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Everything posted by MadMax33

  1. I was on an Atwood run yesterday but I take 44 in. Perhaps I saw around 4 sportbikes or so the whole time I was out. Cruisers, well, a dime a dozen...
  2. Most 15mph turns that I encounter can be taken at about 35mph on my liter and I don't push it. The bitch of it is not all turns are the same but that's why I like to ride on familiar roads. Gravel scares me the most when it comes to hitting the curves. Heal up and get back out there...
  3. I have a GP-100 and it is accurate as well as nice-looking. Plus I'm sending quite alot of energy towards the lucky bastard who wants to do me harm, with some defensive loads reaching 1600fps out of a 4-inch barrel. The 125gr JHP is still one of the nastiest rounds to come out of a pistol, that can be controlled somewhat if you practice, plus you can get a Wolf Spring kit to lighten the trigger pull for double action. Midway Ammunition sells target ammo in bulk for the .357 so you can practice with a 125gr load at the range. A very accurate round for sure...
  4. It's funny how a region that came up with monotheism is now a very dangerous place to live, with no tolerance for other belief systems. Let me know how the strip clubs are out there...
  5. MadMax33


    So there's an opening at your plant then?
  6. Who the fuck is Kayne West? I did watch this video and I truly hope he gets a rare form of VD that has no cure, just from what I have seen. See, I have no love for the majority of the music that's out there so my money does not go to assholes like this guy. The last time I bought a rap album, a man named Jesus was bleeding pretty fucking bad so excuse me for my ignorance regarding West and pop music in general. I'll go listen to some Sabbath now...
  7. I few of the turns on 26 had no recommended speed so that's what threw me off, but I just lean the bike over further when I think I'm going in too hot and that's what gets me through it. For being a liter-bike, the CBR is pretty nimble, just not as nimble as that little Speed Triple that I was trying to keep up with, or maybe I just need to practice more. Yeah, I just need to practice more. It's all in the rider these days...
  8. Welcome to the soon-to-be-frozen, gloomy state of Ohio. Canton is great in a Wizard Of Oz sort of way. As Robin Williams says, "Junkies and whores and pimps, oh my!" At least Rt.164 is fairly close as well as Atwood, which are great for quick fixes. Southern Ohio is excellent riding though. So you moved from a state with no jobs to a state with no jobs? Then again, the recession is over, lol...
  9. Damn, what a perfect day to ride. All in all, things went rather well with the exception of a close call on Rt.26 that I attribute to coming into a corner too hot. Most of the tricky stuff occurs right before the first junction of Rt.800, and a Harley guy went off the road, dumping his bike near Marietta. He was OK and of course his 800lb tank of a bike was rideable. That was a tight turn though, especially for a cruiser. Other than that, I would not call this day a waste...
  10. Sorry to read about your accident but you are still here, and you still have your mental faculties intact. I don't know if I would be able to continue with life if this happened to me. Good luck to you...
  11. Yes, Coshocton has some very ripe cunts down there, I will give you that, and the women reminded me more of manatees, not mermaids...
  12. I love those Amish surprises when you're going through a blind turn. My buddy at work said three Amish kids were killed recently by being hit by a vehicle while they were in a buggy. It happens now and again, I'm sure.
  13. There was no rain in Coshocton, just alot of clouds. I arrived at around 9:45 and knew something was wrong when I saw not a soul. Kawi Kid and Cdub showed and kickstands were up at 11, to go home. I'll have to remember to check the forums early in the morning next time for updates. Still, I rode 93 back home which wasn't too bad...
  14. Let's hope the weather holds up for this ride. When you get more than three days of sunshine in Ohio, something is wrong...
  15. I'm in. I want the Coshocton riding experience...
  16. I was at Denny's about four years ago and I could not finish a 2lb hamburger. We also ordered a 15lb hamburger as well. Good times and if you go to the Clearfield Wal-mart, get out your banjo...
  17. Before I get on my bike I realize that I might die that day. Then the bike moves forward and I start to grin...
  18. Ah yes, the guy in the roach coach. I noticed that the stray cats around his vehicle were acting a little bit nervous...
  19. I've already tried that route and now I have an itch that won't go away...I wonder if Jesus can turn wine into penicillin?
  20. Yep, I took you and Adam down to 164 awhile back, as well as someone else who bailed rather early if I'm not mistaken.
  21. It would be nice if people actually used reason in their life instead of superstition. I could never grasp the concept of prayer anyways. If there is a god then he/she either created the conditions that would require someone to pray(suffering, uncertainty) either out of malice or perhaps to remind us that we fucked up in The Garden Of Eden. Not to mention the fact that if you believe in the myth of the human soul, praying matters very little since when you die, you will be taken away to an eternal paradise which if it exists, makes your life on Earth meaningless. What is a short span of time, say 80yrs, compared to an eternal existence after death?
  22. Happy B-Day and nice to meet you...
  23. No shit, I actually fell asleep while watching a movie about a hot chick who kills people with a very large knife. Damn the hot weather and I can't even imagine what the Core Ride was like...
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