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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I can fill up my tank for $30 when gas is well under $2.00 gallon. I'm pretty sure that $42.00 per month back in my pocket isn't going to stimulate the economy. By the way, the only thing that's getting passed on to our children is another $1,000,000,000,000.00 in debt.
  2. Good idea. Any chance of setting up a group mailer? Maybe we can save on postage that way? Couple of extra tanks in what vehicle? With gas right around $2.00/gallon again, $42.00 bucks MIGHT give me a tank full.
  3. I tried that once... I used to date a chick with multiple personalities.... Wasn't my thing.
  4. The cat's out of the bag. We're ALL getting some money with Obama's spendulus plan. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/16/lawmakers-worry-obama-tax-cut/ $13.00 a week! Are you kidding me? That's almost $1.86 every day! It's such a windfall, I don't know what I'm going to do with it. Anyone have any ideas????
  5. They've already got their group. Besides, I'm not a "group" type person.
  6. I think its the pics. It doesn't really travel that far, so you should be ok.
  7. Why would you want 5,700+ bullshit members that add nothing to the forum????
  8. Dude....the damper is mounted to the top triple. When you turn the little handle bar thingies it moves with them.
  9. J/K that I'm a douchebag, or J/k that's why you keep me around? Not that it really matters
  10. You can't ban me from your little sewing circle - I didn't join. If you're talking about the board as a whole, I'm surprised I haven't been. I've been thrown outta other places for far less grievous statements than some that I've slung around here. Don't take my word for it - ask Liz...he'll back me up on it
  11. What about the guys who used to be track day whores, racers, and what not that still want to talk the game, but dont actually participate any more because they dont have the time? This group is very divisive, and leaves too many people out. I think it should be banned.
  12. He already did it. Jesus, you can at least READ the thread before you go all post whore in it....
  13. House of Color Neon orange fades FAST, regardless what type of clear you use. It does seem to work a little better if you put it over a bright white base though. Here's a pic: Black bike, orange wheels
  14. You owe me some rep points for using that I gotta see some pics of that set up on the track - with you on it. I think you should change the name of your team to "Two Zebras Fucking" maybe do a website and shit.
  15. With that suit and a striped bike, you'll look like two zebras fucking as you go around the track. I say do it....it'd be funny as shit.
  16. My condolences for your lost. My thoughts go out to the rest of her friends and especially her family. My their burdens be lightened. Actually, since 1995 the aviation accidents and fatalities have shown a downward trend, even though flight hours and mileage flown have increased. Data can be seen on the NTSB website.
  17. Come on B, EVERYONE knows that the real secrets to the Suzuki mystique are found at gixxer.com. Mere mortals on the other forums couldn't possibly posses the knowledge that flows from that site. I didn't take his name in vain....notice that it was all one word "goddamn". Now, if I'd have said God Damn you....then maybe you'd have a point
  18. Goddamn...it was only one page back. And the post RIGHT before the pics. Are you all just lazy, or what?
  19. Todd#43

    rep points

    How many threads do we need about the same fucking topic??? http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=20414 http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=19242 And the drama llama? There's GOT to be more than one. A whole lot of people seem to be draggin him around here.
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