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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. THAT'S the answer I was looking for. Points for you. However, running the headlights isnt going to increase the output of the alternator as the system is designed to handle that (assuming that every other part of the system is 100%) Yup. I've used my diesel to jump start a couple of cars. Never heard the idle drop once yet.
  2. So, what inside the alternator makes it (effectively) harder to turn when the headlights are on? My point IS valid, until you can prove the above.
  3. You missed my point. Obviously the alternator puts a load on the engine. The alternator requires the same amount of energy to turn whether the headlights are on, or off. Turning the headlights on has no effect on fuel economy, or the lack thereof.
  4. So, you're saying that the alternator is harder to turn based on the load the battery is drawing? I dont think so.
  5. The lights are powered by the battery, not the alternator. The alternator charges the battery. Its connected to the crank by means of a belt. It doesnt cause the engine to work harder when your headlights are on.
  6. I dunno. I think the S&W and the Ruger look considerably different. That being said, all other things being equal, I dont know that the visual appearance of a firearm ever had much effect on my purchase of a firearm.
  7. Probably not. A 600cc inline for the street doesn't excite me (been there, done that), and I'm not looking to come off any money to do the deal. I'm sure your bike is nice and all, just not what I'm looking for.
  8. Its 625cc's. What do mean "trading the other way"?
  9. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=40150
  10. Ok, dude with the Z shot me the ghost, and didnt show yesterday. Sunday bumpage.
  11. If that was a .357 I'd be ALL over that. Which model is it?
  12. Yeah, something like that. Says he bought it new, but only put a few rounds through it? Eh...I dont know
  13. Yeah, like that one. I'm not buying his description though. Looks like holster wear on the front of the frame, as well as the cylinder. Hard to tell from the photos though. I'm really not sure whats going on at the end of that barrel though.
  14. IF you can find a S&W Model 19 you wouldnt be disappointed. I had one several years ago, and it was the best shooting revolver I've ever had. Great trigger and accurate for a 2.5" barrel. I'll buy another one if I ever find one.
  15. So, where did you shoot it at?
  16. Ummm...if they're not there after 2 months, how are you picking up on their "holier than thou" attitude. If they paid their money (for the year, the month, or the day) they have as much right to use the machines or anything else as you do. Why do you deserve "special treatment"? Maybe you should open your own gym, and only let in people that do what YOU want them to? I've got a feeling if they did "stick with it" you'd be bitching about that too.
  17. Wow.... Don't they have as much right to the gym as you? Where's the tolerance your party preaches?? That's right, you're only tolerant of those that agree with you. My bad.
  18. Bump for the weekend - who got Xmas $$??
  19. I wasn't trying to either. I've just never heard of an atheist praying. If you believe in a supreme being, regardless of where you believe it resides, you're certainly not an atheist. An agnostic, maybe, but not certainly not an atheist.
  20. Ok, that begs the REAL question. As an atheist (a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings) to whom do you pray before a trackday?
  21. Just wondering.... What do you "prey" on before a trackday?
  22. What kind of Class III stuff do they have for rent?
  23. Seriously.... Do people say "Happy Halloween" on Easter? Maybe "happy birthday" on Labor Day? How about "happy anniversary" on Veteran's Day?? Its CHRISTMAS. Its a holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ. If you don't believe in it, refuse to acknowledge it. Turning it into something it isnt (happy holidays, whatever) is pure bullshit.
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