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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Your dude trips over his dick on National TV, and that's the best you can do? Basically, that's what I expected. Thanks for not disappointing me. Carry on....
  2. Its ok for the president of the united states to make an offhanded comment about the Special Olympics, and it isn't ok for a guy to make a comment about a women's baskeball team, and it isn't ok for a cartoonist to use a monkey in a cartoon? I get it.... He's the president of the Country for Christ's sake. He really ought to know better.
  3. The Animal Inside Three Days Grace
  4. Good Luck with that one.... I found through personal experience that the bank doesn't always want them back.
  5. Depending on the bank, if you show them that the vehicle was covered during the time in question they will probably adjust your balance. If it wasn't covered, or you can't show proof, shame on you.
  6. Welcome. You're right around the corner from me...more or less.
  7. Todd#43

    1000 posts

    THAT'S a switch. Is this the "kinder, gentler", NN?
  8. Todd#43

    1000 posts

    Jesus...I find myself agreeing with NN. Hey, even Hitler can get banned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfgn2lOSx6M
  9. They must have changed lately, because they were a pain in the ass to deal with when I had them last. After having a $1,500.00 claim on my homeowner's insurance - cars got broken into in the driveway - they refused to renew the policy with a $0.00 deductible. The only way they would write the policy would be for me to go to a $1,000.00 deductible. I also had two cars, three bikes, and a huge life insurance policy with them at the time. I left and never looked back.
  10. Todd#43

    1000 posts

    What was the whiny nick's screen name?
  11. Nahhhh....that didn't turn out as fun as I thought it would have last time. Although if someone else wanted to do it, I would most likely participate
  12. Basically true, although I've heard that its closer to 10 lbs of weight lost equals the same gain as adding one HP
  13. Only half? WTF?? Guess I'll have to try harder.... Eh....try a red one.
  14. I'll see what he has, and what he wants to get rid of. I'll probably run into him this weekend. Thanks!
  15. Thanks guys. The reason I ask is the father of a friend of my son's has a couple of RRA uppers that he may want to get rid of. Maybe this would be a good match?
  16. Thanks.... I'm in the market for one of these, but I think I'd rather get one complete. Whats the most popular caliber these days? .223 or 5.56?
  17. Somebody educate me on this whole AR Clone thing. Are all the uppers and lowers interchangeable? Can I put a RRA upper on a DTI lower, etc?
  18. Wow...now its ugly on BOTH sides again....LMFAO
  19. Changing the sprockets dropped comparatively NOTHING in weight. Sorry. I used to see guys come into the shop all the time with a slip-on and PC actually have LESS HP than stock because the "map" was one they "got from a buddy on gixxer.com" The only was to optimize your HP is to have your bike tuned by someone that knows what they're doing.
  20. there's a choo choo in your hoo-hoo.....
  21. Yup. Sodomy laws refer to anal or oral copulation. I'll just leave it at that. Feel free to use your imagination....
  22. Obviously, the two teachers are wayyyyy immature. Not only were they having sex with a 13 year old, but the second one got jealous when she found out the first one was bangin her "man"? One confronts the other, the other rats out the second one to the police? WTF??? Can we say "high school mentality" here. Those two women have no business dealing with kids.
  23. Dropping weight that isn't rotated by the motor doesn't really boost horsepower - it just allows you to use what you have more efficiently. For example, its easier for 100 HP to move 300 lbs than it is for 100 HP to move 350 lbs. Changing sprockets doesn't add horsepower either - all that changes is your drive ratios. The bike may accelerate quicker, etc., but it doesn't really change the horsepower that the motor puts out. There is only one way to increase the horsepower that a given displacement puts out - get more air and fuel in, and get more exhaust gas out. How you accomplish that is up to you, but adding some doo-dads and lightweight stuff isn't gonna get get you there.
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