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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Damn! I'm going to have to buy and sell some more cars.
  2. Cool! I'm about to build one. What kind of $ should I expect to have in it when it's all done? All I have so far is the lower and tube.
  3. I only bought the shotgun because it was exactly like the one my dad had that I had parkerized and refinished before I knew any better. I always felt bad about that, so when I saw this one, even though I didn't need it, I had to have it. Total emotional purchase. Still got a good deal on it.
  4. It was a coin auction in Groveport that I went to last minute with Cazwell. They had a table full of guns that were mostly junk except for this Ithaca and a 1964 Winchester 30-30 that he picked up.
  5. Yes it would. Also makes a nice paperweight that goes pew, pew, pew.
  6. $2k can get you a decent car if you're (meaning he) not afraid of a little work. Look for an older American 4 door old lady car. They are cheap, well cared for, usually garaged and often need things like brakes, tires, shocks, etc. The 3800 gm motor is a beast that seems to outlast the cars they are in. They put them in everything in the 90's.
  7. Hi-Point C9 purchased from another member in good condition. I put 20 rounds thru it and my daughter put 30 thru it. It's accurate and shoots well. No FTE or FTF. No pics at the moment, but its a Hi-point. Ugly, reliable brick. OR price $100 firm Stevens model 58 20 ga. Shotgun. 26" barrel, 3 round mag. Bolt action, adjustable choke Good beginner/duck gun. Shoots great. Owned for 30 years. OR price $100 firm These are nice, cheap guns, bubbys. Please don't shit in my for sale thread cuz no one cares about how much you hate hi-points or Stevens. Selling to fund the Ithaca Feathrweight I picked up at auction tonight.
  8. Wow man. Glad to hear she is ok. Nothing worse than watching your child suffer.
  9. Shits a bunch and eats a lot? I'd say he's yours.
  10. Beautiful bike. You should try the Pilot Road 2's. mine handles great for a big bike.
  11. Wrong thread bubbys http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/85106-ammo-deals/page-29#entry1337317
  12. This. Don't be afraid to replace them often. I go thru at least a set per year.
  13. The caves are unbelievably cool. We went on several different tours. Don't remember the packages. I want to go back. We stayed at jellystone. Great campground 7 or 8 years ago.
  14. Weak! We are riding from Williams Saturday around 9ish. If anyone else wants to go, post up.
  15. Keep going to Raleigh. Winston-Salem is like Toledo, a hellhole. Greensboro isn't much better.
  16. Today is the 13th. Blake and I are going this Friday and riding Saturday. We are staying at my camper at Williams. You are welcome to ride with us.
  17. Okay, let me rephrase that. For those of us who don't have lawyer money, property used ratchet straps work just fine. I've been hauling motorcycles for years without any fancy who ha. Just properly used ratchet straps. Ask anyone who has seen me haul five bikes on a 12 foot long trailer to the gap whether it works or not. The problem with ratchet straps is, 98% of the people don't know how to use them correctly.
  18. I was wondering how long it would take one of you Bubbys to post this up. You guys are getting slow.
  19. With a little bit of information you have provided, I would say check your spark. Sounds more like weak spark to me than bad fuel if its not doing it right at start up. I guess something is heating up and causing you problems.
  20. This. As long as you know the proper way to use a ratchet strap, there is nothing better.
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