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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Guess I misunderstood. Of course, you should have said it this way: Unless you know the cop. I got out of a few that way. Not: Unless you know the cop got out of a few that way. See the difference? Anyway, none of it has anything to do with her getting or not getting a ticket.
  2. You get some rooms like that on FTP, but usually only in the lower stakes stuff. The tournament play is COMPLETELY different.
  3. Actually, I read pretty well. I'm also a whiz with spelling and grammar. You might want to try using "do" instead of "due" all the time. I guess I don't understand how that applies to NinjaChk. Are you saying that she shouldn't get a ticket because you know the cop, or are you saying that you shouldn't have gotten a ticket when you were in the hospital? Maybe you're just a little confused. I'll give you a minute to clear the cobwebs.
  4. If every member kicked in $25.93 we could do it. I'll set up the paypal account
  5. Well...there's 57 seconds of my life that I'd REALLy like to have back
  6. What does that have to do with it? 'Come on mom.....everyone else is doing it". Puh-lease
  7. Well, there ya have it.
  8. Lizard is right in this case. There is no "human" side to it. Suppose you get caught doing 150 mph on the freeway. Should the cop let you go? No one hurt, no property damage, why not be a "nice guy" and send you on your way?
  9. I really don't care if my comments turn some people off, and negative feedback is all part of it. By the way, I haven't said anything anywhere that I wouldn't say in person. I'm just not that way.
  10. Yeah...your's was the one that started this thread....
  11. You can only have a list of 10 things to vote on, or I would have included more...lots more. Basically, all I did was snag some names from the "where's waldo" thread. If you don't like the choices, make your own poll. It isn't that hard.
  12. wrong thread, there Kosmo... The friend request thread is here: http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=17163
  13. No one knows for sure what would happen with either candidate. However we have a rich history to draw upon, and along with the candidates' platforms we (business owners included) can project how things will go. Businesses always project what will happen in the future - sales, costs, ect. - to set budgets for the coming year. If a Democrat wins the white house, he will have a democrat controlled congress - makes it pretty easy to get all the socialist programs passed through. Oh yeah - lets get back on topic, before PrincessPeacemaker gets her panties in a wad again
  14. Why is it wrong for an employer to tell their employees what they believe would be the result of Obama being elected? Unions typically do the same thing for their "members"
  15. I'm surprised that the local would go against the national and support a Republican candidate.
  16. Good choice. I'm gonna assume that your local says to vote democrat too?
  17. Nope, not yet. And now I have two. I had three, but wolfman rescinded his because I offended him in another thread
  18. I think that's great. Who is your local and national backing though?
  19. Actually, you're giving yourself WAY too much credit.
  20. That might be true for young people, but once you start getting older, it gets a little better as the day goes on. Right up until nap time that is
  21. Ok, that's kinda creepy. I dunno...is that the rule? I mean, I don't even drink
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