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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    If he does, he does. Doesnt really matter though - I'm not out any $$ if he does.
  2. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    Yup....pretty much right around the corner.
  3. You mean the $0.02 that you took from someone else, right?
  4. If its "shot out" check the slide to frame clearance as well as the bushing fit. More than likely your problem will be found there.
  5. Usually you can tighten the groups up by getting the clearance on the bushing down to .0025" to .0030" all the way around, and I've done it with some success on 5" barrel 1911's. Didnt seem to make that much of a difference on the Commander though. Its still plenty accurate though, and nothing feels or shoots like a 1911. Amazing that a pistol designed over 100 years ago still doesn't have any competition.
  6. Thanks. Groups are fine - I just expected them to be much better after fitting the bushing. Still, I can't complain - its a great shooter. I've not had any issues with this one. I'm not sure what you had or what your issues were but a competent smith should have been able to rectify any issues. FWIW, I know of more people that have had issues with Kimber's Swartz safety system than I know of people who have had issues with Colt's. I've removed the series 80 shit out of this pistol and dont expect any issues.
  7. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    Nice cut and paste job, but what you're really comparing there is the difference between cored (steel or carbide) ammo and non-cored ammo as opposed to the difference between the .223 Remington and the 5.56 NATO Round. The main difference between the two is case pressure, and has little to do with the barrel and everything to do with the chamber. You can get into discussions between Berdan and Boxer primed, corrosive or non-corrosive powder, etc., but your point is moot. Commercially available (and even military surplus) 5.56 ammunition will cause no ill effects to weapon chambered for it. By the way The AR (as designed by Stoner for Armalite) was DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY AROUND THE 5.56 NATO Round. That's right genius, the round came BEFORE the rifle, and the rifle was designed to fire that round.
  8. Exactly. Lets not forget about the Suzuki Championship in 05 and as I recall Biaggi didn't do too bad on it either. Of course, we all know about the dominance of the Yosh team in AMA Superbike. I'd say there's really no comparison between Suzuki and BMW in terms of championship winning machinery.
  9. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    If the rifle is chambered for the 5.56 there's no problem running a "mil spec" round in it. Show me that the 5.56 is a "machine gun" round and isnt to be used in a rifle chambered for it. While you're at it what's "different" about the "design" and what's the intended "function"???
  10. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    Got anything to back that up? If ya don't, I'm callin bullshit.
  11. Thanks. To tell you the truth, I don't remember who the manufacturer was. I know they were in a Brownell's baggie - might have been VZ, but I'm not sure. They're just micarta with a "tactical" checkering on them.
  12. What difference does riding against teams with "tons more support" make when the "factory" team couldn't finish any better than 5th last year in WSBK? BTW, letting everyone know a guy finished in 20th place is hardly a "spoiler".
  13. Personally, I believe you should just end it now. You know, "goodbye cruel world", that kind of shit.
  14. WTF, why wait to see it? They've raced it in WSBK and havent done shit.
  15. Cant believe there arent more 1911 fans on here. Anyway, shot it yesterday. It doesn't group any better than stock but the trigger creep is gone and the break is a lot cleaner.
  16. According to the entry list there were a couple of I4 liter bikes in the field. I dont understand it either
  17. Thanks. It'd probably look better if I had any photographic skills. Any other 1911 fans here?
  18. Thanks. I'm going to go shoot it today. I'll see if my work has paid off.
  19. Finally found some time to make my new "stock" Colt the way it should have been from the factory. Fitted bushing, full length guide rod, Ambi safety, fitted and tuned STI trigger, subtly de-horned the slide, new grips and got rid of that shiddy Series 80 firing pin block. Looks MUCH better IMHO.
  20. All of my HJC helmets were Snell approved right out of the box, but I haven't had an HJC in about 10 years, so maybe they aren't Snell approved any longer. I've also managed to ruin a Suomy and an Arai in addition to the HJC's and noticed no appreciable difference in the protection of my melon. The only thing I got out of the "better" helmets was increased comfort and an over all higher "quality" lid. Believe me, if I was a better racer I'd have crashed MORE, not less.
  21. FWIW I've crashed no less than 3 HJC helmets. Although some will be sure to debate it, there have been no lasting ill effects.
  22. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    If you're referring to your AK, I'd agree. If you're referring to my AR, I'd disagree.
  23. I dunno. Based on the "increased" IQ average of 6-11 points, I'd say its hardly related solely on a person's IQ level. I believe there are other factors that are being somewhat "overlooked".
  24. Seriously, if they're "guilty" you should reveal the phone company.
  25. Todd#43

    Ammo Hunt Thread

    Uhhhh...hellooooooooo, its an AK. My experience has been that most AK's are not built as "tight" as a quality AR. The problems with the steel cased ammo comes from case sizes being too small (and not expanding like a brass case) allowing lacquer and powder residue to build up in the chamber. You shoot enough dirty, undersized, steel cased ammo the chamber gets smaller. Shoot a steel cased round that's on the large size (or brass cased that will expand) and thats when you have the problems. For me saving $0.08 - $0.10 per round isn't worth the potential issues.
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