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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Who will ride Ohio’s high-speed rail, and where will it go?
  2. I'd call her retarded, but I'm not allowed to say that anymore.
  3. I only keep posting these because I can't believe how many people still have unwavering faith in this woman... and the people that had faith in her as a candidate previously. It's sad. I mean, it's one thing to get sold a bunch of snake oil by a slick talker like Obama, but it's another for someone not to see right through this from the very beginning. It's like, "I don't even care enough to hide my ineptitude from you because you all are that dumb."
  4. Doooooobie Doooooobie Doooooo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9JfWuidGPs
  5. Disclaimer


    But it's a dry heat
  6. Or you could've bought a Chevy. Just messin' man, sorry about your misfortune.
  7. As long as the roads are clear, there's a diehard up here that I see daily on his Kawi KLX or KLR enduro bike - regardless of temperature.
  8. I saw it on CL too. This is the problem with me giving people the benefit of the doubt.
  9. If it is the same guy, shame on you man. Postin' up classified ads for a bike you don't have... you posted you sold it on Badweb for $2200.
  10. Disclaimer


    Unfortunately, no. But, I've got almost a decade of training into this one - so I mean, you still gotta put the work in on your end. She looks at it like a workout, so she enjoys it. I did help her with the last 40% of it because she came in and asked - she was on a schedule, so I made she could get her car out of the drive. Ironically enough, she shoved herself out to go to the gym. Total win-win.
  11. Disclaimer


    You guys all fail. I had my girlfriend do it the old fashioned way. Your pimphands are weak.
  12. My ol' man has been trying to get rid of his '99 X1 for years now - he bought it new in '99 and it probably doesn't even have 4k miles on it. No market for these bikes really unless you're willing to accept the hit you're going to take. My ol' man isn't, so he's the type that, "Well, if I can't get what I want out of it, I'll just ride it" But instead he bought three CBXs which are 4x better than his fuel injected Buell and 20 years older. If you want an X1 to compliment the S3 you're probably going to be stuck with, let me know.
  13. Hwilli's project - hopefully you'll get her shined up and running soon. I'd suggest carbon fiber bits to shed some weight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9SmMuD9ZYs
  14. +1. I agree with you there, but I wasn't a part of the discovery study that lead to that being the best alternative. I'd bet sunk cost vs. predicted ridership was a factor in the decision to do that for Ohio. Throughput wasn't what the decision was optimized on, obviously.
  15. Better from what aspect? If you can travel roundtrip from A to B for $20, or for $50 but you'd have your own mobility in the same amount of time, which is better? For some (like me), I'd opt for the personal mobility even though it's an extra $30 premium. Other people either don't have that option or at that price point it's an economically attractive alternative.
  16. And that's pretty much the kicker... you can have hubs, but they're pretty useless without the spokes.
  17. Just like most things, it's relative. From what I've been reading the Ohio 3C corridor is going to be built on top of existing infrastructure (sharing the lines with freight) and thus limiting speeds to just under 80mph. So, is 79mph considered low speed on a high speed rail system? I guess. I mean, that's just slightly higher than my avg speed traveling down SR71.
  18. http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/01/ff_fasttrack/all/1
  19. Disclaimer


    Can you call my boss too?
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