way they can be a better team than last year is to get into the finals. All of the discussion prior to that is meaningless. You prove you're better by what they keep track of - wins and losses. Period.
  3. Fuck Me! I gotta make a phone call to Satan to check the weather in Hell. I finally agree with JRMMiii.
  4. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Oh YAY! All that happened on the court! Hoo-FUCKIN-ray!!!! News flash - their RECORD (wins and losses) isn't any better than it was last year. Wins and losses is what matters. Does the team that "plays better than they did last year" win the championship? No. The team that wins the most games in the championship round does. If you want to think that pessimism and cynicism are varying degrees of the same thing go for it. This has nothing to do with being a "fair weather" fan, and everything to do with the fact that no Cleveland team has won a championship in over 46 years. I never said I wasnt a "fan", or that I didnt root for the "home team". Living in Cleveland and expecting the Cavs, the Indians, or the Browns is like believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. All nice thoughts to be sure, but none of them are real.
  5. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Please explain how 90% of the improvement has been shown "on court". You say they're better because of this player, or that player but they havent proven anything yet when you get down to what matters - wins versus losses. And while we're at it, cynicism and pessimism are synonymous. (that means the two words mean the same thing). Get back to me after 21 more years of no major sports championships in NE Ohio and let me know how you're feeling. My guess is by then your youthful exuberance will have waned quite a bit.
  6. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    So basically what you're saying is "they're better on paper" this year than they were last year. Since their record is the same as last year this time, they haven't proven it where it matters - winning and losing games. Talk is cheap. Until they actually win one, I'm not going to get excited.
  7. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    If they're a better team this year, why isnt their record better? Seems to me, if they were really a better team there record would be better, no? I've lived in NE Ohio for 46 years. I've heard all of the hype, seen most of the games. The Browns in the 80's, the Indians in the 90's - I was there for all that shit. Now its the Cav's decade to take the hopes of NE Ohio's sports fans to the precipice of ultimate success and smash them to bits like every other Cleveland sports franchise has done since 1964. If they do happen to win, I'll be happy to eat my plate of crow. I really don't think I'll have to though, and when the Cav's season is over I'll be able to say "I told you so" over the moans of "just wait till next year".
  8. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Come on now. Let me see if I have this right... Last year the Cav's had the BEST RECORD in the NBA, and lost before the finals. This year's team is better than last years team, even though their record isn't as good? I'm just a little bit confused. Oh, by the way unless you're playing for the team "we" didnt have shit to do with anything.
  9. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    And LAST year And the year before that And the year before that.
  10. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    Hate to rain on your parade, but its true. How old were YOU when the last Cleveland team won a major sports championship? Oh sure, we get close. The browns have been to the AFC Championship game a time or two, but haven't won shit of any consequence sine 1964. The tribe has made it to the dance a couple of times, but hasnt been a champion since 1948. The Cavs? Well, there was the Miracle in Richfield, and the "current" iteration of the team has done well, but they haven't won shit either. So this is the year then? I'll continue to hold my enthusiasm until the trophy is brought to Cleveland. See, I've been here before.
  11. Todd#43

    ZZZ Trade

    You fuckers are forgetting one thing. This is Cleveland. Cleveland Teams DON'T win Championships. Don't plan your celebration parties yet.
  12. Gave me 4 $20's and 2 $10's??? Not much chance of that. Its ALWAYS my fault. Didn't you know that already?
  13. True Story.... I stopped at fast food establishment in Alabama early one morning about ten or 15 years ago. The food totaled $8.40. All I had in my wallet was a couple of $100.00 bills. I handed one to the cashier (all of 16 years old) who handed me the food and said "Imma haf ta git th' manager". Enter the manager (all of 17 years old) who took the $100 bill from the cashier, opened the drawer and handed me 4 $20's and 2 $10's and said "y'all have a nice day". I left.
  14. Totally plausible. As you get a little older, you'll run into plenty of people like this. I probably come across two or three of them every week.
  15. If its here when you're ready you're welcome to see it any time.
  16. Seat height on the Z's is almost 33". If you could handle that, you can handle the Duke.
  17. To each his own, I suppose. That's why every one you see looks a little different, you know? Its tall, but not quite as tall as a dirtbike. I want to say seat height is like 34" inches or something like that
  18. I thought I had it sold this weekend. Five minutes after the dude was supposed to be here he sent a text and said he didn't have the money. Glad I didn't turn anyone away. I think its the time of year and the economy. Nobody's really buying stuff they dont need. There is a guy that wants to trade an 87 Ducati Paso and a NIB Colt Commander (Series 80) for it though. Interesting, but I think he's gonna have to add some cash to the deal to make it work for me.
  19. Actually, on the sumo's I kinda prefer the spokes. The two color rims some guys have are bitchin too.
  20. I'm a little surprised too. I thought I had it sold yesterday. A guy was supposed to come pick it up, but when he got here he was $500 short. Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
  21. I haven't done a self serving bump in a while. So, here it is.
  22. I have underwear older than you...
  23. Forty-six years of living and three different wives taught me that the above statement is an undeniable truth of life. 'nuff said.
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