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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Maybe you should count to ten before you hit the send button?
  2. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=17761 That took like two seconds.
  3. I voted track/street, but to be honest the street bike doesn't get ridden much, and I don't have the time right now for racing.
  4. They're still getting bikes that have only begun to be developed. I believe that puts them at a disadvantage. If Kawasaki doesn't believe that they have the corporate resources to fund the effort, do you really think that Aspar can develop AND field a competitive machine?
  5. So, a satellite team buys last years works bikes to run against the new stuff that all the other manufacturer's are running for 2009?? What's the point in that? Didn't the Kaw's spend enough time at the back of the grid last year?
  6. Exactly. They're only responsibility is to the shareholders.
  7. The decisions are made at the top. Do you really think those guys involve the teams in that decision? Once they've decided they're not doing it, the word trickles down to those guys. Fact is they're under contract to Kaw, whether they race or not. It's entirely possible that they couldn't race for someone else if they wanted to.
  8. yeah...but the riders would be the last to know. Superbikeplanet says Melandri already got his walking papers...
  9. Sounds like its "kinda" official: http://www.roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=35264 I guess we'll know for sure next week?
  10. And while we're at it, you "internet shoppers" should keep patronizing all of these shitbirds that offer cheap pricing for inferior products. Just don't bitch when the brick and mortar store down the street isn't there when you NEED your quart of oil.
  11. I dunno...sure looked like you were agreeing with him.
  12. It IS reasonably nice. $600.00 nice. You want top quality? A custom paint scheme/layout? Pay the price. Face the facts - dude couldn't have gotten his old shit repainted and cleared with decals, flames, etc. for $600.00 could he? Why would you expect the fairings and EVERYTHING to be even close to perfect for that kind of money? Come on...be realistic. If brand new shit from the Factory is $1,200 plus shipping, and a tits paint job is another $500 or so, what the fuck do you expect to get for $600????
  13. And OEM plastic would have cost you $1,200.00 + in a stock paint scheme. You got what you paid for. Quit whining.
  14. The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
  15. I got that from the NADA Guide. High retail was around $25,000.00, average around $18,000 and low at $16,000. Market value could be different based on where the car is. You said that he probably had $1,000.00 - $5,000.00 in annual maintenance costs, right? Take $2,000.00 per year for 5 years, and you get $10,000.00. Add that to the $13,000.00 original purchase price and you've got $23,000.00. I have NO idea what insurance would cost over the 5 years, but add that in and I'm guessing you've got to sell it for at least $25,000 to break even. I don't want to do that either. I just wanted to point out that something can't depreciate AND gain value.
  16. Don't look at what people are asking for a car to determine its "value". Its really only worth what someone will pay for it. I'd assume that there isn't a ton of "collector" value to the car yet and with the market the way it is, the perceived "value" of cars like these will continue to drop. The car has lost over 50% of its original value. It has depreciated. It hasn't gained any value. You cant have something depreciate AND gain value. Doesn't happen. Additionally, look at the value of the dollar in 1987 compared to today, based on the Consumer Price Index. That $40,000.00 Porsche would cost you over $74,000.00 in today's dollars. If the average retail is $18,000.00 you've now lost $56,000.00 in value based on today's money, and you haven't even added in the cost of ownership - maintenance, insurance etc. Even at a paltry $1,000.00 per year (not adjusted) you can add another $21,000.00 to your net loss on the car (if you owned it from day one). Sure, it's a very cool car but your chances of making money on something like that are about zero.
  17. Are you kidding me?? That car sold for over $40,000.00 new. Average retail right now is around $18,000.00. Without getting into the decrease in the value of the dollar the vehicle HAS depreciated.
  18. Maybe...I'll have to dig a little deeper.
  19. I think its the port, not the keyboard. I'm still using it, just in a different port. No problems at all.
  20. Just an update, on the off chance that anyone is interested. My computer problem has gone away. I had a wireless USB keyboard that I was using when my notebook was on my desk. I swapped USB ports, and the problem went away. Guess I've got a bad port. No biggie...I've got a bunch of others. Thanks for all the suggestions, I appreciate it.
  21. Not Brian or Reuben, but HyperPro and Hyperco are two entirely different companies. If you've ever had a Penske rear shock (and I'm pretty sure you have), it most likely had a Hyperco Spring on it. Progressive springs are a pain in the ass for sportbikes (even for the street) in my opinion. Stick with a straight rate spring and set it up right.
  22. Peeps...not just for easter anymore http://www.marshmallowpeeps.com/
  23. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=18481
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