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Everything posted by MadMax33

  1. Luckily, on my CBR 1000, nothing really major has happened to me except speeding tickets. Now when I started riding, I had some hillbilly fuckwit pull out in front of me at an intersection, causing me to lock up my tires for a spell, which almost made me go down. I thought that was going to be the time when I was going to wreck, but I didn't. Road rage is very difficult to control somtimes. The guy that almost caused me to wreck would have been on a cold table if I decided to turn around and get him but I just took off instead. A wise decision in hindsight, which is always 20/20...
  2. Tell her you got a rash on your tallywacker...
  3. That article reminds me of the first day I was born. As soon as I came out of the tunnel I looked up at my mom and said, "Damn your pussy stinks!"...
  4. That particular turn didn't look that tight but I have yet to ride on 555, and from what I've heard, there is plenty of gravel. I would take 555 and go through it once to see where all the garbage is then go back through a little more aggressively. It's folly to drag knee on an unfamiliar road. At least your alive...
  5. Everyone involved is insured so no worries there, even the prick who tried to get away. What's scary is when a drunk individual wants to get behind the wheel, irrespective of whether or not they even have a license, they will do it and there is nothing that can be done about it until after something happens. Nightrider, the best thing to do when you are a designated driver is to not drink at all. That cop does not deserve to be a police officer. I bet he got the shit kicked out of him in high school on a weekly basis by those pesky alpha males and now he gets to play "policeman". Anyways, I always have my CBR for transportation and now I know how well it does in the rain, due to a group ride I participated in last year with a few folks on here...
  6. Alright, so Friday night I finally managed to fall asleep and then the dog starts barking as though a dozen postal workers are running down the street at 3:00 in the morning. Then my half-sister/roommate knocks on my door and tells me that some low life cunt lick has hit my car, which I keep parked on the side of the street in front of my house. Of course I can't just get up and go outside until I talk Junior down, naturally. Sure enough, a cop is waiting outside and shows me the damage, which seems to be nothing more than a ruined wheel rim, and even that's not too bad since the tire is not losing air. Of course the axle might be bent as well which will be a problem although I won't know for sure. The bitch of it is, is that I refer to it as my car but in actuality it is in my mom's name due to me taking over the payments for her out of the goodness of my heart. Plus it's pretty new with less than 10,000 miles on it. The car that is mine is out of commission due to a bad starter but being the procrastinator that I am, it's still sitting in the driveway. This is why I decided to help my mom out with her payments and just drive her Kia, since she is paying on two new cars, which is another story in itself. The first thing I asked the cop is whether or not the fuckwit who hit the car was drunk. Today I learned that he was charged with a DUI. See, someone was actually going for a stroll around 2 in the morning and was a witness to this scumbag clipping my car and driving off. He got a flat tire out of the whole deal so it was easy for the police to catch up to him. I don't normally vent here but this is a very sensitive topic for me. A liberal judge will slap this guy on the wrist and he more likely than not will get behind the wheel again, under the influence. Fuck all those who are stupid enough to put the lives and the property of others on the line because you are driving drunk. Anyone who is caught driving under the influence would be sent to the state pen for one year as a first offence if I had a say in it. That will give those with no regard for others two things. One, a great way to get sober and two, a finer appreciation of owning an anus that is less than 6 inches in diameter.
  7. Just don't STIFF my mom anymore, she provides a service...
  8. Revolvers are very underestimated when it comes to self-defense, and most fights are over in less than six shots anyways, making the cylinder capacity a moot point. A Ruger GP100 will have six shots of explosive power but like I said before, if you want to continue to listen to that shitty rap music that's so popular today, don't fire a hot load indoors if you can help it. After all these years the .357 is still one of the best fight stoppers and the Ruger's look good too as a sort of bonus. I'll sell my Glock before I sell my revolver. Taurus guns are great until you need warranty work done to them and then, from what I hear, it's a nightmare. Go with a Glock, especially the Glock 30 in 45ACP, a VERY accurate gun from my experience.
  9. I was one Hell of a brick layer back in the day...
  10. I own a Ruger GP100 4in. blued and it is very accurate as long as you use 125gr cartridges, the most effective round in the .357 as far as self-defense goes. They are one of the most well-made revolvers in the world and the price is usually right. Of course if you ever have to fire a .357 indoors, say goodbye to your hearing. For home protection, I would stick to a .45 or a .40 with hollowpoints, which will decrease overpenetration.
  11. A religious education in an oxymoron...
  12. So a female piece of human trash gets shot while stealing what someone worked hard for, ah, boo...hoo. I would love to be able to deal with someone on my own, who was stealing my bike or even my car, which I don't really care for, without a liberal judge letting that person get off with a slap on the wrist. When some asshole can say they put the hours in that I have over many years to earn what is mine then perhaps they don't deserve to be destroyed for taking what I have earned.
  13. This is Ohio so I expect it to either rain or snow tomorrow, and then Sunday will be about 70 or so and sunny. Look on the bright side, we have plenty of water but I don't think that those smelly hillbilly's that I work with are aware of that.
  14. I'm more worried about the ignorant fuck-in-the-ass people who are going to hurt the economy by NOT buying pork products. If anyone doesn't want their bacon because they are afraid of getting sick, please send it my way...
  15. MadMax33


    When I'm not riding, I am thinking about the next time I get a chance to ride. I also perform perverted acts on the occasional escort, when I feel like supporting a young lady's crack habit. There are also trips to the shooting range but now that there is no ammo, that's a bust. Obama is not going to take away your guns, now get back to sucking Rush Limbaugh's fat hairy cock. Oh, I'm a bit of a movie fanatic as well. Also, I've taken up weight-training again. We shall see how long that lasts...
  16. Those damn cruisers are always getting in the way of us folks who want to corner-carve. At least you don't have a Harley, in which case you would be getting in the way regardless of the corners...
  17. Thanks and it was nothing, man. I'm glad the roads were clean. Rt.164 was pretty bad in a few spots the last time I went through there.
  18. Actually, I was the only child growing up so I never had the pleasure of an older sister to help guide me through puberty by giving me a helping hand(job).
  19. Sure, right after her brother, buddy...
  20. How are they improving the transportation in Harlem? Their planting the trees closer together....Sorry President Obama...
  21. Those hospital stays can be rather rewarding, as long as you are nice to the Head Nurse with the dirty knees. Try and find out why they call her the "Head" nurse...
  22. I ALWAYS wear leathers so no preaching necessary. Now let's go ride some roads in southern Ohio and West Vagina...
  23. Happy birthday...Nothin' wrong with getting older.
  24. Yeah, really fucking scary there. Watch out for the "Core" riders, man, there comin' for ya. Excuse me while I change my shorts...
  25. First it was Montezuma's Revenge and now this shit...
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