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Everything posted by MadMax33

  1. Whew, that was a scorcher but it was a good time. Nice to meet some new people...
  2. I've started lifting weights on a regular basis and doing it correctly for a change, so hopefully I will age gracefully. Yeah, I'll be one buff dude with a fucking bedpan when I'm 80, getting all of that wrinkled pussy...

  3. MadMax33


    I gave a guy a quarter not too long ago, to help him with bus fare. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the crazy one for getting up five days a week for work, only to have a chunk of what I make taken from me by Uncle Sam to pay a welfare cunt so she can push out another baby. Oh yeah, it's that pesky little thing called "dignity".
  4. I am closer to middle-age now that I have turned 35 but I seem to be in better physical shape now than when I was younger. This I attribute to my wasteful years during my 20's and a few years into my 30's. Other than that, I am still employed and pretty good. And you?

  5. The bitch of it is, the only way a woman can really defend herself is with a firearm, which is being discouraged by certain brain donors. An armed society is a polite society. Nugent is correct...
  6. This is either a yes or a no answer. How hard can it be? I could have done better than she did, at least in that particular case.
  7. Of course his life sucked. He was all for gun rights over there...
  8. Well, at least we have the right president in office. I mean, he's been very frugal so far in regards to spending money. We all could learn something from him, LOL...
  9. So there's a job opening in England now?
  10. Already sold it. Still a sad day and someday I will own another glock...
  11. I have six magazines, which hold 15 rounds each. The stock barrel is in it and the gun itself looks good, for being an older model and is clean.
  12. Well, if you're a man and you have a hot female friend that you want to fuck, well then, your cock should have already been up her ass by now. Today should be the day when you can confidently say that you have already been sucked off by your friend. First you shoot your load and tomorrow you shoot even more fireworks! This new holiday could be bigger than that jew cunt that was nailed to that piece of wood...
  13. I already took the course, with this particular gun and now I just need to find time to get to a sheriff's office to fill out the application. The course itself is a breeze.
  14. I don't really need another gun since I have a .357, which suits my needs but I have heard that Springfields are doing well. For a semi-auto, I am still debating calibers for Concealed Carry.
  15. Alright, I have a pistol that I need to get rid of but alas, no pics as of yet. Here is what I have: Glock 22, 2nd Generation Full Sized Pistol with six magazines and an after-market, semi drop in barrel(it fits but still might need tweaked), and around 350rnds of target ammo(FMJ 165GR) as well as 100 rounds of self-defense ammo(Gold Dot HP, 155GR Double Tap Ammo), for $500. This is a little too big for me to carry it concealed so I will eventually move down to a compact. The caliber is .40S&W, for those unfamiliar with Glock models.
  16. I own the big brother, a Glock 22, that I have enjoyed a great deal. The .40 caliber round is serious business but I am a .357 man till the day I die. In the distant future I see myself owning a Glock 32, the same size gun as the 23, only in .357 Sig. Enjoy...
  17. Don't give up riding, if at all possible. Sorry about your loss since I myself lost a friend many years ago due to a possible murder. We humans have a unique place in the cosmos due to the fact that we are aware of our own mortality, being highly evolved animals. No matter what, if you have the capacity to live life, do it. Never live in regret, especially on account of events beyond your control. Ride on...
  18. At least the draconian gun laws that they have out there appear to be working...
  19. Michael Jackson was proof that white men can dance...
  20. A church in Ohio? Say it ain't so. Now if that sign said "I sent a deer to kill a motorcyclist" then I would stop to reflect a bit but it's just a coincidence to a sad story.
  21. Life is pretty random about who gets to stay and who checks out early. I'm going to ask my friend from work to make more deer beef jerky now. Time to go hunting. RIP...
  22. Under-achiever for the most part. I prep truck caps for painting at one of the few manufacturing plants left in this country.
  23. Well, right now I have a nice sized turtle-head. Time to hit the john...
  24. I almost crossed the yellow line on my first run ever of 536 and I was alone. What saved me is the fact that I just leaned my bike over even further, at a pretty slow speed and got through it just fine. In some places, the recommended speeds are pretty accurate, even on a sportbike. Personally, Rt.26 destroys 536 any day of the week...
  25. Believe it or not, Kathy mentioned her little spill at Nelson's Ledges while we were in Marietta. About 45min into this ride I knew I better stick to my own pace but I still had fun. People have thin skin around here, it seems, which is why this thread got out of control. Let's move on...
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