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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Why do I feel strangely compelled to stick my fingers and/or penis in these?
  2. No, she was on the exact same treadmill I was... just different days.
  3. Those motherf*(kers are going to have to pluck me right off the goddamned road if they want me to stop!!!!!
  4. Don't wreck into any innocent bystanders though - then they'll try to outlaw running from the cops too.
  5. Who's to say I can't charge $50 for a hammer, if somehow I have to safely transport the hammer into the middle of a terrorist nation? How do we know that doing laundry in the middle of a desolate desert area isn't $15,000 a load? "Over-billing" is a very broad term that means different things to different people - could be a simple mistake, could be requoting based on 'scope creep', could be billing for more services than was actually provided. I suppose the reason I posted that article was to illustrate some of the costs, but if you read the title "War Fraud Whistle blowers Under Wraps"... it's more to show that even the people that want to STOP all this are being stopped from whistle blowing, because of the lobbying of private contractors.
  6. I don't understand how contracting stuff out saves money in these instances. Take laundry for instance. The idea is - contract it out because the Army doesn't 'specialize' in laundry, so we'll farm it out to a business that specializes in laundry, that's all they do, laundry is THEIR business so they should be able to do it cheaper, plus the Army can save by not buying expensive washer/dryers - so no capital costs, they just pay for what they use. At what costs - well, as the laundry company CEO, I still need to make a profit and pay my $50M/year salary, because that's what I'm worth. I still have to buy AND maintain the capital, so the cost per load goes up for my customers (I'm sure as hell not eating the capital expenses, I'll finance them and bank on a business model with a payback period of > 9 months), and the cost per load has to cover capital, maintenance, payroll, taxes, and profit - it's all wrapped in the cost to you, the customer/taxpayer. Not to mention, all I do is laundry - you're going to have to pick them up and drop them off - so you'll have to either outsource THE transportation of laundry - hopefully to my other side business (Laundry Transport Inc - where I gouge you on the price there to cover expenses and make profit. Which is a great compliment to my laundry business ) You have no control on how I schedule the laundry coming in and coming out per the way the contract was written, you just pay me to do loads of laundry - thus demoralizing the individual soldiers who don't get clean clothes on a consistent and regular basis. There are TONS of opportunity costs involved (admittedly on both sides of the equation), but you can see the chain reaction of PRIVATE profit centers in the Gov't supply chain when you take on operations like WAR. Great if you're buddy-buddy with the people granting these 'no-bid' contracts. Not so great if you're a taxpayer or an individual soldier fighting for our freedoms.
  7. There's a couple father/son accounts on here, and husband/wife accounts... so, it's family friendly if you aren't an uptight assclown.
  8. I'm going to haz a sad when Obama spends more $$$$ and waste when he announces he's going to send another 30k troop surge to Afghanistan tonight (most likely). But, yea... I'm not for Blackwater or KBR... Blackwater is what you get when you take your military services and make them private.
  9. You guys that run outside are nucking futz. Props to you and all, but I'm not freezing my balls and nipples off - I don't care how quick you warm up, I don't like rapidly shocking my lungs with the delta in temp between outside and core. Speaking of nipples - another thing I didn't realize until I started getting more serious about running. Let's hear it for cotton shirts. Peruse at your viewing pleasure. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dorkmaster/galleries/72157622268037051/
  10. You know how a silent auction works right? There is no, "Well, if I knew 'x' bid $50, I would've bid $55" You put your bottom dollar of what you're willing to pay as a buyer and that's it. If you wanted it at $55, you PM him $55... if it's worth $60 to someone else, then thats the top bid. It saves the seller hassle, and we won't get into pissing matches on the forum. All you need to know if you don't win, is that the gun was worth more to someone else than you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auction_theory#Types_of_auction Per the link I'm suggesting a "First-price sealed bid Auction"
  11. Yea...I dunno how else you'd be able to run a silent auction on here. Just an idea - you might make out better and no bitching between members. Top bid is top bid, no $324... no $325, $326, 326.50...
  12. $1M per year to support a single soldier in Afghanistan. Wrap your head around that number. http://www.truthout.org/1130094
  13. They make these new lights that you put on your tail section next to the marker lamps that light up the strips on your rear tire, I think they call them chicken wings. And I believe you owe someone some.
  14. For realz? No, I'm not related to them... but I thought I was the only one to have those plates. I had both JRMMiii and JRMM3 at one time.
  15. My screenname is a laziness and literacy detector. If you can't figure out it's one J, one R, two M's, and three i's ... then you can't read, or you're mentally lazy reflecting on all other aspects in your life, most likely. I challenge people that misspell my screenname at all aspects in life.
  16. I dug up this picture of Zero from our last meet and greet He's a real likable guy once you get to know him. But you don't want to make him angry.
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