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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Skyler Smith Can Now Legally Pretend to Be a War Hero http://www.truecrimereport.com/2010/08/skyler_smith_can_now_legally_p.php I tend to surf truecrimereport.com pretty often too. The commentary and stories are entertaining -- in a "Humans are depraved" sorta way
  2. Maybe she saw a mouse in there and was helping the cat corner it in the trash? But, she did forget to light the cat on fire first.
  3. I get your point, but...the graphs are identical, and show the same information. People just need to learn to read and interpret scale properly, filter out the BS.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87p53rAD7Sk
  5. The only thing you need protection from is meat bullets.
  6. Genesis.... first CD I ever bought -- We can't Dance. I've only been to two concerts in my life, and both were awesome. Venue: The Machine Shop (Flint, MI) When: 2004 (I think -- I know I was still in college getting my undergrad) Bands: Theory of a Deadman (headlining), Submersed, and Breaking Point Venue: House of Blues (Cleveland) When: 2008 Bands: Dropping Daylight, Saving Abel, and Sick Puppies (Headlining)
  7. I had to do a double take when I read that. Why would you ever hope for that?
  8. Well, I think we can at least both agree you lack a sense of humor. I don't care who you are LOLCats are teh funniez. You and YSR are the only ones that take offense to this "mockery". Since neither of you can take a little playful ribbing without getting your e-feelings hurt -- I guess I feel bad for you, taking the internet all serious and such. That's kind what we do here... if you haven't figured it out. I haven't called you any names have I? Enjoy your read of the good book and your guns, because you're not getting any traction in this debate, you were using wrong numbers doing fuzzy math, and you're still arguing about Republicans being obstructionists on the tax cuts and yet can't look far enough to realize that's only a VERY small portion of the budgetary/tax picture.
  9. You're now on timeout gen3flygirl for giving advice that would've been helpful in 1998. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=large+file+transfer
  10. Who stores dead hookers? I garage sale that sh*t.
  11. Yea.. It was on digg (I assume that's where you got it). Most people aren't going to have the patience to sit through 11 mins of that though. I bet 90% hit the little red 'x' button when he starts to analyze from the Marxist perspective.
  12. Please... education and information... get it away!!! No, stop. I don't want to learn!! As far as your credentials and e-mail subscriptions Though I could've misspoken...? I dunno, I mean, if you can be off by $296 billion from a correct number, I can be off a little bit on my read on you without you taking too much issue with it, right? Btw.. you're still avoiding the issues. Don't get butthurt about being called out for being misinformed when it's right there, quoted, that you were. We're having a discussion -- feel free to correct me when I'm misinformed or don't have supporting documentation. I'm open-minded enough to deal with criticisms.
  13. Misspoke? That's considered being "misspoken" when you're off by 98%? Let's see... you said The link you posted and more closer to the truth (most likely) is... Either way, you were misinformed -- what else are you blindly spouting off misinformed opinions on? How can you be trusted now? Also -- as you accuse me of cherry picking, you did the same thing, you chose to ignore the math and figures on consumer spending and them driving the economy and continue to argue about putting a ceiling on the tax cuts -- do you even know what tax cuts they're letting expire? And how it affect you? It appears you're once again misinformed. Let me enlighten you. http://www.smartonmoney.com/bush-tax-cuts-set-to-expire-in-2011-will-you-be-paying-more/ What is the likelihood Obama's budget won't be approved by Congress? That's a rhetorical question...
  14. Extra virgin olive. What!? You all know where this thread is going to end up, exactly where the other 42,371 of them did.
  15. Source? Full of partial truths. Higher taxes do, generally speaking, discourage spending. So do higher interest rates. But what SO many people who get into these political argument fail to account for is math and real numbers -- the higher taxes are on incomes > $250k, and they by-and-large do NOT drive the economy. Consumer spending drives 70% of the economy.(http://online.wsj.com/article/NA_WSJ_PUB:SB10001424052748703447104575117942059388092.html) Guess who does all that spending... the people making < $250k/yr. You know why? Because there's a HELLUVA lot more of those people than the other people. 1.5% of people make > $250k... so there's NO WAY "discouraging spending" on 1.5% of people will make enough impact as the other 98.5% who have lower taxes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States Please explain how taxing AGI's > $250k and lowering taxes (however slight) for the rest is going to discourage spending? Also, take into account that the "rich" know the tax havens and how to hide their money a lot better than the common folks -- so many of them don't even pay their fair share anyway.
  16. I heard you're the type that believes everything he hears because independent thinking is beyond your abilities. That's just what I heard... Ohh, and as for your quote, you're wrong. I've already shown it in another thread that Obama increased take home pay and effectively lowered taxes in other threads. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=488020&postcount=46 http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=467948&postcount=11
  17. Good luck keeping that clean. But, it would look nice sitting next to my Scura
  18. Your argument still makes no sense. "We are the best by far..." Says who? You? Who are you? That's like saying the 600RR is the best bike ever built. And you sound just as smart when you defend the US as the best as you would if you would try that same argument with your bike.
  19. No the moral of the story is, "Look what happens when you don't keep your pimphand strong"
  20. I'm not a "Mustang guy", but it looks nice.
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