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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. A slip on and an air filter pushes you up a bit? Not unless the bike's been tuned, and even then not very much.
  2. Thats probably pretty close.
  3. Todd#43

    1000 posts

    Apparently, Marko was.
  4. Todd#43

    1000 posts

    At this rate he'll have Nick and Kawi covered before summer gets here.
  5. Those are supposed to be tons of fun. Get rid of that ugly assed can though. That thing has to weigh as much as the rest of the bike.
  6. Dude, that was over 5 years ago. I can assure you that he doesnt even remember my name....lol
  7. Let's quote it again: I didnt take it as criticism. What you said was you could turn a profit. Plenty of people say that, but very very few can actually prove it. Maybe you're the exception?
  8. Donny's a good dude for sure. He hooked me (a nobody) up big after the Indy Show in 2004. I really like the Suomy helmets that I have. Comfy, light, great quality.
  9. Did you put the furnace in? Buy the new washer/dryer? Replace the water line? If so, add those to the cost of your house. I rent, I've got all brand new shit too - in fact, the entire condo is brand new. Run the numbers...ALL the numbers, and show me on paper that you can turn a profit. Unless you bought the house at a significant amount (40%-50%) below current market conditions, I doubt that you can actually make money on the deal. At any rate, I'm sure you could have purchased something else that would have provided you a greater rate of return.
  10. That's cool. When your furnace takes a shit or you have a major problem that needs fixed NOW, you can use all that money you saved to pay for it. Plus, if you want or have to move, all that money you pumped into your house stays there...nothing is appreciating these days, if you haven't noticed. Yup, and as long as you're paying more interest than the standard deduction, you might get a couple of dollars for your trouble.
  11. Here we go again....big thanks Nick Renting is NOT a waste of money - you have to live somewhere, right? Considering that fact alone, how can it be a waste?? In some small way, I feel somewhat vindicated
  12. I can't believe that even in a dream you could find someone with that ugly ass helmet to steal parts from Is Donny still with Suomy? I thought I remembered him leaving there??
  13. Brock's dyno, like every other dyno that you could take your bike to around here is a chassis dyno. That means the motor has to be in the frame. THAT makes it very difficult (impossible) to show crank number. Even at that, the tranny and drive line costs you about 10% (give or take, depending on condition, ymmv, etc., etc.) I'd be surprised if that thing was 129 ANYWHERE.
  14. I believe if you want them to match the helmet you have to order a pair - unless you can find someone with that helmet and steal one from them. Drew or Lizard might know better than me. Its been a couple of years since my Suomy deal.
  15. Title status? Why the race plastic? Any pics with that high-zoot pipe?
  16. Come on dude, that "one off" custom built pipe from brock is worth a 100HP EASY.....
  17. I don't know about lucky. Besides my kids and the divorce, the seat time was the only other good thing to come out of that marriage....
  18. It isn't "easy" per se, but its not that hard either. I had a former family member who worked for Richard Petty. I had the opportunity on several occasions to drive Kyle's cup car (Daytona, Orlando, Atlanta, Martinsville), and let me tell you, those cars are a handful at speed. I'd have to think though that once you had the setup for a particular track, you should be fairly fast right off the trailer.
  19. Are you allowed to use that word in a NASCAR thread? I mean, the guy changes a tire 9 months out of the year for a living. Not even ALL the tires on the car, just ONE. Seriously, what did you expect?
  20. Dude, if you need PC Tuning services, call Doug at MPH (330) 922-8000 Best guy there is in our neck of the woods.
  21. So....ummm.....what shop was this?
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