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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Good answer. Fonz, that Pacifica looks about as bad as my Maxima did two years ago after the asshole peeled the entire left side off of the car. I thought for sure the insurance company would total it, but "their" body shop lowballed the original estimate at $3,200.00. Final bill 6 weeks later was well over $10,000.00. All for a car that booked (retail) at the time at about $12,000.00 Insurance companies may be all about the bottom line, but so are the body shops. Good luck with all that.
  2. Actually, you hit the nail on the head, and explained it a little better than I was. Thanks for the assist Bill, if you were driving on the left side of the road I'm quite certain they had "probable cause" to stop you. Of course, consenting to the search 9if you knew you were clean) was probably the best choice.
  3. Of course you are. You'd be something less than human if you didn't. The difference between what - profiling and profiling? Those were the only two examples you gave. Unless you missed my point, its that profiling exists, and it should. If most of the illegal immigrants, or drug dealers, or criminals in the country were over 6' tall, good looking, with brown hair and blue eyes, I expect I'd see my share of issues with the law. Fact is that they aren't. The statistics say that nearly 90% of the illegal immigrants are Latin American in appearance and don't speak English. So when an officer pulls over someone that doesn't speak English and has no identification there's a good chance that they are here illegally. I'm not sure I understand why you have such a problem with someone being asked for identification during lawful contact. Tell you what, next time someone asks you for an ID why dont you tell them to fuck off straight away - see how far your "constitutional rights" gets you.
  4. Moderate debate? Takes a lot of balls to refer to this thread that way when your first post has a photo of a guy sporting a T-Shirt that has the word "******" on it. Class act, man. Class act. Although I suppose you get a pass on playing with that word because you're you're so "enlightened" and liberal.
  5. How about a black guy with braids, wearing a red shirt and blue pants? Happy now? You're missing the point, fuck-o. The point is that profiling exists. Always has, always will. You do it, and everyone else does too. Right now Mexicans account for nearly 60% of the people here illegally - roughly 6,000,000 people. Other Latin American immigrants account for over 20% more. Almost 90% of the illegal immigrants are from Spanish Speaking countries. The odds say that if you pull over a person who doesn't have a driver's license or passport and doesn't speak English, they are probably illegal. What the fuck in your small mind tells you that its wrong to question that??
  6. Seriously, who gives a fuck? Pakistan can ban the whole internet for all I care.
  7. So bending over and taking it in the ass every time some bullshit comes up for a vote is preferable to standing your ground? We need more people to stand up and far fewer that are willing to trade the cow for some magic fucking beans.
  8. Wow...you sure do know how to dance around some relatively pointed questions. The point of the law is to allow local and state law enforcement agencies to lawfully detain someone for a violation of immigration laws. Keep dancing fuck-o, you're doing a great job. If you get tired maybe your buddy JRMiiiiiiiiiii will come in and bail you out with a really cool cartoon.
  9. Actually, the Federal Gov't. should be taking care of this everywhere. Obviously, they aren't.
  10. Diversity is fucking myth. If you're a citizen, you're an American. Go to Germany sometime, or Italy, or Spain and tell me again about the "diversity" they DON'T have Ahh, but if a black guy with braids did the crime, they aren't going to be pulling over blonde haired, blue eyed guys in the interest of "fairness". Dude, have you really never, ever been detained by the police? Ever been pulled over while driving? Yes, you REALLY do have to identify yourself and PROVE who the fuck you are. If you dont/wont/cant they'll haul your ass off until they can prove who you are. Did you forget the whole "Henry-Gates-Cambridge-Cops-are-Stupid-Teachable-Moment-Beer-Summit Issue with your boy last year?
  11. http://www.scribd.com/doc/31005811/SB-1070-Signed Read it for yourself.
