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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I didn't say I cared what they thought - just that its cool I can share. You do know how to read, don't you?
  2. About what I expected from you. I understand that. I'm just letting you know that the internet didn't make me this way. I was this way LONG before you folks came around. Now, I can share my charming personality with people from all over the WORLD. How fucking cool is that?
  3. If the above was directed at me you're way off base, toots. It wasn't my thread, I don't own the site, and I dont have "moderator" status. You do what you think is best - just don't be too surprised when the post counts around here start to stagnate because someone feels the "need" moderate.
  4. Let me see if I have this right. $750 for a used 13" screen notebook? Fuck me. I'll NEVER be a Mac guy at that price.
  5. I'm sure it feels really good to flex your "moderator" muscles, but really, what did you accomplish by splitting the thread and adding your own "catchy" title? Nothing. Over-moderated boards suck balls.
  6. That's why they call it "practicing medicine". Most of it is guesswork in a white coat. Some would say that if you have to prove you control it, its already beyond your control. I don't want to turn this thread into something it isn't, but it has absolutely nothing to do with will power or being a "strong person". If anyone wants to know more, please feel free to send me a PM.
  7. When something is classified as "non-habit forming" I'm quite certain they don't put the alcoholic/addict mind into the equation. We (addicts) are NOT like other people when it comes to shit like that. Sadly, most doctors dont understand that. By the way, its not really an amazing feat. I made a simple decision 21 years ago and I continue to make the same decision every morning. Do be careful tonight.
  8. Addiction is a mother fucker. I've been there, done that (clean and sober 21 years this month). Using one drug to get over another never made any sense to me anyway. Sorry for your loss. It does get easier over time.
  9. Ask anyone that knows me - I don't have an "internet personality". I've been this way longer than I've been "on-line". What you see is what you get. Your "excellent social experiment" is what ruins discussion boards. Keep doing shit like that and you'll have plenty of members and very few "posters". Ask the folks over at localriders.com about that works.
  10. And all because I said "I don't give a fuck". This board is starting to get like one I used to be on. I don't go there anymore.
  11. Pull your head of the party's ass for just a second, comrade. There is no doubt that something can and should be done to reduce our country's dependence on oil, however, using this crisis to try to sell cap and trade as the BEST move we can make is pure bullshit.
  12. Sorry to disappoint you. I'm a little bit busy today - problems with the updates to my website, trucks are here to pick up shit that isn't done yet, I left my Blackberry at home, and I need to go to the bank. I'll try again when I've got a little bit more time.
  13. Another cunt here that thinks he's hard like you. The two of you should really get to know each other - maybe form some sort of mutual admiration society or something. Better yet, just crawl back in the hole you crawled out of.
  14. I've got a lot of lists. I'm not real sure how many things are on the list of stuff I dont give a shit about because, quite frankly, I don't give a shit about them.
  15. Add this to my list of shit I could give a fuck less about. 37 posts and the dude wants to come in here acting all hard and shit. Someone should introduce him to Aerik.
  16. Seriously?? Lets see, worthless lungs ravaged by cystic fibrosis, or slightly used, reasonably healthy lungs from a dead smoker? Hmmmmm.....let me ponder this..... Still with me? MY LUNGS DON'T FUCKING WORK - I HAVE CYSTIC FIBROSIS! You found some lungs that are in better shape than the ones I'm using?? You can put them in tomorrow? Fuck yeah - SWAP THEM OUT!
  17. Let me see if I got this right: Lady with Cystic Fibrosis gets "used" lungs from a smoker, dies from pneumonia (not necessarily connected to the "used" lungs) and her family has their collective panties in a knot because she would have been "horrified"?? Gimme a fucking break. Two questions: Why is this "news"? Who fucking gives a shit?
  18. You mean like the Huffnpuff Post? Someone tried telling me that The Daily Show isn't really news. I told 'em to fuck off.
  19. Someone needs to adjust their meds.
  20. Interesting little cartoon. Maybe you should go back a re-read how our government works. Last time I checked, Congress controls the purse, not the President. If you look at which party controlled congress during the dramatic increases in the debt, you'll have your answer as to who does the spending.
  21. Come on, he HAD to do something GOOD while he was in Washington, no? The least you could do is list all the wonderful things he's done for us while he's been the Governor.....
  22. 1:10 would put you in the hunt in C Superbike with WERA (assuming you ride a 600). 1:14 would put you in the bottom of class. Four seconds is a shitload of time on any track, let alone Nelson.
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