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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I've got to admit, I'm pretty surprised by the number of thin skinned people on the board. Seriously, why does some bullshit comment from an "anonymous a-hole" bother you so much???
  2. Of course they are. I know the guy was trying to illustrate a point, but both moves are squidly.
  3. Knee down on the street? BOTH squids.
  4. Yeah.....ummmmm....."inner homo", male bondage, not to mention drinking a "cosmopolitan"......I'm just gonna leave that alone. By the sounds of things, you came out....guess that's all I needed to know Drive two to three hours to attend a sausage fest? Nahhhhh....not really my scene.....
  5. Nahhh....not hot enough and too old for that.
  6. I said I've been involved with AMA racing at the Superbike level. I'm not nearly good enough to race at that level. By the way, if you don't like me here, you probably wouldn't like me in real life. I'm pretty much the same, you just don't have to look at me here.
  7. Couple of geniuses you two are. Jess, why don't you start another thread showing your tits. I'm sure everyone wants to see that again.
  8. Wow....Nick's got mad love for Flounder...who knew? Oh boo-fucking-hoo, Nick won't ever ride with me or shake my hand. I'm all broken up over that. I'm guessin the voices in your head give you all the constructive advice you need. Go with that, it seems to be working out real well for you.
  9. Good Luck with that. I'm sure everyone will want to know how it turns out.
  10. Thanks for adding something constructive to the discussion. I've said it before, if you don't like what I've got to say, click the ignore button. I'm sure someone can show you where it is.
  11. OOOOOOOOoooooh. Good one. Yup, ya got me on that one. You can add asshole, prick, and motherfucker to your list too.
  12. Brilliant comment. For some reason I expected better.
  13. Yup, don't like him. And its no secret you're one of his biggest supporters. Guess you Dayton guys stick together So because I made that comment AFTER you made yours its somehow invalid? Tell you what, go fuck yourself.
  14. Ahhh.....she must have gone out for a while. I got another red one...LMFAO
  15. Why dont you get NinjaNick's cock outta your mouth. Obviously his ballsack is blocking your view of the monitor. I was constructive in several places. I've taken the liberty of highlighting them for you: IF you still can't see it, maybe you can get your bitch to read it to you. IF he knows how to read that is.
  16. Come on that's NinjaNick's job. Wonder where he's been all day? Must be he's posting from work or something so his old lady doesn't find out.
  17. Talk like that'll get the assfault junkies panties in a wad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWDSsVcNhVk&feature=channel_page Just a little heads up there
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