  12. By reading the law it would appear that when detained during the course of lawful contact you have to show: A valid Arizona State Driver's License A valid Arizona Nonoperating Identification Card Tribal ID Resident Alien ID Virtually any other government issued ID Have you ever been outside of this country? Get stopped their without a passport or their form of Green Card (for any reason) and you're FUCKED, period. Why should we be any different? Oh boooo hoooo.....we dont want any "profiling" going on. However, if a person matches the DESCRIPTION of someone that committed a felony, and a cop see him/her they're going to get stopped, questioned, etc. Sometimes, they even catch the badguy that way. Maybe we should stop that too? I mean, its not fair to stop all the people that look like the bad guy, but arent - right Mr. Allornothing? Fuck that.
  13. Explain to me then, oh wise one, how its different?
  14. Just curious - did this occur at a border crossing from Mexico into the States? If so, random searches at border crossings are pretty typical. It happens at the airports all the time too. If it happened in another scenario, why did you consent to the search?
  15. I think you already have it. Might be time to up your dosage a bit though.
  16. Is it unconstitutional for a cop to ask you for your driver's license when he pulls you over? Is it unconstitutional for the broad at the airline ticket counter to ask for your ID when you purchase an airline ticket? Is it unconstitutional for Rahgib at the Quickie Mart ask you for ID when you buy your 12 pack of beer? Is it unconstitutional for a cop to ask to see your CHL when you're being detained? If all of that is acceptable, why is it unacceptable to ask someone who appears to be here illegally for proof that they aren't? Illegal Aliens dont have any constitutional rights, fuck-o.
  17. Stupid. This is much better http://www.robomow.com/
  18. So, you're willing to exchange YOUR freedom to drive any vehicle at any time you choose because it'll keep a bad guy from driving someone else's car?? Willing to pay a higher "price" for a new car with more government mandated "safety" equipment? Willing to forgo the "test drive" because the dealership would have to "reprogram" the car for you to drive it? Bullshit. Fuck with the people that fuck up, not those of us that don't.
  19. What difference does it make if they take away their driver's license or vehicle? This shitbag was already in someone else's truck. Case in point - my car got creamed in the company parking lot a couple of years ago. Thankfully, no one was in it. The guy that hit it, however, was drunk, uninsured, driving someone else's car, under suspension, and had minor fender bender earlier in the day, and had been released from jail on a criminal damaging beef earlier in the week because the county lockup was "full". Shit like this will continue to happen until they figure out a way to keep asshole's like that from actually driving. Grapefruit Spoon > eyeballs. Works every time. I'd agree with that statement. I've always said they should stack them up like cord wood and toss a lit match at them.
  20. Suspending one's license only means its not LEGAL for them to drive. Of course, neither is driving impaired or taking someone's vehicle without permission. If they're willing to do the latter, the former won't matter to them either. The yellow and red plates? Another STUPID idea that does nothing to deter impaired driving. The only solution for multiple OVI offenders is jail. Of course, jails are full of "real criminals" so there's no room for them there. I'm not real sure what should be done with them, but I think gouging out their eyeballs with a grapefruit spoon after the second offense would be a good start.
  21. Glad your family's ok. That will be the best part of the whole thing. As you've already seen, the game will be played to remove the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle as well as the driver. He'll get out/off with little more than a slap on the wrist and no driver's license for a while. If he's a multiple offender they may take his license for life. Big deal, it does very little to keep him out of the driver's seat of his next girlfriend's, wife's, whatever's car. To those of you that like to enjoy an adult beverage from time to time I hope you'll remember how many lives can be changed (if not ruined completely) by the stupid decision to drive (or ride) impaired. Keep us posted on how the whole thing turns out.
  22. I'm seldom in a shitty mood, and I get laid pretty regular - thanks for your concern.
  23. Not a "debbie downer" just a realist - who happens to be right way more than I'm wrong. What did they get for the best record in the NBA not once, but two years in a row? Nothing. Unless they count watching the finals from home as an accomplishment. Of course, this year it'll get them a new coach and get Mr. James a new team. Face facts, if the Cav's didnt have the lottery pick in the draft six or seven years ago, Mr. James wouldn't even be playing for them. Him being on the team has NOTHING to do with the fact that he's "from Akron". Who gives a shit, really? Others have done more with less and received less press in the process.
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