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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I haven't repped him yet... that's all OPR (other people's rep)
  2. Ohh snap, the newbie has started getting opinionated with < 10 posts! This will not bode well for you my friend.
  3. Disclaimer


    It'd be a little easier decision if I didn't already have 2 in the stable, and 1 of them already being a v-twin liter bike. I wanted to diversify my riding experiences... this would be a lateral move.
  4. Hotter than Mj even?? :eek:

    Congrats, she's not on ORDN right? It's too easy to bust your balls if she's on here.

  5. Disclaimer


    But we're too pussy to just do it. It's only money, right?
  6. 140lbs... OMG, no wonder I haven't noticed you out there, I probably can't see you when you turn sideways. With all them parts, you should be running LOW 10s, son...
  7. Beautiful... my guess is that he set the shutter to go longer than 'normal' to get the water to look like that.
  8. My ol' mans '99 X1 runs 12.30's... so I believe the 12.50s for the Thunderbolt. You let me know when you get sub 10.50s and we'll run 'em. And I'll REALLY give props if you can get a stock ZX14 into the 9s at Norwalk... not gonna happen (unless you're the size of a horse jockey, then...maybe).
  9. Disclaimer


    Have you prepped the 'busa for the emotional hit she'll have to take when she finds out about your white mistress?
  10. Ok, I give, what's the joke? Did Burgundy earn his redwings or something?
  11. You guys keep up... I sent wrillo 16000 points back... check the other thread..
  12. Nothing, I do own a 'busa after all... I just like to see how the noobs take ball busting. This one seems to have a sense of humor, or at least is smart enough not to dig himself into a hole. He passes the 'welcome test'. We'll see YOU (zx0neFouR) at Norwalk... what are the timeslips for the ZX14? The answer to that will tell me how much more trash talking I can do...
  13. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=356713&postcount=487

    It still won't let me give you rep, but I :lol: sooo hard at that one. This is why we hang.

  14. Dude, no wai!!! I wear those same style boxer briefs.... except I fill them out.
  15. I've been focusing on my Buell acquirement strategies...

  16. You could be a cop. Decent job, only requires a HS education, potential ability to kill or be killed on any given day. Oozes masculinity, demands respect, and gives you the authority you have always craved to force people to believe your judgment is the best... because you have a gun and a badge. Maybe you could swing right afterall, eh?
  17. http://www.wkyc.com/news/watercooler/watercooler_article.aspx?storyid=123983&catid=91 So, once again we find that mountain != mole hill
  18. Ahh grasshopper, I remember Hoblick mentioning his good deed for the year... I may or may not recall seeing your ZX14 at "Hot Norwalk Nights", no? I'd welcome you, but you have two of the biggest abominations on two wheels, a ZX14 and a Buell. We're a bunch of smartasses around here, btw.
  19. Yea, now there's a horizontal scroll bar on this page. AND WHAT!?
  20. You and me both... I'm scouting deals to play hardball..
  21. I'd give rep for fixing your own post, but I have to "Obama it around more"
  22. Added comma, removed extraneous three punctuation marks. Fixed.
  23. Or...OR... you two could roll around in the bed of your truck and make scary faces at each other (depending on whos the bottom at the time)
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