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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Bibendum is offended. You have been warned.
  2. Disclaimer


    Buell has one too... and it's so badass, there's only ONE competitor. http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/news/buell-1125r-breaks-motorcycle-land-speed-recordon-ice/
  3. Disclaimer


    I'm skeptical... what other ugly things have you ridden Dave?
  4. PM sent. Not for the spank bank, but curiosity's sake.... worse case - it burns my retina, I'm getting lasik anyways
  5. whoa wrillo... don't be going around confusing IP with UP. They're both homos, but one carries a baby and one carries a 'warbanner' (manscarf)
  6. For real... WTF was that all about... Mods????????????
  7. It won't be the same w/o the 'baby on board.'
  8. I'll take Calc ANYDAY, finding triple integral, the third derivative of acceleration () whatever, over Diff Eq. I remember coming into Diff Eq class on one of the first few snowfalls of the year up there, and McCartin busts out the overhead and the problem says: "Randy drives a snowplow, he's been plowing for the last hour. His plow is capable of moving 6 cu ft. of snow every 15 minutes. What time did it start snowing?" I don't remember how, but the answer was 1:15PM. F*(king BLEW MY MIND.
  9. I would use the bacon to lure larger carnivores into a homemade trap, then kill, skin, and eat the captured beast raw - with your bare hands. Hopefully you catch a wild pig so you can get more bacon. Good luck.
  10. There are also jabs that con and do require oppripriote spelling for cammunicotions. We shouldn't pay peaple very much when they con't cammunicote os well os the rest of us.
  11. Imagine the possibilities if you get all A's....when you get a laptop for one. Bling Bling, new 'birdy in the garage.
  12. Where'd you get this information? I just eChecked my truck this year for new plates....
  13. Unless there's something seriously wrong with it (like he's fiddled with the trigger mechanism, assuming he's not a competent gunsmith)... it's an almost new gun, and revolvers are very reliable. You click, it goes bang, if it doesn't, you pull again. IMHO, much easier to operate in a stressful situation if you're not constantly training with your semi for stovepipes, jams, or otherwise. Bottom line, I'd bite on that price. Once again, assuming there's not some shady reason why he wants to get rid of it for that cheap. I'm sure he could get MUCH more for it elsewhere - so it just sounds a little fishy that he wants to part with it for that cheap.
  14. How else would you like me to describe a collective group who breathes out of their mouths?
  15. ^--- that was my 2009 strategy... heavy in Int'l mutual funds... wise move.
  16. That's the GP in Blued form http://www.ruger-firearms.com/Firearms/FAProdResults?function=famid&famid=8&variation=Blued&bct=Yes&type=Revolver It's the SP's big brother, considered a large-frame revolver (6 shot)... 4" or 6" barrel. I'd prefer the 4" for various reasons, but they MSRP for $616, which means you could probably get it for $525-$550 on sale. I'd say it's worth $200 as long as the seller isn't some shady guy selling guys out of his trenchcoat.
  17. The GP is the larger gun... I'm confused. You don't like the SP? Caliber and ammunition wise, the GP or SP both shoot .357mag - so if you're looking for home defense, that's the caliber you want (in JHP). But, if you want to load .38spc 'sissy' rounds in it for the woman to handle... then there's that option. .38spc, .38spc, .357mag... or any combination thereof. What's not to like about the SP or GP? What specific models of Ruger did you have in mind then? Or, if you DON'T want a Ruger... like jbctown posted, there's quite a few guys that like the Taurus Judge because it'll fire .410 shotty shells. I've never fired a Judge, but they're bulkier than the SP even.
  18. GP-100 or SP-101. I have a stainless 101, 3" barrel. Shoots .38spc and .357 mag just fine and the 3" barrel makes it a little more weighty than the 2.25" barrels. I did a lot of homework on the gun prior to purchase, and it's generally held in high esteem and built like a tank. It could be a CCW gun, but it's way bulky compare to an LCP .380 or another ultracompact.
  19. There are a lot of "mouth breathing" Republicans in Richland County. True story.
  20. Props to you for doing that. I get to hear all the funny stories of all the mouth breathers that come into the huge ® district my mother volunteers for. I also get to hear about how the presiding Election Judge ® in her district can't follow directions that are written down on the freakin' paper. And when she calls him out on it, he gets upset. It's pretty ridiculous...
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