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Everything posted by Todd#43
Unions and environmental regulations have already killed manufacturing in this country. The lack of these issues in former third world countries - primarily India and China - mean that they will be eating our lunch for many years to come. Doesn't do any good to close the barn door after the cows are already gone.
Please, enlightened one, explain it to we the unwashed masses....how IS the stimulus plan going to work?
So, you have a relative that was a GOVERNOR and you're not proud of him because he owned slaves?? WTF man...EVERYONE that was anyone back then did. My guess is he's not the only one in your family that had them.
If you buy a bike without the title you are subjecting yourself to several types of criminal charges, primarily receiving stolen property. Any vehicle has at the very least a Manufacturer Statement of Origin (MSO). If it doesn't have a title it was either never registered (used only for closed course competition) or it was obtained through fraudulent means (stolen) at some point. Although I was never asked for a title at any WERA event, they do require that you have one. Additionally, the local law enforcement departments have been known to show up at various events (track days and races) and run random VIN checks looking for stolen bikes. IF you happen to be in possession of such a bike, you're busted. Really, stay away from bikes without titles. Its a bad idea, and in some cases keeps the thieves in business.
Hawaii Imola Italy (not a state, but hey...) West Virginia Alabama I've got more...just gotta find them
Truly a sad state of affairs. He does have a good chance at the appeal though. Maybe things will work out? Although if I were him, I'd have a back hoe handy the next time I came across six illegals.
How is it the same? Last time I checked $1,500 is wayyyyy more than $500. How, exactly, does an extra $8.00 per week encourage you to save? I'm not saying that people wont be able to buy more stuff but christ, what can you get for $8.00?? Four gallons of gas, almost two packs of smokes, maybe a couple of cups of joe at starbucks??? I mean if you're relying on credit for $8.00 a week, this isn't going to help you. FWIW, the credit last time went to everyone that pays taxes too. What they spent it on is their business. What difference does it make if they paid down debt with it? If they did, it freed up a certain amount of money that they would have used to pay down the debt on a monthly basis. The fact remains that Obama is spending more than Bush overall with his version of stimulating the economy, but it's putting less money into the hands of the people. I call bullshit.
Its a higher percentage of income, but you still can't buy shit with $8.00. I dont care if you're make $37,000,000.00 a year. Ok, so you can go to CiCi's and eat what they call pizza till your guts explode. Better save some of that $8.00 to buy toilet paper and pepto. Yeah, that "one time stimulus" check that we got last year was just that ONE TIME. It's gone....buh-bye. The $13.00/$8.00 "plan" is what's replacing it. Quoting the article:"Instead of giving one paycheck at once, which George Bush did, and it really didn't stimulate the economy, the economists said 'stretch it out and people are more likely to put it into economy and get our economy going'," said Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer, N.Y. The rebates under President Bush were higher-- $600 per person and $1,200 per family, plus $300 dollars per child. In the end, I'd rather have the $1,500.00 all at once.
Hold up on your math there, big guy. Re-read the article. The $13.00/wk only goes from "sometime in June" to January. At which point it drops to $8.00 per week. So, 26 weeks at $13.00/week plus 26 weeks at $8.00/week = $338.00 + $208 = $546.00, or about 36% of what I got last year. In real numbers that's almost $1,000.00 LESS I have to put into the economy. The people at the bottom of the economy getting the $8.00 or $13.00 a week aren't going to be putting into the economy very quickly, because it equates to less than one hour of pay (give or take) to them as well. Add that to the fact that $8.00 doesn't really buy you shit. Of course, maybe all the people at the bottom of the scale are like the lady in front of me at the grocery store last night. She paid for her 8 loaves of bread, 6 gallons of milk, 4 dozen eggs and two packages of cheese with WIC coupons while gabbing on her cell phone. The nice cashier even gave her the "fuel perks" to boot. I shook my head in disbelief at that until I saw her get into her Lexus and drive out of the parking lot. I must have missed that class in macro economics.
Nope, not at all. His current position speaks volumes to me, and is basically all I need to know. Ok then, is it logical to assume that $400/year will make a difference to anyone - even someone at the bottom of the scale? Maybe in a lump sum it would, but at $13.00 per week (if they're working) will you even notice it? I think not. I know my last tax credit put $1,500.00 in my pocket. This one won't even come close.
Yup, just like this guy....
Fixed it for ya.....
I know macro economics and micro economics are different, but the analogy is there. Putting money in at the bottom will not improve the economy as whole. It won't work because it can't. As far as Krugman's opinions go he's an op-ed writer for the NYT. 'Nuff said. You said you think it will work, but what you're getting won't make any difference to you. How can you have it both ways? If it works, it works for you - right?
Are you posting drunk again??? FWIW, I don't have a damper on my current bike...
In this instance, we're trying to compromise the political philosophies with economic philosophies. Some economists don't think the 800B is ENOUGH spending, but the amount those economists say we'll need to spend is well beyond anything anyone would politically agree upon. So, if anything, this spending bill won't work because of the compromises we had to make with the politicians who the majority of are pretty ignorant on economic policy. Everyone has the same problem and wants to fix it, but the people in the workflow process to fix this aren't experts on the topics and have their own ideas and agendas to make this work, which be that as it may, make it not necessarily the best way of doing things. Macro-economics or micro-economics, it doesnt really matter. Spending more than you have, and increasing the national debt beyond GDP isn't going to spur the economy. Funding the people at the bottom (increasing their health care, giving them more $$ in food stamps, etc.) isn't going to cause business owners to hire more people. Government "make work" jobs haven't shown to improve the economy either. The Spending Bill was doomed to fail before the compromises. Too much money being spent by the government with very little given back to small business and other areas that actually HIRE people to do REAL jobs. Most politicians aren't economists, its true but they have access to some of the most brilliant minds in the field. Unfortunately, due to the political process, the powers that be are beholden to their constituents and will enact economic policies that are most likely to get them re-elected, instead of fixing the problem. I'll go back to my original question - what are you going to do with $8.00 per week more than you have now, and is throwing more money at the bus in the ditch the RIGHT way to solve the problem?
To be honest, thats a race tail on the bike. Looks like my buddy Mike's old race SV. Walk away....walk away....
My stepson needs a new car. This might be good for him.
$3,000.00 is too much. $2,500.00 is probably more like it.
So based on the fact that you think "the bus is already in the ditch" increasing debt is a good way to pull it out of the ditch? If you were in debt beyond your means, would it be a good idea to take a pay cut and buy a new car? I mean, would that make your bills easier to pay?
What about the "change" all you bleeding hear liberals voted for? NOTHING has changed. NOTHING will change until the system is changed.
Yes. It doesn't matter how much is sticking out of either side. The damping is consistent across the stroke. All that matters is that the rod is long enough to cover the total travel. You should be fine.
So, you guys are cool with the government going deeper into debt to make up for us going in over our heads too? Didn't your mama tell you two wrongs don't make a right?