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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Seeing where this thread went, lets play Devil's Advocate here... What ever happened to making your own choices and freedom and all that nonsense? If you're under 18 you don't get Constitutional rights? Public school, public freedom.
  2. Photoshoppable, for realz....
  3. Wow. Yea, I guess that's proof. She's got some balls...
  4. Sucks. Maybe you're making it out to be more than it is? I mean, do you have concrete proof?
  5. But I love sweatpants!!! What about nylon tracksuits?! I will miss Canadian Tuxedo Tuesdays though.
  6. Unless you have wheelie bars and slicks, I don't know anyone riding a streetbike that would 'dump the clutch' when you launch. Do not recommend (I think jblosser was joking anyway ) I've never launched a 600, but 8000rpm would seem about right for a bike with a 15k redline. The 'busa gets launched about 4-5k...
  7. I think I just wanna make out with you right now.
  8. Why do I have a feeling we're all about to be pissed...?
  9. I lie all the time. Lie deez nuts on yo faces! Wut wut!
  10. Life flighted out of the OR scene. She was unbreakable though, bulletproof. Sad she's gone.
  11. Disclaimer


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JhuOicPFZY Gotta post the video...
  12. Really? You found "another" -- seems like you're the common denominator here Rod. D'you ever think... it may be YOU that fails to communicate?
  13. Disclaimer


    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Ciao Pronounced "chow" in English
  14. In the interest of full disclosure, Kosmo is the founder and team leader of "Kosmo's Cuties" a 9-and-under traveling dance troop that his daughter participates in.
  15. Lance's erection is what I find most offensive.
  16. No one is going to defend this? No one?! C'mon... I'm disappointed that everyone is so appalled by this. It's no fun if everyone agrees. Find me someone that condones/supports this pageantry.
  17. To the mods - is there anyway to block individual users from seeing this thread? I didn't mean to, but I think I just gave j/b/ot inadvertent fapping material... kthxbai
  18. You have a weak argument and resort to immature mockery. And I'm "child-like". Got it. Look -- Show me CREDIBLE proof of anything you're saying... Saying "Just read it, it's EVERYWHERE" isn't a valid rebuttal. I've never written a report for any high school teacher or college professor where I said, "It's YOUR job to go find for sources that back up my opinion - they're EVERYWHERE, you're bound to run into them if you look"
  19. Really Fonz, "interesting"? I know exactly what she was doing... using heritage to gain political points. If I'm speaking at Oktoberfest, I might mention my German roots to gain some points with the crowd even though I'm born and raised as an American. I draw the line at sauerkraut though - I won't touch that stuff.
  20. Preface all this with - I'm not a parent, so obviously I don't know right from wrong when it comes to kids. So, maybe it's just me being an uptight conservative prude when I say that I don't think this is appropriate for parents to support/condone this for kids of their apparent age... Like I said, this is just me going out on a limb here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dc6u92boyw&feature=player_embedded Parents - chime in plz. I wanna see how long it takes to get this thread moved to "ranting and raving"
  21. What "news" reports? The news is reporting on other peoples opinions. That doesn't make it fact. I bet if a "scientist" went on the news claiming the world was flat, they'd report that too. Not because it's fact, but because it gets ratings.
  22. "child like attempt to defend him" Who's defending what now? I'm just saying your argument is ridiculously ignorant. I said nothing about Obama. So, if you're allowed to make fanatical claims, I'll just go over-the-top until you realize how ridiculous it really is. Just like how you flip-flop on your stance -- first you say Then it's... And you fully admit you don't have the facts... yet you're more than willing to make your argument based on the facts you don't have. Where is this fortune Obama spent on hiding records? Probably the same fortune you spent keeping it hidden that you helped Glenn Beck allegedly rape and murder a girl in 1990. Ridiculously ignorant - like I said.
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